Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Running/Office

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Just order them all to your office immediately

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“You’re all coming to my office,” you say, looking in particular at the two struggling girls you have by the arms. As you proceed on, you barely even notice the patter of footsteps of the other small crowd of kids walking away until you look up and realize most of them are gone already. “Hey!” You bark, sliding your foot in to block the girl taking up the rear while the boys had already escaped. “I meant you lot too!” You yell after them, but they just duck their heads and run off. Great, you doubt you would be able to recognize any of them if you were to see them again, but at least you stopped the girl from getting away. That’s the one you were really after from the beginning anyway.

You breath a bit of a sigh before locking eyes with the girl, committing at least her face to memory as best you can. You quickly note her long dark brown hair and the red scarf she’s wearing, as well as the pink shirt that looks a little too large on her. Those are the most striking characteristics that jump out at you immediately, and with that information you think you could likely recognize her if you had to. You remember to silently breath a brief prayer of thanks for the elementary school age kids not having to wear uniforms, because you are unsure if you would be able to remember this kid by her hair and facial features alone.

“I’m going to ask you to just come along, alright? If you make me have to track you down you are going to be in much bigger trouble.”

“I’m sorry!” She says sniffling a bit and on the verge of tears. “I was just running in the hall, I won’t do it again!”

“Well we are all still going to my office,” you tell her as the blond girl in your grip struggles to break loose while dismally failing. “That’s my job, to make sure students like you don’t misbehave. Come along now.” The other brunet girl seems to be a bit better behaved than the blond girl in your other arm, so for the sake of ease you decide to let go of her arm with a repeated warning that she will be in big trouble if she runs after you let her go. You continue to hold the blond girl by the wrist as you lead the three of them down the hall.

“Let go! You’re hurting me!” The blond girl says.

“I can’t do that,” you tell her, “you’re probably going to run away if I do.”

“No I won’t!” She insists as she begins struggling against you even harder, grabbing on to your hand with her free hand and trying to pry your fingers open while she has her legs go limp, forcing you to drag her along the ground.

“Sorry,” you tell her, “but the way you’re acting right now is not very convincing.”

“I won’t! I promise!” She begs you, staggering back to her feet in almost tears.

“You see,” you tell her, “I really am not sure I can trust a girl who shows this much disrespect for her elders, how do I know you are going to respect a promise if you don’t show respect to your authority figures.”

“I won’t!” She yells, jumping up and down and stamping her feet. “I won’t I won’t I won’t!”

“You’re still not showing respect,” you tell her.

“I wooohohohooon’t” She breaks out into solid tears as she brings her arm up to her eyes, now going along with you placidly, at least, if not peacefully as the halls are filled with her wailing cries and the occasional re-iteration of “I wooon’t.” This behavior ultimately winds up continuing all the way till you reach the waiting area of your office. You lead them all in, the other two girls and the young boy in tow. As soon as you get in, you find your secretary, Ms. Varano, standing up beside her desk, and you hear the three students who are not out of breath from crying give a collective gasp the moment they see her.

“I thought that might be you,” she said in a half-yell to be heard over the blond girl’s crying. It was down in volume from wails and now consisted of moans since you had arrived at your destination and you had finally released her wrist once the door was closed, but it was still something that needed to be competed with. “I could hear you from what must have been all the way down the hall! What’d they all do?”

“Running in the halls and being disrespectful to an authority figure,” you told her.

“Well I can certainly see that being the case,” she said, directing a rather harsh glare down at the still sobbing girl. “Are you wanting to handle them all yourself? I could probably handle two of them if you wanted me to.”

She seems almost eager to volunteer, maybe you should let her.

Nah, you’ll take all of them.