Life Hacks/Hallomod(gp-pre/pres-inf-im-cr'pay)/Bring her across the hall and let March see what you’ve done with his tom-boy sister

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You snag the cum-soaked towel and contemplate it for a moment, thinking about what you are going to do about the fact that your seminal fluids are now dripping from this 9 year old’s snatch, and a very perverted idea suddenly crosses your mind. You smile wickedly as you recall March’s reaction to you having sex with Jan, and you can just picture how he is going to react to seeing your cum dripping from another one of his sisters’ pussies, and you just can’t resist.

“Alright, let’s go get you some cloths to change into,” you say, reaching out your hand to the naked girl.

“Uhh… Ok.” She responds, reaching her sticky, cummy fingers up to take your hand. She walks awkwardly as you lead her, naked and cum-dripping as she is, to the door. March’s room is just across the hall, and you doubt anyone would fault you for taking a 9 year old child naked across the hall from the bathroom to get some cloths. The only issue would be if anyone noticed your semen and the new ring of blood around your dick from stretching out another hymen and getting the blood from the broken capillaries on it. She didn’t really bleed much, there isn’t a drop coming from her, it’s all on your dick in a red ring around the base of the shaft. At any rate, that’s what the towel which is still in your other hand will be for just in case. Ultimately, you just want to lead her in to March’s room naked so that he can see her just as she is with the evidence still in tact on your cock and her pussy.

You quickly look left and right to see if the coast is clear and tune in your sensitive hearing to verify that nobody is coming up the stairs or stirring in their rooms. As you perk up your ears, you can definitely hear March in his room. He’s grunting and you can hear the regular shifting that suggests he is slowly massaging his meat. You grin to yourself with this realization. Apart from this activity, you confirm the only other people upstairs are Febby and Jan. Jan is still washing your sperm out of herself in the shower, and Febby does not seem to be too active at the moment. Everyone else is down stairs and otherwise occupied, so that means the coast is completely clear. Having confirmed this, you lead the naked cum-dripping tom-boy across the hall and make your way right into the room he shares with your friend March without even knocking.

Upon entry, you see your friend on the bed you had just recently fucked his 12 year old sister on. He seems to have stripped the comforter off of it, but now he is sitting on the fitted sheet with the blankets pulled back as he has his hands in his pants and is slowly stroking himself. He must have been really turned on by the activity of a little while ago. He doesn’t seem to notice you yet, you DID open the door rather quietly, but you make sure to close it with a more obvious click of the door latch once August is inside. March lets out a gasp and sits bolt upright as his eyes glance at you for a moment before locking with horror on his tom-boy sister.

“Ahh…” He yipes, pulling his hands out of his pants and turning away from the two of you. “Ahh… I was just, I think I left my zipper down.” He stammers, trying to recover from getting caught with his hands in his pants. He seems to be so concerned with this he hasn’t even noticed yet. “Ah, wait, August, why are you naked?” He seems to suddenly realize that much at least.

“Ahh… well… Xander and me used the bathroom and I was changing out of my swim suit and… ahh… he just said.. to.. come get some cloths.” She seems to get real mousy as she says this, not at all like the usually loud and confident August of normal. At any rate, it is at her telling of this story that March seems to finally realize something is really amiss.

“Wait…” he looks back up at you and then down at your slimy blood-smeared dick. He crouches down like a frog at this point and then looks between his sister’s legs with a haunted look on his face. Yeah, no doubt about it, he is definitely up to speed on this now.

What do you do?