Sonic Girls ENF/Try the second door.

From All The Fallen Stories
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After some consideration the thief made her way to the second door. Slowly she whipped the thick layer of dust from the opening mechanism and pressed the red button. With a obnoxiously loud screech the door slowly opened, shooting a cloud of dust in the air. Rouge coughed as some of it got in her throat. Slowly she made her way inside. The room was almost completely decimated and covered in a variety of plat life. There was a large hole in the roof the let out some light into the chamber. The place looked rather nice, if you're into that whole post apocalyptic urban jungle type look. The thief was not interested in picking flowers or admiring the scenery. She knew this room had some sort of purpose. The large pillars covered in vines formed a circle around the room. She briefly wondered if they where some sort of Eggmans previous experiment. If so then she had to know more. Her keen eye of a master thief noticed a small computer console covered by moss. Jackpot.- the sexy rouge though to herself as she made her way through the plants to her prize. The bat girl whipped some of the plant life to uncover the buttons. The buxom bat sighed in frustration as she discovered that the console was sadly damaged. Rouge was not sure if the device even worked, let alone if it was worth a damn. The bat girl decided that before looking into it more deeply she'd try to give the device a test run. Her graceful fingers danced on the keys, activating the staring sequence. As soon as she hit enter the pillars lit up...then went dim again as the sparks of electricity flied out of the console. The console was completely fried. Great. the thief thought. But what exactly went wrong? Rouge made her way back to center of the circle, examining if she missed anything, when suddenly the pillars lit up again. The machine started back up. The pillars slowly started to move, with the curious thief in the middle of it all. The vines and plants got ripped apart as the machine sprung back to life. Rouge knew that whatever was happening couldn't be good and that she had to get outta here as fast as possible. However as she approached the borders of the circle, a powerful magnetic force pushed her back in. The pillars spun faster and faster, sparks of blue lightning shooting out of them as they achieved their maximum velocity. Rogue was trapped with no way out as the magnetic force pulled in all directions. The lightning was shooting everywhere. The entire room was spinning. Then the thief collapsed, unable to take it anymore.

Rouge slowly opened her eyes. She felt sick. Slowly she got back up to her feet. She was still in the same room with the strange machine but it looks like it stopped again. The pillars where not moving anymore and there was no lightning. It looked like the old experiment was a bust after all. The thief was thankful to get out of this without any harm. She looked up at the hole in the ceiling. But the looks of it she was out for quite some time, it was dark already. Suddenly a flash of moonlight crept into the room and shined on the buxom bat's face. Rouge felt her whole body shake. She grabbed her stomach and fell to her knees in pain. The thief had no idea what was happening to her. She felt her whole body burning with red hot fire. She was sweating. She grabbed the sides of her sneaking suit and started tearing it to shreds with force she never knew she had. She felt her whole body changing. Her fangs grew longer and more vampiric. Her nails grew sharp and her wrists grew white fuzzy white fur. The nails on her toes also grew sharp and her ankles received the same fur. Her ears grew bigger and her wings where now full on huge demonic like vampire wings. The bat girls eyes became more wile and animalistic. She let out a powerful howl at the full moon hanging above her.

Rouge became a were-bat.

She flew out of the room through the open roof. Her new stronger wings making once difficult flight much easier. She was newly transformed and with that followed hunger. And for Rouge it was the sexual kind. She was in heat, badly. The were-girl was stark naked in the cold, covered only by er new coat of fur. Her senses where tingling. Her new ears hear her pray from miles. Now all she had to do was choose her first target.