Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Squad

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For those planing on adding to this. The idea is that Mary Franklin has confronted Freddy and Jason in the past about their bullying of Diya, this has always been in the presence of her friends and so the bullies didn't retaliate. this time however they caught her alone by the gym and decided to take their frustrations out on her with their fists. The rest of the squad caught them and as a group took matters into their own hands. You mess with one of them you mess with all of them kinda thing.

Yeah I got the idea when reading the profiles, along with an earlier mention of the MC wanting to impregnate the entire cheer squad together. My mind then started going into overdrive, these boys are part of the group that harasses Diya. Since she is part of the cheer squad, not the main squad but still part of the squad, this would already put them on bad terms with the squad. Mary is very protective of Diya so she would have said something to the boys, counting on her popularity to protect her. Then the boys confront and attack Mary, the rest of the squad see it, and go nuts 'cuz now they are attacking a member of the Main Squad. This of course could cause some very big issues, first off the girls were acting to protect Mary, who was being attacked, but they took it too far. Also since the girls actions wee a result of the boys actions, they all now have to share the same punishment, since they acted to defend Marry, she has to share it as well. If the punishment is impregnation the boys can't be impregnated so another female family member has to take their place. Is the MC willing to do this or will he find a way to get them a lesser sentence given the circumstances.Telgar (talk) 2209, 28 December 2017 (PST)

Notsooldpervert, Well I have the Dr. going into the office with the boys, because she is the Dr. and they are beat all to heck. She is currently looking at Mary, but still needs to check them out. It could also lead to some humorous situations and commentary. I also think our MC can handle two already beat to heck, boys. As for the forced impregnation, again it is up to the person who writes the next part, whether that's me or someone else. I see it as falling under the one for all rule; in a shared infraction, what one gets as punishment all get as punishment. In that case you would only have to justify one, ie. Perl. Or you could use the attempts to continue the fight in the office, and the lack of remorse from the girls to add infractions. There are several ways. On the flip side the author could have the MC show some empathy and choose a lesser punishment, they are the schools award winning cheer squad and it's hard to cheer while pregnant.

For the Boys Deferred Punishment, I've tossed around the idea of having the MC discover a new kink, the impregnation of another man's wife. It still fits with his not showing interest with older women, just changes the why. He is not attracted to young girls just because they are young girls, he has shown sexual attraction to 16 and 17 year olds, who for the most part are mostly fully matured, he is attracted to the taboo of it. Fucking and impregnating another mans wife is definitely very taboo. I was thinking of introducing this with him fucking the 17 year old mom of Kellie McGregor, who he will punish, under the new guidelines, she is 17, for child endangerment. She left Kellie outside unsupervised at such a young age, which lead to that entire incident. Telgar (talk) 0644, 28 December 2017 (PST)

The one issue I have with this is the believably factor. I'm having a hard time buying that a couple boys, especially in such a traditionalist society, could physically beat up a girl younger than them. There is just too much social pressure against it, they would have to be ass-holes of simply unbelievable proportions for them to even consider such a thing. Jemini (talk) 04:57, 28 December 2017 (CET)

Actually, upon checking out the profiles for the two boys, I can sorta see it happening like this. Jemini (talk) 05:33, 28 December 2017 (CET)

I think your response may have come at the same time as a 3rd comment I was throwing in, thus your edit canceled mine out. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that I was confused as to why you wanted Dr. Hartell in with the boys. See, the thing is, if you are faces with a situation like this where there is a large group angry at and getting physical with a small group, the most logical thing to do is remove the small group they are angry at from the area, such as sending the boys to your office with a male teacher in order to make sure they stay in line. I was about to throw in an edit asking the person you asked to go in with them to just bring them to your office now before the decision point is reaced and re-phrase the decisions to be getting the cheer squad's story here in the front office, going to your office to get the boy's story, or taking Mary asside to some other room to get her story. However, I stopped in my tracks when I realized the person you had to go with the boys was Dr. Hartell. She would not be an appropriate choice for who to send with the boys, but I didn't want to change the person who goes with them if you had some kinda plan for Dr. Hartell. Jemini (talk) 08:05, 28 December 2017 (CET)

Hmmm... if you go with displaced punishnent for the boys then Jason's sister is already wanting to have a baby. Freddy on the other hand, has 3 sisters: a teacher (hardly appripriate) a 10 year old, who is a cheerleader and might already be involved in the punishment, and an 8yo who won't be able to get preggo unless the fertility treatment is working.

That said, i think a severe punishment for the the boys would be more effective. Maybe sex with each other for every time the girls have sex? Of course fighting is only a single severe infraction, so jumping straight to forced impregnation is a little extreme. At most you could justify popping their cherries unless one or more are habitual offenders... like Pearl. If you find a way to use forced impregnation then i suggest making both boys sexual servants to the shota loving coach until all the girls involved catch. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 14:36, 28 December 2017 (CET)

I.... have ABSOLUTELY no idea how you brought Kellie McGregor into this, she's not even remotely involved in this particular incident. Jemini (talk) 19:48, 28 December 2017 (CET)

She was just mentioned as part of another idea I had, that will eventually tie into this path. Telgar (talk) 1744, 28 December 2017 (PST)

Ok, well, I just made the edits I think are more in line with what a properly thinking responsible adult would do to handle a situation like this. I don't think it should affect the eventual end result of the form the punishment is going to take. It just means Mary and the cheer squad don't get to tell their story in John's office. Jemini (talk) 02:42, 30 December 2017 (CET)

Well that was kinda the point of the three questions, who he took into his office to question first and then how they would be separated after, I kinda saw it if He took Marry or the cheerleaders, then the boys would go with the Doctor to her office. If he took the boys then The girls would all stay in the waiting room. His office is actually set up to be the best place for the conversations, as it is now, it seems to push the reader to want to go with the boys first.Telgar (talk) 1914, 29 December 2017 (PST)

Only if you're stuck rigidly to the idea of office = interview place. Really, an interview can be done absolutely anywhere, it can be done at a chick-e-cheese restaurant while watching the animatronics band perform. In this case, the office is being used as a place to segregate the boys away from the people who might attack them, and that's the important thing to pay attention to here. I can absolutely see the fight starting again if either of the 2nd or 3rd options were chosen in the previous way it was set up, where as this set-up makes it impossible for the fight to start again. Jemini (talk) 07:59, 30 December 2017 (CET)

Its a psychological thing. There is a reason that headmasters and Vice-Principles offices are laid out the way they are. So that the students and anyone else sent to the office will automatically feel they are in a position of inferiority. There is more impact sitting at Johns desk and talking with him standing over you, where the punishment table and other tools are visible, than sitting in the nurses office or waiting room.Telgar (talk) 2320, 29 December 2017 (PST)

This would be the case if you were trying to intimidate them, the point here is to find out what happened. At any rate, having a large group overcomes whatever psychological effect being in the office would have. 2, maybe 3 are still vulnerable to the effect, but with 4 or more that's not going to happen. Also, by all accounts, Mary is the victim, so you wouldn't try to interrogate the victim. You are actually MORE likely to get good information from her somewhere like the Nurse's office. So, better to get the information from Mary somewhere like the Nurse's office, and bringing the cheer squad to the office wouldn't do you any good in the 1st place. So, the boys are the only one it would do you any good having them in the office in the 1st place. Jemini (talk) 10:25, 30 December 2017 (CET)