The loli's perspective/Then Mom yelled across the house for me to shut the girls up

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Just then though, I suddenly heard my bitch ass mother's shrill voice shouting my name across the house. Oh my God! I can't tell you how that just made me cringe and sent shivers down my spine just hearing her angry voice. She yelled out for me to, quote, "Shut those fucking girls up right the fuck now!"

This spurred me into action immediately. My mind was not thinking about getting my dick in Kayla's pussy anymore, I just wanted her quiet so I wouldn't get the same thing from my mom that I was giving to her right now. I flipped her over so fast and so roughly that it's a wonder I didn't break her back or something in the process. "Damn it Kayla!" I growled at her as I scrambled and clamped my hand over her mouth and she continued to cry her muffled cries into my hand. It was already too late though, I could hear the sounds of my mother's heavy feet clomping through the house. At that exact moment, Lilly threw open the door and rushed into the room and ran over to the crib and pulled the bars down and she pulled our baby sister out of the crib and held her and started bouncing her and desperately trying to calm her down. It was clear though that her heavy foot-falls were coming in our direction.

Lilly's eyes went over to me and Katy on the bed, flitting over us and taking in the scene. My mind filled with the fear of how she was interpreting what she was seeing. Somehow, even back then, I somehow knew our mom wouldn't put things together and figure out what I was really trying to do, but for some reason I thought it may actually be possible Lilly might and some part of me was wondering what she was thinking about this. Those thoughts didn't have that long to linger though before my fucking bitch mother burst in butt-ass naked into our room. That woman had no shame at all in front of us, this was actually a normal occurrence. I can't remember if she had cum oozing from her whore cunt, but if she did then that wouldn't have been the first time for us. It was just that none of us ever understood what that stuff was, she never filled us in on it. She would just tell us to "stop asking nosy questions." If I wasn't a boy and had to go to the internet after having my wet dream, I don't think any of us would have figured it out till we got fucked ourselves. Well, I guess that's how my sisters all found out about it anyway, getting fucked by me.

Well, I'm getting off topic now. Anyway, I was like a deer in the headlights with our whore mom staring in at us from the doorway as she figured out what SHE thought the situation was. "Good, shut them bitches up!" She barks and then stalks out of the room like a predator before returning to poke her head back in again a second later. I had begun to relax for a second, loosening my grip on Kayla's mouth. Kayla at the same time seemed to actually be scared so bad her fear actually overrode her crying response and combined with my hand clamped over her mouth limiting her breathing it had actually caused her to quiet down quite a bit. When my old mom peered back in though, I just tightened my hand back over her mouth and Kayla seemed to just hold her breath.

"Stick that stupid whore's dirty diaper in her mouth if she doesn't be quiet!" She growls at you. "The bitch woke me up!" She says and then adds a soft biting "Damn it!" To punctuate it before stalking back out.

Like I said, our stupid whore mother didn't give a damn about us aside from the government benefits she got from being a single mother to us. Beyond that, she didn't give a damn about us so long as we stayed out of her way. Probably the only reason she even kept us minimally clean, fed, and clothed as we were was so she could show us off and justify her government aid. It was all just for appearances to people outside the house. If it weren't for her concern about that, I'm sure she would have already pimped Lilly out by this time. I wouldn't 'a put it past her.

Well, after that you can probably imagine I didn't have it in me anymore to fuck Kayla after that scare and with my mom tromping around now. I didn't get to do it at that time.

That's not how this encounter ended though

Now I can tell you about later when I actually fucked my sister