Life Hacks/Roni's sexuality

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This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Most importantly, now all the necessary information is contained on only one page and there is no need to reference any other page in order to understand what is being talked about here.

Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Roni engaged in a little bit of "playing doctor" with Charity (then age 11) at age 4, witch she enjoyed and disrupted the development of her sense of body shame. Under Charity's direction, she has touched the privates of Charity, Angel, and Bastian, and has also been touched by all three of them. They have also all watched each other pee. She has never had her privates touched by anything other than a hand, and only had fingers inserted into her vagina a few times relative to the number of times the outer vulva was touched due to Charity's own lack of sexual knowledge at the time.

Roni was the longest target of Charity's sexual experimentation due to her, even then, being adverse to wearing anything aside from a skirt to cover her groin. She made for an easy target. This lasted for about 3 months and ended about 3 weeks after Angel and Bastian entered the mix.

After being caught, she was lectured that those things Charity was doing with her were wrong, but her 4 year old mind didn't really comprehend that. However, when later asking Charity to "play their game," she did eventually figure out that Charity wouldn't do it any more because she would get in trouble for it. Recently, they started doing it in the family bathroom at the park. This has happened only a few times though.

Sexual Knowledge

Before their sex play ended, Charity briefly told Angel how babies were made and Roni was present at the time. However, she doesn't remember the details anymore. She only vaguely remembers that a boy has to do something. This is the closest thing Roni has ever gotten to a sexual education.

  • Knows what male genitals look like?: Yes
  • Knows how babies are made?: No
  • Knows what sex is?: No, but she would figure a penis could go into her vagina since a finger obviously can.
  • Knows what semen is?: No

General recommended approaches

Roni is actually not all that opposed to the idea of engaging in "sex play" with any of her family members, but she does not want to get into trouble. She sees Xander more as an authority figure rather than a potential "sex play" partner, so she will not initiate anything with Xander for fear she will get into trouble with him. Roni is very conscious to avoid getting herself or others into trouble in regards to this subject.

Roni does not like wearing panties, so a good way to get in with her is to permit her to remove her panties and leave them off or to say you are Ok with it after finding out she is currently not wearing any panties. After this, if her trust values are decent with you, she may allow you to touch her private area right then and there even if you have some privacy and you are the one to bring it up. She is used to doing these sorts of things in the bathroom, so this is where she will be the most comfortable with these touching games, second only to the bedroom. She also enjoys watching others pee as well as others watching her pee. She actually has a slight closet urine fetish and will readily consent to having her vulva peed on and is more likely to accept sex acts that are related to getting your penis close to her while you pee, and she is also more likely to consent to doing various things right after you have both peed in the presence of each other.

General overview (How Roni will be likely to react if you have sex with her)

Roni's reaction to all the important sex acts likely to come up with her due to her personality and place in the story. See the section on specific sex acts to see her reaction to all sexual situations.


It will be fairly easy to convince Roni to have sex with you, even going all the way, especially if you keep her ignorant to its role in pregnancy. The only thing holding her back will be that she is afraid of getting in trouble. If she finds out you have no problem with her doing sexual things or even with participating, she will be more than happy to let you do anything and everything with her. She will enjoy having her genitals played with, and she will also enjoy playing with the genitals of others both male and female. She will particularly like male genitals though since they are different from her own, and once she finds out about the penis going in the vagina she will become fascinated by this concept.

Similarly, Roni will also become fascinated with semen the first time she discovers it. She does not want to get pregnant, so if she finds out that semen will make her pregnant if it gets in her vagina it will make her very nervous about having that happen. Otherwise, she will become so fascinated by it that she will want to pretty much be bathed in, having it on her body or in her vagina any chance she gets (but she will have enough sense to shy away from getting it on her clothes and take appropriate measures to avoid that happening.)

Sex with Roni

While having sex, Roni will be more interested in you getting off. She likes the feeling of accomplishment and approval she gets from giving you physical pleasure, and she also likes getting the semen that results from this for the reasons explained above. However, while she would gladly have her genitals played with or play with someone else's genitals for hours, the repetitive pounding in-and-out motion of vaginal intercourse is something she will not have a lot of patience for. If this takes longer than about 5 minutes or so, she will begin to grow impatient and start to complain. She will not have much interest in you giving her an orgasm. If you do, she will prefer it be given to her by your fingers rather than with your penis.

Starting off, she will also not expect an orgasm in fair trade if you have sex with her. She will see the semen she gets out of it as more than enough to allow you to get pleasure from doing this with her. She will see you bringing her to an orgasm as a completely separate activity unassociated and unconnected with PIV sex until you teach her otherwise It might boil down to that later as you continue to have sex with her as she learns that her orgasm is the female equivalent of when you make the semen and she starts to enjoy it. She will not enjoy it much at first, but if you do give her multiple orgasms on several occasions she might start to enjoy and seek them and begin to see it as a fair trade.

Roni will still be disappointed if you ejaculate the second you stick it in. She actually does like the feeling of your penis sliding in and out of her, it is just that she gets tired of it after a while. For her, vaginal intercourse is best if it lasts between 30 seconds and around 7 minutes, 3-4 minutes being the sweet spot.

Other relevant quirks

Roni is open to the idea of group sex, but she will have to have an incredible amount of trust in all parties involved. This is mostly based on her fear of getting caught, and even at her age she is well aware that the chances of getting caught increase as more people get involved. The easiest group sex you can have with Roni would be a threesome between you, her, and Charity. Any other combination will require her to have a lot of reason to trust this 3rd party.

Roni also has an easier time engaging in sex acts if they are done in the bathroom. This is due to several factors. Starting off, there is the obvious that the bathroom is a secluded place that also has an association with pulling down your pants. There is also the fact that these things have made the majority of her past sex play take place in the bathroom as well. As such, she has a fair degree of comfort in doing sexual things in the bathroom, and she will need a fair amount of more convincing to do it anywhere else.

Roni's association between the bathroom and sex will also make it fairly easy to get her interested in "water sports." She will not really like the idea of getting peed on at first, but she will have little to no problem if you want to pee on her pussy. If you are so inclined, it would be a fairly easy matter from there to get her comfortable with the idea of peeing on other parts of her body. She would likely allow you to pee on her naked stomach and thighs mere seconds after the first time you pee on her pussy. If you manage to be taking a shower with her, she will likely even allow you to start off by peeing on her chest or back. The step that will be the biggest jump for her would be peeing on any part of her above the neck. Peeing on her neck or bottom of her chin will make her fairly uncomfortable, and she will definitely not like it moving higher from there.

Breakdown of specific sex acts

For the nitty gritty stuff that wasn't worth mentioning above. Lots of repetition of the same points, you probably won't be surprised by much or see a lot you couldn't guess from the above content, but there might be a little new content relevant in strange off-beat situations.

(Too much content without enough purpose, content is linked below.)