Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/PJs/Panties

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 23:29, 18 October 2017 by TodNaturlich (talk | contribs) (Make her remove her underwear WIP)
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Make her remove her underwear

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"No, this just won't do," you insisted to the embarrassed girl, "I'm sure your pajamas fit better, and it would be cruel of me to force you to wear something that's clearly too small for you," you insisted, getting up and opening the clothes cabinet once more, "get out of that one while I choose a better one," you instructed.

Perl rubbed her eyes and with a defeated attitude began to pull down the zipper in the bunny pajamas. It was indeed too small, and she had even more trouble getting it down that she had pulling it up. Again you were attracted to her perfect bra-covered breasts, once she managed to pull her arms out of the constraining sleeves. She also had to fight to get her legs out, and she even stumble once, having to catch herself on your desk.

To your surprise, once she was freed from the garment, she then took the time to pull the arms and legs in the right position, straight out the zipper and put it back in the hanger you had left on your desk, before handing it to you ready to be returned to the cabinet.

"Here... here it is, Sir," she said. Her expression continued to be downcast, and her cheeks were quite red, while her free hand tried to cover her bra and her crossed legs attempted to hide her crotch. Still, as you took over the offering cloth, you couldn't help but notice that her white panties now had what appeared to be a small wet spot in the middle. You wondered if the pressure of the pajama on her crotch has excited her, or if it was just another show of her emotional turmoil.

"I think this one should fit you better," you answered,

WIP Lack of time for now.