Life Hacks/Hallomod(gp-pre/pres-inf-im-cr'pay)/Smile at her and announce you are all ready to go

From All The Fallen Stories
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You meet her gaze, giving her a somewhat conspiratorial smile. You show a little teeth, witch gets her to finally smile as well, giggling nervously at the flagrantly crazy and very inappropriate thing she just did. You begin to see a shade of doubt in her eyes, suggesting she is wondering why it is that she just did that herself, but underpinning the entire whirl-wind of emotions you see crossing her face is a general relief that you did not get mad at her for it.

You look around to the rest of the children covering your entire body to a point that you have almost disappeared. They are all giggling in anticipation of how you are going to handle this, and it seems they are also completely unaware of where your penis is right now in relation to their 10 year old sister’s crotch. This is certainly going to be interesting, that much is for sure. “All right, I guess we are all ready to go!” You announce, and are met with another fit of giggles from your human body-armor. You begin to walk, finding it surprisingly easy to lift your entire foot clear of the ground by enough to keep Spring or August’s rumps from dragging on the ground. You have to walk quite deliberately, but it does not take that much physical exertion. The only real issue you have to deal with is the sensation of your dick moving inside the crotch of May’s swim-suit. With your size, you actually have to concentrate a little to keep it from slipping out, and of course concentrating means that you are all so much more aware of the fact that you are secretly grinding against the mons of a 10 year old girl as you carry all these children in your arms.

The first proper challenge comes when you reach the stairs. It is not so much an issue of you having the balance or coordination. In fact, if the conditions were different, you think you would have no problem at all walking up the stairs with this mess of kids due to your improved balance. However, the issue is most certainly the 2 on your legs. They are just too big to fit in that space. For one thing, you are certain their backs would be scraping against the hand-rails. For another, their legs folded around yours will be pushing against the next higher step, effectively increasing the size of your foot. Even with your enhanced abilities, you don’t think you will be able to manage it.

“Ok, Spring, August, I am going to need you to get off for a second so I can go up stairs.” You announce. The two of them obediently detach from you and run up to the deck, immediately taking up positions on either side of the stairs to await their chance to re-take their former places on your legs.

You take one deliberate step after another up the stairs to the porch. The arm-loads of kids that you have all seem to realize at once that they ought to grip you tighter, and all at once you feel your straight-jacket made of kids squeezing against you. “I’m being squished!” Little July yells and struggles on your chest just as you are taking the last step.

“All right, everyone let up,” you say as you step into the clear. “Give July some space.” You shift May’s body around a little, causing your dick to rub around a little inside her swimmers. You direct a content and bliss-filled smile at the sensation up at the 10 year old who seems to be completely oblivious to what her body is doing to you as you re-adjust her in your grip so that her sister can settle down. Unfortunately though, this is the point where your infinite blue-balls hit their limit and you feel your dick give a pulse and the spreading sliminess against the head of your penis of the thick seminal fluid filling up May’s swimming bottoms. It is at this exact same moment that July’s butt seems to slip down and she lands directly on top of your cock. This sudden pressure, it seems, was exactly the distraction you needed to stop your orgasm mid-way. However, it was not soon enough to prevent 2 more spasms from occurring. Spasms witch did not immediately eject large belches of semen, but it was enough to force the stuff into your urethra as it began to slowly seep out into the space between May’s pubic mound and July’s rock-hard glutes.

Shit! Well, you managed to avert that disaster, but what now? It is pretty clear that infinite semen cheat you bought is working against you now to the point where this is really not the safest position you can be in. How do you find a solution to this though?

What do you do?

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