Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Adjust Rewards/List of Rewards

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There are all types of rewards you can buy and they involve every facet of the game. Most rewards are points that can be redeemed for resources, stat increases, boosts to relationships or even cheats that will REALLY break the game. In order for the Life Module to redeem points for resources, it requires that an identical amount of that resource be spent to get the points back. This transaction can only happen as many times as that resource has been bought.


Resources purchased from this section will simply appear in your pocket, near your person if you have no pockets or the object is too large, or in your infinity pocket if the infinity pocket hack is active.

  • Increase Allowance: $10 x number of times this reward has been bought appears in your possession every week. (Cost 10 + 10n, n = number of times this reward has been previously bought, so 20 points to increase it to $20 for a total of 30 points spent overall, 30 points to increase it to $30 for a total of 60 points spent overall.)
  • $1,000: $1,000 simply appears in your possession. (Cost = 100 points)

Relationship bonus

  • Instant friend: One lifie instantly becomes your friend. (cost 20 points)
  • Instant lover: One lifie instantly becomes romantically interested in you. (cost 100 points)
  • Improve relationship: Modifies one area of your relationship with a selected lifie by +5 points (cost 10 points)

Stat bonus

  • Raise attribute: Raises one of your attributes by +5 (Cost 5 points)

Trait bonus

  • Raise trait: Raised one of your traits by +5% (5 points)
  • Lower trait: Lower one of your traits by -5% (5 points)
  • Genetic Perfection: Removes all deleterious genetic traits from your character (1000 points) Note: it is impossible to have a child with birth defects once this is taken, even from incestuous relationships.


Relationship cheats

  • Everybody's friend: All lifies treat you as a friend from the moment you meet (500 points)

Crime Cheats

  • Crime pays: No one ever notices or cares if you commit a misdemeanor or other mild crime such as stealing. (Note, crimes like indecent exposure will be noticed, but not registered in anyone's mind as criminal or even improper if you are the one who does it.) (1000 points)
  • Taboo downplay: (Requires: Crime Pays. 3000 points)

Will have non-violent and non-monitary crimes (so, essentially drug-use and consensual sexual contact with children,) no longer considered criminal if you do them. However, they will still be considered socially taboo and you are likely to get a reaction from disapproving people about it.

While they are still considered taboo, all taboo actions you perform will also have a significant downgrade in how they are reacted to for you. Sex with children will be considered the same as pre-marital sex or teen sex (both parties being the same age,) and drug use will be considered the same as alcohol consumption. No other taboo action will exceed or even equal these actions in terms of how they are reacted to. In fact, they will all be pushed down so far as how people will react to them, so teen on teen sex for instance will be regarded the same as sex in college, something that is acceptable but maybe a little early and ill advised. Also, public groping even under cloths will be regarded the same as public kissing. However, the reaction for publicly groping a child will be exactly the same as if you kissed a child on the lips without this cheat. It will generally not be accepted well, just not as bad as the thing you are really doing. (Note: You will be treated exactly as you would for doing the downgraded action with your current relationship scores with the people involved, so having high relationship scores can further diminish the reaction.)

  • Getting away with murder: (Requires: Taboo downplay, 5000 points) No one seems to care if you commit a serious crime like rape or murder, and all social taboos will be similarly overlooked. Onlookers who do not know the victim will completely disregard it, onlookers who know the victim will notice but not seem to be too bothered by it and will act as though they completely forgot about it after it is done unless you bring it up yourself or repeat the same act. If this is done, they will indicate they remember it, but will still not be very bothered. The victim will actively resist and do everything they might do normally but no one else will try to stop you. The victim, if they survive the crime, will fully remember what was done to them and act accordingly in their interactions with you, to the confusion of those around them at the change in their behavior, but they will not report you or tell anyone about it. If you reference what you did to them to someone confused at their behavior the listener will consider your victim's reaction to be completely inappropriate. (Note: all acts that would be covered under Taboo downplay will similarly be 100% accepted as though they are normal and acceptable. Also gives everyone who does something with you the normal effects of taboo downplay .)
  • Interest barrier

NOTE: Interest barrier and fear barrier temporarily erased. They will still be considered to exist in the game world, and explain why sometimes lifies feel a sense of dread around a location or just suddenly change their mind about going to certain places, but the write-up description will be taken out till it can be re-worked to make more sense both in explanation and why someone would want to buy it.

