2T4U/Jack/Tiffany's room/After bite and kiss/Have her continue from where she left off

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“Thank youuu..” You say to her in something close to baby-talk that gets her instantly smiling. “That was really nice. Ok then, you want to try to get the milk again?” She smiles even brighter at this. “Ok then, have at it.”

With your approval, Tiff simply folds herself in half with her head moving straight down toward your crotch and she simply rams your cock into her little toddler mouth. Her jaw has to stretch like crazy to fit it in though, it looks almost like it un-hinged itself from her skull as she presses the glans past the gaping o-shaped hole in her face that really looks rather funny, if not a little obscene on someone as young as her. She only just barely manages to get the tip in, she can't even really get to the back of your glans for more than a second at a time, and then you feel yourself lodged quite firmly against the back of her tongue blocking you from going down her throat. You can still feel her teeth on you, but she is not biting this time. Lightly gnawing would be more the appropriate term, and boy does it feel good.

“Oh, Tiff, that feels good.” You tell her. You can't tell since her face is pointing directly down at your crotch, but you bet she is smiling. “Ahh... keep that up.” You tell her. It is interesting. Somehow, because her mouth is too small to even properly fit the head of your dick in her mouth, it actually results in her naturally doing everything right. Her mouth is in constant motion as she tries to fit more of you in her mouth and then has to back off due to your size, and her tongue witch is trying to keep you from gaging her is licking the underside with every small motion.

You come to an interesting realization as you see her tiny hand holding you against her mouth, your dick is about the size of her entire arm! The sheer size difference is astounding! You are gigantic compared to her. Your dick is about half the length of her torso! If you were to fuck her and put it all the way in, you would reach her diaphragm. If you were to have her deep throat you, you would reach her stomach! A dick this size is just not meant for such a tiny body, but here she is sucking on you like a pro. Despite the fact that she can't fit any of the shaft in, it is right up there with the best blow-jobs you have ever had.