Life Hacks/Hallomod(gp-pre/pres-inf-im-cr'pay)/Interrupt them before he can say too much

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Hey!” You say back over your shoulder in a voice obviously addressed at them and stern enough to stop August in the middle of what he is saying. Great, now quickly find a good excuse to give as to why you called them. “How about it?” You ask, “Get over here, let’s try and see if we can get two more on here.” Two more? How are you gonna accomplish that? You might be able to handle one of them if you slide June a little higher up your fore-arm so that you can free up your other hand. The kids who have already climbed all over you seem to greatly enjoy this idea though, they all break into a fit of giggles at the suggestion.

“How?” May asks as she runs around in front of you.

“Just give me a second,” you say, pulling June’s surprisingly light body (compared to your strength) up and somehow smoothly resettling her in the crook of your arm as she is almost straddling the inside of your elbow and then doing about the same with Lloyd, who you have a much easier time with since he was most of the way there already. “Hey, Spring, July? Do you think you could let go for just a sec?” The two girls attached to your legs instantly comply and stand to the side in anticipation as you go down into a squat and invite May forward. You reach around her back and somehow manage to get your hands around her thighs. You then pull her forward, settling her into position on your chest, and Autumn moves her legs out of the way in order to allow May to put hers inside, and she then locks May into place with her knees, giggling proudly at the part she is playing in this mess.

“All right, now August, you come forward,” you say, hardly believing you are going to attempt this. However, in this whole mess, about the only reasonable place to put August would be right behind his sister. “No, wait, better idea!” You announce. “May, get back down.” May seems to look a little disappointed at first, but she does comply in a dejected manner, requiring a little bit more jostling around. “All right, July, you get up where May just was. May, you come in behind her.

“Ok!” July, the smallest of the crowd, happily responds and retakes her older sister’s former position attached to your chest, managing to hoist herself up a lot higher. The best part is that she does not have to really tuck her legs under Autumn’s or anything like that, meaning May can still utilize her older sister’s leg grip to assist her. May then takes up that exact position, locking her little sister to your chest and sitting on your thighs. With this all worked out, you then rise to a standing position. As you stand, your genitals immediately go to the space between the two girls as July is sitting high on your chest and May was sliding down your thighs. With some pulling though, you manage to bring May up to a position where she is pressed up against the base of your penis, witch is now pointing straight up on your stomach. May gives you a strange look at this point, seeming to be fully aware of how your privates are touching each other.

“Alright, now...” you cough, glancing over to Spring and August as you try to break the tension of the proximity of your bare dick compared to May’s swum-suit clad pussy by proceeding right along. Fortunately, the two of them don’t even need you to finish that sentence before they run over and latch on to each of your legs, leaving you having successfully accomplished the task of carrying, or at least holding, 7 kids at once. “Alright, we all ready?” you ask, prompting affirmative sounding giggles from the entire mass of kinder-humanity squirming all over your body, however one of them seem to be squirming and re-adjusting a little too much. “May.. what?” You ask the culprit responsible. May had let go with one of her hands that were supposed to be holding onto your shoulders, making her too unstable for you to even think about trying to move at this point, and she seemed to be reaching in between the bit of space between her thighs and July’s but toward where your dick was touching her. Guess she must be pretty bothered by it, but what might happen if someone notices?

“Right, just gotta make a few adjustments,” you say, shifting about a little and moving your arm to hid what May’s hand is doing from view of the others, particularly Lloyd or Spring who were in the exact right position to see. You feel her reach in there, her fingers seem to wind up pushing the material of her swim-suit aside due to her limited space between her body and yours. You feel like you should say something, move her about to help her, but at the same time the thought of her accidentally pulling aside the fabric and allowing your dick to actually touch her real bare pussy seems somewhat appealing. Finally, she reaches you dick and presses it down against her now exposed mons and then snaps the material back over, trapping your dick against her bare pubic region.

You realize in shock as she is pulling her hand back out that this was no accident, she just did that on purpose! May flashes a self-satisfied smile for all of half a second as she yanks her hand out before looking up to you with a look of nervous fear at what your reaction is going to be.

What will you do?

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