Life Hacks/Xandergod(Rosemance)/E-C/Keep it, but look over some of the other cheats you might want to manage

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Ok, you don’t really have a problem with them all wanting to be fucked. You might as well see what their reactions to that one will be sooner rather than later anyway. So, how about the other stuff then?

You begin looking over the list of other cheats active. You have all the crime cheats, this means no one will ever be bothered by you even going so far as to rape or kill someone. You don’t think you would ever try to kill someone, but you may try to punch someone’s face in some time, and with that cheat you are in the clear. You even have the option to make people avoid your location if you don’t want to be disturbed. You don’t need to keep them away to prevent yourself from getting in trouble, but, again, you have the option in case you want some privacy.

You don’t see any issue with those cheats. Moving on down, you have the god-mode cheats. The ones that make you pretty much immortal and you don’t need to perform any normal human functions such as eating, sleeping, or even using the toilet. You don’t see a problem with those either. The first thing you come across that raises a question as to whether or not you might want to do something with it is under male reproduction. It looks like you have got the cheats to control the gender of your children.

It has been something of a fantasy of yours to knock up you own daughter, so of course you would want female children. However, do you really want them all to be female? As it is now, every time a child is conceived for you, you would get a prompt asking what you want the gender to be. That could easily get annoying. At any rate, before you look at that, you decide to look over the rest.

Looks like every time you have sex, it will be guaranteed to result in a pregnancy regardless of where she is on her menstrual cycle, and you can even knock up pre-pubescents down to age 6 without having modified them. You presume the reason they didn’t write it to function any younger was because someone on the staff just thought it inappropriate for a toddler to be pregnant. The designers of the hack obviously thought otherwise since you were able to make Nove fertile. Now that you have admin tools, you wonder if you could write a younger version of that cheat for yourself.

The last area is the kinky stuff. So, it also looks like you can still choose to urinate and defaecate despite not needing to, and you can pass that on to others. Also, if you ever hurt someone they will interpret it as pleasure. Most importantly though, it looks like there are two cheats in this section that make it so people WILL in fact notice if you are fucking or raping someone despite the ‘getting away with murder’ cheat, and they will not only not mind it but actually get turned on by you doing it.

So, it looks like the only things are whether or not to have only female children, and whether or not to write a new cheat for you to impregnate younger children.

What will you do?

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