Yes/Chad/Sleep with mom

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You unlock your door and go down the hall to the master bedroom. Walking inside, you can't help but use your X-Ray vision to peer under the covers at the nude sleeping form of your beautiful mother. Sliding under the covers, you snuggle into your mother, wrapping your arms around her possessively, and fall to sleep.

* * *

You push your throbbing cock into your mother's heavily pregnant body once more as she moans in ecstasy.

"Be careful of the baby," she pants.

"What are you talking about, mom," you say, "I'm fucking her too." Using your X-Ray vision you watch your ridiculously long penis as it enters your mother's womb, and penetrates the tight, wet pussy of your unborn daughter. "I'm about to knock her up while she's still in your womb. Don't you think that's hot?"

"Yes!" says your mother.

"Not me," comes the melodic sound of a woman's voice in a thick Irish brogue, "it's kinda weird, but not precisely what I'd call hot, per se. I suppose I should have been prepared for anthin' entering a teenage boy's dreams . . . but I did'na think I'd see anythin' like this."

The world fades around you leaving you alone with a beautiful woman of obvious Irish heritage. Long locks of dark carrot red frame the delicate freckled features of her face while her piercing emerald eyes look you up and down like a butcher eyeing a side of beef.

"I'm dreaming," you say matter-fo-factly.

"O'course yer dreamin' boyo," she replies "You were just fuckin' a fetus in yer own mither's womb. That does'na happen in real life."

"Who are you?"

"The name's Maebh."

"Mayv, that's an unusual name."

"Maebh, not Mayv . . . M-A-E-B-H, Maebh. I bet you spell Sean S-H-A-U-N, ur somethin'"

"How would you know how I was spelling it in my head? I only said it."

"We're in Dreamtime, boyo. Some as call it the Dreamin'. The rules work different here. Not that there are many."

"But you're just a dream."

"That's where yer wrong," she says with a smirk. "I'm really here . . . well, as much as you are. Me body is a continent away from where yers is; but neither of us is really in the Arthly plane right now."

"Dreams just happen in your head. They aren't a place."

"Yeah sure," she says, "and people don't do anythin' you ask 'em to do regardless o'the request . . . but here we are."

"This is magic."

"Bingo, give the lad a prize."

"Why are you here?"

"I keep me eyes open when it comes to magical goings on, and one kinda notices when an A-bomb goes off."


"Yer ring, boyo," she says, "did ya think power like that comes by every day?"

"Well I-"

"Ye've got one o'the most powerful magical signatures I've e'er seen, and ya don't know a thin' about it. More's the pity."

"Okay, let's say this is real, what do you want?"

"I want a piece o'the action, like you yanks like ta say. I want in." You clutch your ring hand possessively, imagining her trying to take your ring. "Oh, I don't wanna take yer ring, boyo. Too much trouble. There'll be others that try though, so be warned. I wan't ta make you an offer. You don't know squat 'bout magic and yer wielding the magical equivalent of a doomsday weapon. I know a lot about magic. I'll help you with the magic. All you have ta do is use it's power for me from time ta time. Nothing unsavory I assure ya. And . . . maybe something else . . . but we kin talk 'bout that if ya accept me deal. So whadda ya say, boyo? Is it a deal?"

"Couldn't you just teach me for free?" you ask fully expecting the ring to work it's magic.

"Nice try Chadwick," she laughs, "but we're in Dreamtime. You didn't actually say anthin' just now. So what's it gonna be?"

Is it a deal?