All Hell/Uziel/Offer Lola's virgin cunt to Rex

From All The Fallen Stories
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There is no way you're getting the dog off without getting yours in return. You pull your mouth off of the enormous dog cock; your face getting sprayed with dog cum in the process. Rex continues humping for a bit as you turn around and stand up, bending over at the waist. You can almost stand with your legs straight before encountering Rex's soft underbelly. You reach up and around Rex to support yourself, then reach around to guide his cock.

Your panties are still pulled slightly to the side from your masturbatory efforts; so you guide the tapered tip of the dog cock right to your damp preschool slit your pussy lips and ass getting their own helping of thin dog cum. Feeling the warm wetness of your underage box, Rex renews his thrusting, penetrating your prepubescent puss in the first thrust. You feel the sting of your broken hymen along with the glowing pleasure of being plowed as Rex humps his massive dog cock into your tiny cunt with the speed and force only an animal can achieve. You feel your knees going week from the pleasure, and have to reach up with your free arm to support yourself better. Now holding onto Rex with both arms behind your back, you can fully enjoy the sinfully taboo pleasure of a huge dog destroying your preschool pussy.

Rex hammers away at your quivering quim; his knot smashing your tiny clit and cunt lips with each thrust. You take the initiative and start thrusting back onto his cock, determined to somehow get the huge knot into you dainty box. Finally in a surge of pain and pleasure the massive knot lodges itself firmly in your tiny cunt. You find yourself panting from the effort, but still haven't quite gotten off. You reach down and play with your pussy as Rex tries to dismount you. He turns around, and you are suddenly ass to ass with the dog. You continue stroking your kitty as he pulls at your union. You are almost there when you suddenly hear:

"Oh my God! Lola . . . what are you doing?"

You look up to see the astonished face of your babysitter Angie and a concerned look on your friend Chrissy. Well, you were pretty sure you were going to get caught anyway.

What do you do?

Who is Here?
Uziel, Devil of Pedophilia

Lola Neal
Female Human

4 Years Old

Spirit Powers

Possession Powers

Host Enhancements

Powers usable in spirit form and when possessing a mortal.
  • 360 Degree Perception: Uziel can sense everything around itself to a range equivalent to normal human sight.
  • Infernal Whisper: Uziel can whisper in the ears of mortals to try to influence their behavior. The more out of character the request, the less likely the target is to act on it. Additionally those with true faith in a higher power are much more resistant to influence. The faith is the important part, not the higher power; so even if the target believes in a flying spaghetti monster they have the same protection as a devout Christian.
  • Sense Emotions: Uziel can sense the emotional state of others.
  • Sense the Infernal: Uziel can sense the touch of Hell on items and beings.
  • Sense the Divine: Uziel can sense the touch of Heaven on holy items and beings, and so avoid them.
  • Command Demons: As a devil Uziel can command any demon and they must do as it says.
  • Detect Pedophilia: Uziel can detect whether a mortal is sexually attracted to children, even if they don't realize it themselves.
  • Enhance Child Sex Appeal: Uziel can make a child seem sexier, even if the viewer isn't normally attracted to children.
  • Chosen Vessel: Uziel can possess children and pedophiles without any regard to true faith.
Powers usable only when possessing a mortal.
  • Access Memories: While possessing a mortal, Uziel can freely access their memories.
  • Memory Manipulation: While possessing a mortal, Uziel can alter their memories. The memories remain altered even after Uziel leaves them.
  • Total Body Sense: While possessing a mortal, Uziel knows everything about the current state of their body; even if it is not something of which one could normally be aware.
  • Telekinesis: While possessing a mortal, Uziel can manipulate physical objects with a thought. Its strength doing so is equivalent to the strength of ten men.
  • Aura of Hell: While possessing a mortal, Uziel can project an aura that simulates the feeling in Hell, creating fear, dread, and hopelessness.
  • Mind Fog: While possessing a mortal, Uziel can fog a mortals mind, leaving them in a dream-like state.
  • Safe Passage: While possessing a mortal, Uziel can travel on Holy Ground, but is weakened doing so.
Abilities a host you possess gains during possession.
  • Hermaphromorphism: A host of Uziel can become hermaphroditic at Uziel's will.
  • Hellacious Endowment: A host of Uziel can enhance the size of their sexual organs at Uziel's will. Sexual organs can only be increased in size, or reduced to no less than the host's original size. The host retains the new organ size even after Uziel leaves them.
  • Hellacious Sexuality: A host of Uziel is much more sexually appealing while Uziel is possessing them.
  • Hellacious Stamina: A host of Uziel has ridiculous sexual stamina. They can have sex constantly if need be without any tiredness or lack of sexual fluids.
  • Hellacious Fertility: A host of Uziel can reproduce from sexual activity regardless of age or species. Uziel can change the menstrual state of female hosts to any stage in the menstrual cycle at will.
  • Hellacious Strength: A host of Uziel has the strength of ten men.
  • Hellacious Reflexes: A host of Uziel can move with preternatural speed and agility.
  • Hellacious Energy: A host of Uziel does not need to sleep.
  • Hellacious Immunity: A host of Uziel is immune to all diseases and poisons.
  • Hellacious Healing: A host of Uziel heals at about three times the normal rate.
  • Hellacious Appetite: A host of Uziel requires a great deal of food and drink to maintain the heightened abilities they gain.