Life Hacks/Hallomod(gp-pre/pres-inf-im-cr'pay)/Use the excuse of readjusting to slip it inside May’s hole

From All The Fallen Stories
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Fortunately, the ability to navigate a girl’s slit with your penis without the assistance of hands and obstructed by her swim-suit and her little sister being in the way seems to actually be among the skills you maxed out. Well, you did max out everything, so that’s no real surprise. At any rate, all you find yourself really having to do is to is shift her a little bit in a way that just looks like you are trying to get a better grip, in that motion you line yourself up and slip right in, resulting in a sharp gasp from May.

“Oh! You Ok?” You ask quickly.

“Uhhh… yeah.” She answers.

“All right, I think we’re ready,” you quickly announce to Spring and August in order to prevent her from possibly saying anything, and just as you are on the last syllable of that short sentence the orgasm that you forcibly stopped a moment ago suddenly re-starts and you are filling May’s EXTREMELY fertile 10 year old womb with your cum at the same time as two of her completely oblivious siblings latch on to your legs, placing their faces within a foot of the action as it is going on.

You guess you can chalk it up to your guilty mind that you mentally nearly jump out of your skin when you hear the door open, it’s not like Summer would be any more capable than Spring down there of noticing that your dick is currently lodged inside her little sister’s baby hole, planting a baby in her as you stand here covered in her siblings crawling all over you. The stimulation of the duping delight at having one more person in a higher position of authority than any of the others added to the audience gets you so turned on that you fire a single massive blast of cum into the 10 year old on your cock, you pull her in tightly to you and you swear you are pushing a solid stream of cum that lasts for an entire second and a half by your likely quite accurate time estimation. If it weren’t for that highly accurate skill though, you would swear it was closer to 10 seconds since it seems like an eternity compared to the 1/10 second it usually takes for a single pulse of cum to leave your urethra. You have heard the term “pissing cum” before, but even with the heavy loads you dumped in Jan before this you had never experienced something that literally felt like you were urinating instead of cumming. You actually begin to really question it yourself after about half way through this intense blast of thick semen.

“Ho!” You gasp, trying to hide any expression on your face that will give away the exctacy of the intense experience you just felt for firing that one off as you double over a bit, smothering July to your chest as you try to pull her sister in closer to you so you can inseminate her more deeply. It seems your orgasm is not over yet though, and it continues on with one more blast of cum and then another as you meet eyes with the eldest sister of the Holiday clan. “Hi.” Is all you can think of to say in order to cover for yourself as you continue to inseminate the youngest naturally pubescent of her younger sisters who could have gotten pregnant from this even if you hadn’t modded her with the hack.

“Well, it looks like you all are having fun.” She comments, to a chorus of giggles, including a nervous giggle from yourself indicating just how much fun you really are having.

“Xander can pick up all of us!” Lloyd says approvingly from your left shoulder as you fire off the last few tapering pulses of your ejaculation inside his older sister who he has a hand wrapped around the back of her neck.

“Well,” Summer says, “Xander’s looking a little tired, how about you all stop bothering him and run upstairs and get ready for dinner?”

“Awwww!” You hear in chourus from August and the two kids on your shoulders, “Xander’s strong enough!” August argues, “He’s fine carrying us!”

In response to this, Summer just gives you a questioning glance. In your case, having just fucked and likely impregnated one of these kids right in front of everyone without any of them knowing, you are just glad to see her questioning glance has no hint of suspicion or irritation toward you.

What do you do?

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