Just a Taste/Start/Lacey/Hospital/Room

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First Taste

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Later that night at dinner, Andrew sat at his usual place at the table and quickly began serving himself a large serving of roast beef and mashed potatoes when Lacey entered the room and sat across from him. Andrew could still feel her presence no matter where in the house she was, and he could feel the continued feelings of lust and confusion coming from her. As she sat down across from him the feelings grew stronger. As he did his best to ignore the tension in the air and eat his dinner, he felt a bare toe slide along his leg. He looked up at Lacey, and she smiled and winked. Andrew did his best to smile back at her, but it was difficult with his younger sister rubbing her feet gently along his leg.

Andrew quickly wolfed down his meal and excused himself from the table. Lacey gave off a little bit of disappointment and hurt feelings. Andrew however needed to escape his crazy sister and think about what the hell was going on

As he headed upstairs to his room, he felt Lacey's disappointment. Andrew shook his head and continued to his room. He quickly closed and locked the door behind him and leaned back against the door. Andrew slowed his breathing and did his best to calm his emotions, feeling Lacey's desire constantly, and at such close in proximity, was having a definite effect on his emotions and his ability to control his own desire.

As he leaned against the door thinking about Lacey's bizarre behavior, and again trying to figure out what was going on, he came to the conclusion that he would not be able to think clearly until he took care of the hormone driven thoughts running through his head. Andrew walked across the room to his clothing hamper and stripped out of his clothes, as he did so he felt Lacey stop at his door. Her feelings were chaotic and shifting from lust to confusion to depression. After a few seconds she continued down the hall to her own room.

Andrew grabbed a towel off the floor and wrapped it around his waist. Unlocking the door he sprinted across the hall into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Andrew turned on the shower and relieved himself as he waited for the water to heat up. Stripping off his towel he climbed into the shower and marveled at the intensity of the feeling of the water running down his skin. It was like every nerve was on overdrive. Between the pleasures of the feeling of the water running down his body and the emotions he was receiving from Lacey he quickly became aroused. Andrew turned the water from hot to cold and began thinking about math equations. It did not take long to clear his mind and for him to figure out how to block the emotional tide he was receiving from Lacey. Andrew stepped from the shower and quickly dried himself off. Once again wrapping his waist in the towel, he unlocked the door and crossed the hall at a more leisurely pace.

As he entered his room Andrew once again felt Lacey leave her room and head his way. Andrew quickly closed his door in hopes of avoiding her. Lacey walked down the hall and then started towards the bathroom, at the last second she turned around and headed towards Andrew's room. Andrew quickly turned to lock his door but he was not quite fast enough and Lacey pushed his door open. As Andrew backed from the door, Lacey entered the room and closed the door behind her. She was wearing nothing but a white cloth towel. "Andrew, I just wanted to say I was sorry for my actions earlier. I don't understand what had come over me. I..." She started to say.

Andrew blanched as he felt the desire starting to come from her once again, also now he could feel an almost physical need. "Lacey..." He started to say as she stopped in mid sentence.

Whatever he was going to say however was cut short by Lacey undoing and dropping her towel. Andrew stared at her. He could not help but admire her beauty, and was amazed at her development. Until today, all he ever saw when he looked at her was his little baby sister. However, now there was no denying that she was growing up. Her breasts had begun to develop and were quite perky; her nipples were standing out from her puffy areolas.

Andrew was at a loss for words and was unable to move as Lacey walked up to him and pulled his towel off. She looked down at his hardening cock and with a smile; she took his rod gently in her hands. "So that is what I have been craving?" She whispered as she knelt down in front of Andrew and took it into her mouth.

The feeling was like nothing Andrew had ever experienced in his life. However it was obvious that Lacey had no previous experience at what she was doing and Andrew quickly drew in a breath as her teeth scrapped against his cock. "Watch your teeth." He said with a hiss.

Lacey took his cock from her mouth and whispered a quick apology before going back to sucking on his now rock hard prick. All thoughts of controlling himself, and attempting to avoid Lacey until he could figure out what was going on fled his thoughts, as soon as Lacey's mouth enveloped him. He looked down at his little sister as she licked and sucked on his cock. It was like she was possessed, he felt it as soon as his towel was removed, her need grew, her whole being all her thoughts and actions were centered on his cock and getting something from it.

It was not long before he discovered exactly what it was that she needed. Without warning he felt a tightening in his balls and he came into her mouth. Lacey began to suck harder on his rod and did her best to swallow every drop of his cum. As she did this Andrew felt another flash in the back of his brain and he knew that something had come to its final and permanent conclusion.

Andrew looked down at his younger sister; her face was covered in his cum. He found it both perverse and stimulating at the same time. It was then that he noticed that the feeling of desire, need and lust was no longer coming from Lacey. All he could feel was contentment and satisfaction. Lacey smiled and started scooping his cum from her face and licking it off her fingers. "What is it you wish Andy; I am at your service for as long as you would have me?"

Andrew blanched at her question and realized that she was telling the truth, she was his to do with as he wished, and she would deny him nothing. Andrew thought about what he wanted. "Lacey, I want you to put your towel back on and go back to what you were doing, until I say otherwise we are to act as we always have until I say otherwise."

Lacey finished cleaning her face off with her fingers and grabbed her towel to finish the job, stood up and nodded as she wrapped the towel around herself and headed out of Andrew's room, without a word.

Andrew sat on his bed and stared down at his now flaccid penis. What in the hell just happened and how did it happen. He thought to himself as he looked up and walked over to his window. Staring out into the darkening street his eyes fell on Aaron's house. That was it, that was what he would do. Tomorrow was Saturday; he would go over to Aaron's house and talk with him about it. He was Andrews's best friend and he was very good at thinking things out logically.