Talk:Life Hacks/Hallomod(Sammael-Useful-Friendly)/Ask her about Cora

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Loki said gods are immune to Cora's life drain, and Rose confirmed that you're technically a god, so she doesn't need to be fixed. Your increased brain would have picked up on that. Might want to ask if you can access the magic field with Cora in the infinity pocket. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 03:37, 4 January 2017 (CET)

That's well and good if you want to be limited to charging her yourself, and you don't mind feeling afraid every time she's around . . . but she'd be much more useful with those things fixed. I also think it's rather obvious since the Infinity Pocket is a pocket universe that inside it she would be nowhere near you . . . she is in another universe entirely . . . which is why I haven't had him ask. I hope that didn't come off as harsh. Re-reading it I can see that it might. That is not my intent. --Elerneron (talk) 03:46, 4 January 2017 (CET)