Just a Taste/Start/Day5/Witches/Sex/Defenders/Home

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Mamma I'm Coming Home/div>

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Andrew nodded as he rose from his kneeling position and looked towards the three women. “Now what, I am pretty sure I can’t bring these three home with me, that would be a little hard to explain.”

Morgan walked forward, as she motioned the girls towards her. “With your permission, we will keep the girls here with their families…”

“To hell I will!” Nadia exclaimed. “That is no longer my daughter and I will not have her around my two remaining daughters, trying to corrupt them into joining his harem. I have seen how his women work, they bring others into the fold, against their will without recompense. She will not be around me or my girls.”

“Nadia!” Onya exclaimed.

Nadia spun on Onya and stuffed her finger in the woman’s face. “No, no Nadia. You and Morgan may have been able to force me to give up my little girl, give her to that thing, for the good of the coven, but my home is my home and the good of the coven be damned. You cannot force me to take her back in after she was corrupted by him. I am done here, I have fulfilled my part of the agreement. Until there is more coven business I will be at home mourning the loss of my daughter.”

Nadia stormed out of the room and down the hall, yelling for her husband as she went.

Keily began to cry once more. Her cousins wrapped her in a hug and held her tight.

“As I was saying,” Morgan continued her face neutral and unfazed. “We will keep the girls here and if you have need of them, you can call and arrange a visit or for them to come spend some time with you. They will continue on with their normal lives, until such time as you can take them into your care. This is a very important lesson, with power comes responsibility. Be mindful of who you take into your harem, as you may once again find yourself unable to take care of them all. Onya will show you and your sister the way home.”

Morgan walked out of the room with the three girls in tow, each one looked back one time at Andrew, who simply nodded, before they walked out the door.

Andrew turned to Onya as she approached him. “What now, Lacey is right, the others are sure to be worried and there will be a million questions, we have been gone for almost four days, I am sure everyone is going crazy with worry.”

“We took care of that,” Onya replied. “Shortly after we brought you and your sister here, we had you call your mom and explain to her that you and Lacey had to leave, you told her not to worry and that you would explain everything to everyone when you got back. You also warned her that they all might lose contact with you, as where you needed to go may interfere with things. Since she is your slave, she accepted what you told her to do and hung up.”

“How in the hell did you do that?” Andrew asked as they walked out of the room and down the hall. “I mean, I don’t remember making the call?”

“We have ways of manipulating things with our magic, you have to be here in the coven for most of it to work, so don’t worry we won’t be forcing you or anyone else to do things. We also edited your memories, so that when you first woke up you would be a bit more pliable.”

“Edited his memories?” Lacey enquired as they stopped in front of one of the doors.

Onya blushed slightly. “Yes, he was in the process of getting ready to do some very naughty things with your older sister and her behind, when we grabbed him. Since Morgan had experience with that type of act, we put her husband’s memories in his mind, replacing Morgan with your older sister.”

“You mean, I didn’t… that’s was Morgans… Oh my god that’s so wrong.”

“yeah, I am so sorry, you were so mad at me when I teleported you here, and I was quite shocked to see you completely naked and erect. You have a nice cock by the way,” Onya said as her hand slid down and began to rub on Andrews cock. “you will find some clothes inside this room, on the other side of the doorway is the teleportation portal. Just think about where you want to go and it will send you there. You need to go one at a time.”

The two nodded. Lacey opened the door and started inside. “Can I speak with Andrew for a moment alone?” Onya asked.

Lacey nodded again and headed into the room.

“Andrew, I am sorry for what we did, and I am very sorry for Nadia’s actions,”

“Don’t be, her actions are her own, and I don’t blame her, I just took her youngest daughter away from her against her will. I am sure she wants me dead.”

Onya nodded, “Fortunately for you she can’t take any actions against you without the covens approval, we agreed as a coven to protect you, she cannot act against it, our magic binds her. That is not all I wanted to say though. Our magic defines our nature. Your magic has changed that nature in our daughters, but we are still bound by it. Morgan and her daughters are the practical ones, emotion has nothing to do with their lives. They are the thinkers and judges of our society. It will be difficult for Jennifer to get used to expressing them. Nadia and her kin are bound by their emotions, logic is hard for them, though they also have no passion or sexual desire. They are the doers in our society, it is there duty to see tasks are completed. Keily will also have difficulty with the new emotions she receives from you. My kin however are all about passion, we do not care about logic, or the emotional drives of the others, and our place is our society is to ensure the next generation, we manage the mating rituals and marriages of the covens. Luna will do well under you, as things will not have changed for her much. I on the other hand have been greatly affected by all of this. As the managers of our society’s relationships, I have never strayed in my marriage, but now having seen what you can do, seen the pleasure you gave your sister and how you treated my daughter, I want, no I need you. I can’t do it now, but soon I will come to you and I will give myself and my daughters to you. I have seen it in the divinations, all of us have, and we need to give the coven to you. Not now, but soon. Morgan will do her duty, Nadia will fight it, I will embrace it. I am yours Andrew, any time you want me I will come and give myself to you, my marriage and vows be damned. I know one day none of it will matter, until then, I am still yours.”

Andrew stood in mute shock, not sure how to react to Onya’s statement, until she leaned in and kissed him. His body knew how to respond to this. He kissed her back, for the first time, he shared a passionate kiss with a woman and nothing happened. He loved it, he wanted it, and he needed more. His hand came up to caress her breast and then pull her tighter to him. She broke the kiss, panting and flushed. “I love you Andrew, please call me soon. For now you need to leave before the others or my husband grows suspicious.”

Andrew nodded and then headed into the room. Lacey stood inside dressed in her night clothes with a grin on her face. “You dog, they just can’t keep themselves off you, even when they are protected from your abilities,” She said as she punched him on the shoulder. “now let’s get home, I am horney as hell and need you to make love to me, long passionate lovemaking.”

Andrew quickly dressed in the clothes that were provided and the two walked into the teleporter room. With a flash Andrew found himself back in his room and his mind was flooded with the thoughts of his women.