Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Threatening/Recognize/Her lead/Middle/Done

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Let her go

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You decide to let her go, you can send the note to her class later. She's right, she certainly looks flustered right now. For such a light punishment for "the child of a whore," you are going to need that look on her face witnessed in order to sell it that this was enough. She opens the door in a rush and stops the moment she sets foot out of her office, catching her breath and fidgeting as she taps her fingers against her skirt in a self-conscious way.

"Ah, there." She says, walking over to the small row of chairs in the waiting area opposite Ms. Varano's desk and carefully crouching down, bent at the knees and holding the back of her skirt down as she picks up her bag, shoulders it, and makes her way out of the office. You allow the door to stay open as you write up her note.

St. Andre Truitt Academe: Office of Disciplinary Actions.

This letter is in concerns to the parents and teachers of Luana Styles. Earlier this day, Luana was sent to the office of Disciplinary Actions for threatening a much younger student, which she stated was in defense of her sister in order to dissuade this student from future actions against her. As the student who she threatened has been found to be guilty of several infractions far more severe than the one which she committed and it has already been decided that his punishment will include becoming expelled from regular classes and being made to take a special class taught by the Headmaster, a special consideration was taken into account regarding the information of how futile her actions were and that she had only managed to get herself into trouble as part of her punishment. As such, what would normally be considered as a severe infraction has been knocked down to a middle level infraction.

For the remainder of her official punishment, the following action has been issued.

Luana has been asked to surrender the undergarments she was wearing at this time. For the next 7 days until these undergarments are returned to her, she may not wear any undergarment at home or at school, and will also not be allowed to wear any form of shorts, trousers, or any skirts longer than those that are part of the regulation St. Aundre Truitt Accademy school uniform.

There, that phrasing ought to be enough to cover the basses. You do also have to consider that she's going to be in that state while she's at your sister's house with your girls, but with the way they run around the house naked you feel that there won't really be a problem.

You walk out of your office and take the note from the printer as it comes out, and then bring it over to your secretary. "Ms. Varano," you say to her, "Ms. Styles forgot to bring her note, could you bring this down to her classroom?" You ask her, handing her the note. She takes it and looks at it.

"Umm... unfortunately sir, Ms. Style's classes are actually done for the day," she tells you, "she may have gone straight to the front door as soon as she left the office." She looks back down to the note, reading over what's on it. "But wow, she actually looked pretty stirred up, I don't think I could have done it, just what did you do to get that sort of reaction?" She sounds like she's asking you, but by the way her eyes are flying over the paper it's quite clear she's finding her answer from a different source. "Oh wow, that was actually enough? Well, I knew it was that Fine kid she'd threatened. I didn't think of using his punishment back on her though, you seem to have a bit of a knack for this."

"Ahh..." If only she knew what really created that reaction from her. You decide not to really say anything though and just hold your silence, letting that grunt serve as comment enough.

"You know... Ms. Moor might be able to get it to her, she gave Ms. Styles an after school job sitting for her children. Oh right! You're her brother, that's right. Umm... well, I could take this to her, or maybe you could."

"We'll figure that out later," you tell her, "bring it to her around the end of the day if I haven't said anything by then."