Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Tihana/Office/Punishment/Impregnate/Parents/Take Home/Later

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Let her go home with her mother, you can have her to your house later

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"Not tonight, you can take her home for now and explain her new punishment to her. In the meantime though, I will write up a new punishment note to reflect our arrangement."

You lead Ms. Morandi back into your office. As you pass the entrance, your secretary, Ms. Varano looks up at you. "She hasn't even come out of the bathroom at all since you've been gone," she informs you, to which you give her a nod in thanks.

You walk over to your desk and begin working at your computer to write up the new note.

St. Andre Truitt Academe: Office of Disciplinary Actions.

This letter is in concerns to the parents and teachers of Tihana Morandi who has committed several severe infractions against the school’s codes of conduct. Tihana Morandi, on Tuesday of this week, was caught having cut class and was found in a storage room engaging in immoral sexual activities with multiple other students, Mathew Marlow, Liliana Granville, and August Fine. In addition, she was also discovered to have been imbibing alcoholic beverages and consuming illicit drugs before and during the time she was engaging in these activities.

It has been decided by the Director of Disciplinary Actions, with the backing of the Headmaster of St. Andre Truitt Academe in the spirit of the new disciplinary actions program that the above actions so as not to be permitted or encouraged among other students that an extreme example must be made of all the parties involved in this activity.

In the instance of Tihana Morandi, the following punishments shall be implemented

As the above conduct is far beyond the purview of the standard guidelines, it has been decided that more extreme measures shall be taken. Where the standard guidelines permit for a female student having committed a severe infraction of the rules to be made to risk becoming pregnant by means of a set number or time-spans worth of internal or external ejaculations of semen inside of or near the entrance to her vaginal canal, in the effort to outline the severe nature of the above offenses the limit of duration or number for this standard punishment shall be removed.

Henceforth, until such a time as Tihana Morandi is confirmed to be visibly pregnant, indicating she is in her second trimester of pregnancy, she may be made at any time during school hours to be subjected to vaginal sex and internal ejaculation by the Director of Disciplinary Actions or any male he decides upon to participate in Tihana Morandi’s punishment, not to include, in accordance with the official guidelines, any non-family male students of St. Andre Truitt Academe, with exceptions for those male students in such a case as they are also being made subject to a punishment.

Furthermore, due to an arrangement with the parents of Tihana Morandi, no members of Tihana's immediate family will at any time be made to engage in incestuous sexual activity with Tihana as a result of this punishment. In exchange for this arrangement, Tihana may be asked at any time outside of school hours to come to the personal home of a male who is selected to inseminate her, and she will be asked to share his bed as he may have sexual intercourse with her as many times as he desires over the night.

The reason for the visibly pregnant standard being used in this instance is to assure the nature of Tihana Morandi’s punishment is permanent and life-long as there is a higher chance of miscarriage in the first trimester.

You have this new note printed out and then given to Ms. Morandi. "There, will that do?" You ask her.

"Oh yes! Thank you very much Mr. Gardner." She says, clutching your hand enthusiastically. "I will be certain my daughter understands that she will have to be visiting your house to receive her punishment in the future. Thank you so much for this."

Quickly depositing the new note into her purse, the burly woman proceeds immediately to the bathroom. There is no lock on the bathroom door in your office, it seems they already thought about that angle, so the mother simply bursts right in. "Tihana Morandi! Why are you not dressed yet?" The woman says in a harsh tone that gets an immediate wince and hiss from the girl in question. You have a clear view of the entire interior of the bathroom from your seat at the desk, and you can clearly see as the girl is still completely naked with her clothes laying in a still folded pile next to her as though she never even touched them. She begins to recoil and pull her legs tighter into her chest as her mother stalks right over to her and grabs her roughly by the arm.

"Mmm..." Tihana groans as she is pulled roughly to her feet by her mother. "Mmm... my head hurts... it hurts a lot." She whimpers and cries.

"That's because you stole from your father's store," the mother replies unsympathetically. "This is the way God punishes you for stealing and consuming alcohol." There is no response to the mother's chastisement, and you are a bit amused by how neither of them seem to even bat an eye as a large drop of your jizz drops down from her vagina as the mother is yanking her panties onto her and it lands right in the gusset. The woman simply continues to roughly dress her child, and then once she is dressed she drags her roughly out of the bathroom. "Thank you again, Mr. Gardner." she says as she is back in front of you. "Just let us know if you want Tihana at your house for a punishment. Even if it's not right after school, I'll drive her over myself if I have to."

And with that, the woman drags her daughter home, freeing you up to call it a day yourself.