God mode cheats

  • No need for sleep: Your character does not require sleep. (1000 points)
  • No need for toilets: Your character does not urinate or defecate (1000 points)
  • No need to eat: Your character does not require food or water (1000 points)
  • No need to breathe: Your character does not require air (2000 points)
  • Unaging: Your character ceases to age. (1000 points)
  • Resurrect: Bring your character back to life. (500 points) Note: this is not useful for Xander as he has no way to activate it. Being dead, he can't squeeze the duck.
  • Immortal: Your character cannot be permanently killed. If killed the character will re-spawn in 30 minutes at the location of your choosing. (5000 points)

Male Reproductive Cheats

  • No male refractory period: Male characters only. (200 points)

Male characters can orgasm repeatedly in the same way as female characters.

  • Infinite semen: Male characters only. (800 points)

Male characters never run out of semen and can ejaculate repeatedly. Every ejaculation has a sperm count as though they have not ejaculated in 3 days.

  • Did I say you could cum?: Either Gender. (500 points)

You can control when your sexual partner has an orgasm. Press the button that appears while you are having sex in order to make them cum.

  • Guaranteed pregnancy, male version: Male Characters only (500 points)

Your semen instantly stops a post-pubescent woman's menstruation and triggers her ovulation when you have sex, and the sperm are 100% guaranteed to find the egg. Does not work of pre-pubescent girls.

  • Condom breaker: (100 points)

All condoms you use will break during insertion into the vagina, thus allowing the semen to be fired without even coming into contact with the spermicide.

  • Stealth condom breaker: (500 points, requires condom breaker)

Some of your sperm will escape the condom, witch will have developed a mysterious small hole, upon ejaculation. Thus, there will be semen inside the condom and it will look like it worked, but there will also be semen inside the girl's vagina. (requires spermicide resistance for the sperm to be viable)

  • Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 1 Males only. (500 points)

Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with a 10+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. Will not enable pregnancy until a week later unless guranteed pregnancy is also activated.

  • Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 2 Males only. (1000 points, requires Lv.1 version.)

Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with an 8+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. Will not enable pregnancy until a week later unless guranteed pregnancy is also activated.

  • Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 3 Males only. (1500 points, requires Lv.2 version.)

Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with a 6+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. Will not enable pregnancy until a week later unless guranteed pregnancy is also activated.

  • Deathless sperm: Male characters only (5000 points)

If you want to ejaculate into a pool and impregnate every girl there, sperm will not die until they find an egg. (NOTE: Effective for only 1 month or until the next ovulation of the girl they are inside if the find their way into a girl. Also, only effective if suspended in a fluid medium, and will only affect 10 billion sperm cells per female body, the ones furthest from the ovaries loosing the effect first. These limitations are in order to prevent unforeseen complications.)

  • Goldilox Cock: Male Characters only. (2000 points)

Penis becomes 5 inches long, but will completely satisfy anyone who has it in them. Vaginas or anuses too small will stretch to fit.

  • Perfect fit cock: Male Characters only. (3000 points, requires Goldilox cock)

Penis transforms to become the exact right size to snugly and perfectly fill the vagina or anus you are considering putting it into (without scaring the person getting the penis inserted if too large of a penis would put them off.) All lifies will remember it as having always been whatever size it became.

  • Pressure Seal cock: Male Characters only. (500 points, penis size must snugly fill orifice without it feeling loose)

No semen or other fluids can escape the hole that your cock is inside of. (will still dribble out after cock is removed)

  • Directed pheromones Either gender. (500 points)

The aphrodisiac pheromones trait will only make those affected sexually desire you.

