Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Suzy/Diapers

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Make Suzy Wear a Diaper

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"A lady in the fifth grade should not behave like a baby," you chastised Suzy, "so your punishment will be to be treated like a baby."

Suzy's only reaction was to look at you with more confusion than fear, while you made her sat on the changing table and went to the cabinet to retrieve a diaper suitable for her age.

"You will be wearing this for two days," you explained, showing her the puffy diaper. It had a lot of absorbent material, being designed for the use of incontinent people, but that only ensured it would be very noticeable even under Suzy's modest skirt.

Now Suzy looked scared, "But... but... everyone will know." she complained.

"Yes, all your classmates will know you were behaving like a baby," you explained, "and I hope that will make you think twice about doing anything else wrong in the future."

"But Sir... Please... I can't wear that. Can't you just give me detention? Suspend me for some days?"

"The simple fact that you ask for those tells me they are not worthy punishments," you continued, "a punishment must be something you don't want to repeat ever again." you explained as you lay the open diaper in the table next to Suzy.

Suzy's big eyes continue to beg you, but apparently she had no more arguments.

"Now lift your hips so I can remove your panties and put in the diaper."

Suzy reflexively pressed her legs together and shook her head. She also took a look at the closed office door, maybe thinking of running away.

"Suzy," you called her seriously, "you have to accept responsibility for your mistakes. If you refuse this punishment I will have no option but to sent you home, and recommend you be sent to a special school for trouble students," you assured her.

Your serious tone and words managed to grab Suzy's attention, and you could almost see how the wheels turned in her head, as she decided the punishment was better than the alternative you suggested, "Can I put it on myself?"

"Babies cannot change themselves, Suzy. This is part of your punishment," you assured her, "now let me take your panties off."

Suzy didn't resist when you pressed her legs open and lifted her skirt over her tummy, making her hold it and showing you her panties. They were just normal cotton panties with a white and light blue pattern, as expected from a demure student.

She lifted her hips when your hands went to them to pull the panties down. Underneath you could see her mons with just a light fuzz, and between her legs just a little line that hid her pussy.

"I need you to sit on the diaper," you told her, at the time that your hands went to her small and round buttocks to guide her. You tried not to squeeze them too much, but they were so soft you really couldn't help yourself. Suzy squirmed a little but made no protest as you place her over the diaper, "now I need you to lift your legs, Suzy."

Once more Suzy made no protest, but she did avoid your gaze, her face completely flushed. As you opened her legs you could also see her small pussy opening slightly, giving you a hint to her pink inner lips and small bump of a clit. Besides your sister when you were kids, this was the youngest pussy you had ever seen, and you could barely contain your desire to ravish her.

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