Talk:All Hell/Nezabarius

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 12:53, 16 December 2017 by Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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I'll be working on this branch of the story during my two week shutdown. Hopefully I'll get a pattern I can carry over to when I start working again. My likely targets are the Johnson family with this demon. --Elerneron (talk) 19:15, 15 December 2017 (CET)

I'm very glad you have some free time to write once more, I've always liked your style, so I'm eager to see anything new from you. --Tod Naturlich (talk) 21:58, 15 December 2017 (CET)

Who is the Johnson family? --Notsooldpervert (talk) 23:17, 15 December 2017 (CET)

On the page that would be the young mother and her son, but if you go into their character sheets (by clicking on the name under their picture) you'll see that the family is a bit more extensive than that (including the young mother's parents and two siblings). It will very much be a straight shota storyline most likely . . . maybe with some offshoots. I may edit the Johnsons to add more family as well. --Elerneron (talk) 07:14, 16 December 2017 (CET)

BTW if anyone wants to help fill out the details of the Johnson family members that I'm making character sheets for, feel free to do so. I will just be making up their stories based on their pictures and my imagination . . . no reason others can't do that as well as me. I could also use the inspiration. --Elerneron (talk) 13:53, 16 December 2017 (CET)