  • Purchase for a lifie: (1/2 cost for self)

Any reward for male reproduction except for "Did I say you could Cum?" can be purchased for a designated lifie. The lifie will not question having these extraordinary abilities. (Note: Xander is considered a player for the purposes of this reward.)

Female Reproductive Cheats

  • Complication free pregnancy: Female characters only. (200 points)

100% immunity from miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, breech pregnancy, and other complications that endanger the mother and/or the baby such as the umbilical cord getting wrapped around the baby's neck. Purchasing this reward will also immediately fix any such complication if it exists so long as death has not already occurred as a result of the complication.

  • Ovulate at will: Female characters only. (300 points)

Female characters can choose when and when not to ovulate, and can choose not to have a period if they don't ovulate.

  • Guaranteed pregnancy, female version: Female characters only. (500 points + 25 to start precocious puberty per year under puberty)

Semen instantly stops menstruation and triggers ovulation when you have sex, and the sperm are 100% guaranteed to find the egg.

  • Did I say you could cum?:Either Gender. (500 points)

You can control when your sexual partner has an orgasm. Press the button that appears while you are having sex in order to make them cum.

  • Goldilox pussy: Female Characters only (2000 ponts)

Pussy will stretch or contract to firmly grasp and snugly fit any penis that goes into it, allowing for optimum pleasure for both parties from a 1 inch cock, and avoid any injury or any discomfort from a 9+ inch cock.

  • Pressure seal pussy: Female Characters only (500 points)

No semen ejaculated into your pussy will dribble out during ejaculation or after penis is removed. Saves on cleanup.

  • Immaculate Conception:

Female characters only, a female character can reproduce asexually to have 1 child. (100 points)

  • Directed pheromones Either gender. (500 points)

The aphrodisiac pheromones trait will only make those affected sexually desire you.

  • Purchase for a lifie: (1/2 cost for self)

Any reward for female reproduction except for "Did I say you could Cum?" can be purchased for a designated lifie. The lifie will not question having these extraordinary abilities, and "Ovulate at will" will be under the purchaser's control, not the lifie. (Note: Lexi is considered a player for the purposes of this reward.)

Kinky Cheats

  • River of gold: (250 points)

You can make yourself pee a full steady stream at any time you want and make it continue for as long as you want. If you do not have the "no need for toilets" cheat, your bladder will be considered to always be 25% full at minimum, but can fill more from normal human physiological activity. Once your bladder gets full above 50%, you will feel the urge to go as normal and must expel whatever you have in excess of that minimum 25%. With the "no need for toilets" cheat, this just means you only urinate when you want to and do so for as long as you like.

  • Infinite gold mine: (250 points)

You can specify up to 10 lifies in the same general vicinity as you to have the same effects as "river of gold" until either you leave or decide to cancel the effect. They will not find it strange that they can pee more than they usually would, or have any confusion about choosing to pee or not pee. However, they will typically pee in 15 second intervals (the typical maximum amount of time it takes to empty a full bladder,) unless put into a situation that would convince them to do otherwise.

  • Waste factory: (250 points)

You can defecate infinitely. Conditions are similar to that of "River of gold"

  • Wasteland: (250 points)

Similar to "Infinite gold mine" applied to "Waste factory"

  • Sadist's stable: (1000 points)

All lifies experience pain you inflict on them as sexual pleasure.

  • Weird world: (5000 points)

Any lifie who would consent to the closest related sex act will consent to and enjoy a fetish related act that tests the same boundaries. For instance, someone who will consent to being ejaculated on will consent to being urinated on. Also, any sex act they would consent to in private will also be consented to in public. This can include involving children in your sex, and go as far as both of you having sex with the child even in sick and twisted fetish ways, even if they are otherwise against pedophilia. They will only be opposed to you performing a sex act on the child or the child performing a sex act on them if they would have resisted you doing it to them personally, and if they don't resist then they will get very turned on by it. Also, the consent status of a 3rd party brought into the sex will not matter, and even be a turn on to them if you are raping the 3rd party (such as the child in the previous example)