Life Hacks/Send her somewhere where she can hide and you can pick her up later

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You will have to think about this. But for now, you had better have her go somewhere else where the police who are now searching for her will not find her. “Ok, I’ll tell you what.” You say to the kid who is insistently pulling on your hand in the direction ‘he’ was previously walking. “I still need to go to the police station, I told them I would be there and they will think there is something wrong if I don’t go. You know the park where we met? How about you go hide there until I finish talking to them and then I will come pick you up later?”

You see “Billy’s” face completely light up as “he” realizes what you are saying. “Ok!” He says, dropping your hand and taking a few steps back from you with a warm and secure smile on “his” face.

“You know where the park bathrooms are?” You ask “him.”

“Yeah...” ‘he’ says with a bit of hesitation.

“You should hide in the family bathroom,” you tell ‘him,’ “the police might be looking for you, so you will need to keep out of sight.”

He looks scared, but inexplicably excited in an adrenaline-rush thrilling sort of way upon hearing this. “Yeah, Ok,” ‘he’ says.

“Just go in there and lock the door, I will knock on it later. Don’t come out until you hear my voice telling you it’s me.”

“Ok!” ‘he’ says, looking very happy at this point.

“All right, you get going. I will come pick you up in a while.” With that, ‘Billy’ gives you a big happy smile joined with all the little mannerisms that make ‘him’ a very convincing boy. Seriously, if you did not know better, you would be completely unable to tell that kid had a pussy between her legs. In fact, you are still somewhat doubtful of it. It could have just been a miss-read in the system. Somehow, this line of thinking has your interest growing on the subject of pulling down the kid’s pants and seeing what is beneath them. You do feel rather guilty about such thoughts, but your bonner certainly seems to have taken quite an interest in the idea.

Ok then, well, time to get this whole police business over with so you can set your new plan in motion. You make good time getting the rest of the way to the police station. You are speed-walking as fast as some people at a sprint, your body cutting the wind like a gazelle in motion, hardly expending an ounce of stamina as you fly down the sidewalk. Your mind now motivated by the goal of getting this over with in order to get back with ‘Billy’ hardly even notices the passage of time as you are in front of the police station seemingly as soon as you parted ways with the kid.

Ok then, now it’s decision time. You implicated to ‘Billy’ you would be going through illegitimate routes in order for ‘him’ to be living at your house, but on your part it would actually be more convenient to have the police on your side here. You are pretty sure you would need Loki’s help in order to get this to happen though, the bureaucracy of the police force is designed such that just getting a few of them on your side is not enough to do something illegal like this. Although, with the right words to the right people you really just might be able to pull it off.

What do you intend to do?

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