Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Nurse/Treatment

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Ask About the Treatment

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“So that’s all that’s needed?” you asked as the nurse returned to the infirmary, closing the door behind her, “an injection and some drugs?” you said, looking at the small fridge where Andrea got the vials.

“Sure!” she said, her crooked smile directed at you as she sat down in front of you on her chair. You had pulled the curtains and sat on one of the two beds, where you expected you would soon be doing something else, “I’m such an amazing doctor that I can kickstart puberty with a wave of my hand!” she said, flipping her hand, and making a card appeared between her fingers, she was really good at that.

You raised an eyebrow at her confidence, you were still not sure if it was an act or if she had multiple personalities, but you really preferred when she was being shy and coy than this one.

Andrea looked at you, her smile turning into a frown, “… C’mon! You can’t be that dumb,” she suddenly expelled, pulling you from your thoughts, “even I can’t do something like that,” she continued, “this is just the first step, they will have to return regularly in order for the treatment to kick in and remain active,” she rubbed her frown in a clear display of annoyance, “didn’t you saw the request the school made calls for each student to come by for follow ups every week?”

You hadn’t, you had only seen the first draft Ms. Varano wrote, and there were no mention of follow-ups or boys being included in that one. “So what does it does to the children, exactly?” you asked, trying to forget her attitude.

“It simulates and stimulates several glans in the body, resulting in some of the symptoms of precocious puberty, but limited to their sexual development. In layman’s terms, it makes them ready to breed,” she explained, apparently happy that some of her explanation flew right over your head.

“What would happen if an adult took it?”

“Oh no! That would be really dangerous!” she started, making a fuss with her hands, “it’s not like this was originally designed for adults and I had to adjust things for children,” she stopped her fuss and looked directly at you with a sight that said: are you really this stupid? then her face switched and her smile returned, “though it might be useful for you to take it, it would normalize the results,” she said, almost thinking out loud, “let me prepare an adult dose… I assume you won’t want a lollipop, right?”

“Wait, wait, wait!” you stopped her, grabbing her hand as she was turning to the small fridge, “what would that do to me?”

She got out of your hold and turned on her frown, “Nothing serious, really. It will slightly increase your libido, stamina and semen production, it would ensure your body has the ideal PH and temperature for sperm to be in top condition, it might even prevent you from loosing your hair, at that!” she looked at you and her face relaxed, “and once you stop taking it, you will go back to normal… but it will eliminate a variable in the experiment, so please take it,” she finally begged.

“I’m not sure…” you started, glad that she was finally showing her meek side again. You wonder what to say to keep her like that, “you haven’t been completely honest with me since the beginning.”

She flinched a bit on her chair, “Look, I had to include the boys, this was just a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make the experiment without ethic groups screaming… but I’m not lying, it’s completely safe for adults, designed to help the body achieve a fertile state in those that have non-physiological fertility problems.”

“Well, as long as it’s safe…” you said, an idea shinning in your mind, “I might be willing to use it, as long as you do as well,” you finished.

“Me?” she asked, surprised, “why would I…?” she opened her eyes wide, “we agreed you wouldn’t try to make me pregnant!”

“It has nothing to do with that,” you assure her, “I just want to be sure it’s safe, and the easiest way is for you and me to receive the treatment at the same time, right?”

She appeared ready to say something else, but finally continued, “Ok, we’ll do it together, but whenever you want your payment for helping me, I’m in charge of where your little head spurts, Ok?”

You nodded in agreement, already thinking of ways to make sure her little body would swell with your baby before the end of the year. Meanwhile she went to the fridge, took out several vials and started mixing the contents in two glasses.

“The hormones are different for males and females,” she explained when she separated the mixture and added different things to each glass, “so I hope you didn’t expected we both to have exactly the same,” she added, taking out two syringes and filling them from two different vials, where you could see one had the male, and the other the female symbols on the labels, “well, to the bottom,” she said, offering you a glass, and quickly downing her own.

You followed suit, and almost chocked. The thing was disgusting, bitter and a bit gooey. You had to force yourself to keep it down, while your eyes teared up.

“We’re adults,” said Andrea, her smile back, “so I thought we could spare the sweet flavor I use for kids,” she didn’t reacted as though hers was as nasty as yours, so you weren’t sure about that, “now give me your arm,” she demanded, a syringe in her hand.

It spoke for her practice that no sooner your forearm was in her reach she quickly applied some alcohol to it and without saying a thing you could see the needle going in and a weird sensation as the medicine entered your muscle. You’ve had a few injections before, and was expecting some pain, but either the medicine was quite mild, or Andrea really knew her stuff, since all you felt was a dull ache once she removed the needle and applied a small cotton ball to the location.

“Now for mine,” she said, taking the other needle and preparing to inject her own forearm.

“Do you want some help with that?” you asked, seeing that the angle was a bit forced for the doctor, “perhaps I should apply it on your butt?” you added, looking down her youthful figure.

“Yeah… I’m not letting you anywhere near my body with a syringe,” she said matter-of-factly, “I’m sure you don’t even know to avoid the sciatic nerve… I wouldn’t put it pass you not to know what is the sciatic nerve,” and with that she also applied the medicine to her own arm, in a movement that showed this was not the first time she’s been forced to apply self injections.

“You will have to let me inject you with something soon, right?” you said, getting up and hugging her as soon as she finished with the syringe. You wasted no time, moving your hands to her backside and squeezing her small butt.

“What? Now?” she asked. Her tone wasn’t of rejection, and when she responded to you offering her lips to you, you realized she was as horny as you were.

“The medicine is supposed to make us horny, so why wait?” you said, breaking the kiss and trying to lift her skirt.

“It doesn’t… It doesn’t act that fast,” she said, but it was clear she wanted to continue, “just remember I’m in charge,” she mentioned, her hands already lifting your own shirt.

You decide