Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Church/New Extreme

From All The Fallen Stories
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Atending service, getting to know the deacon

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You weren't really certain how you were supposed to meet with the Deacon, so you merely went into the church just in time to attend the Sunday service. As you walked down the aisle, you couldn't help but catch notice of the Morandi family. Remembering the punishment you had given to their daughter, you had a hard time feeling comfortable around them and felt you wanted to avoid them. You didn't see Tihana among them, and for that, you counted your blessings. It would make things quite uncomfortable to be going through church service having to feel the presence of the girl you had raped so harshly as a part of her punishment.

While Tihana may not have been around, there was someone else from the same punishment that you did see sulking in a corner. Liliana Grandville, the daughter of your boss. If she was there, that would mean... "Oh! Mr. Gardner! Glad you could make it to service!" You had your name called as your boss, Mr. Grandville, walked right up to you.

"Uhh... Hi!" You commented and looked over his family as Liliana avoided eye-contact. Mr. Grandville seemed to catch where your eyes went and got close to you to whisper. "You wouldn't happen to be checking up on me, would you? Don't worry, I actually gave her a fresh load this morning before getting dressed for church, you can take her to the bathroom to check if you like." Yes, you had sentenced Liliana to be fucked by her own father on a daily basis until she is confirmed to be pregnant. By the sounds of it, she would be getting that incest baby soon enough at this rate.

"Um.. no, that's not.." Your face grew red, you could hardly believe he had just said that in the middle of the church, even as a joke. You didn't consider it to be all that sacred a place yourself, but supposedly as a fixture of the town he should be a bit more reverent than that. "Uhh... actually, I wanted to get to know the Deacon a little better. It sounds like he has quite a bit of pull in the program, so I wanted to meet him after the service."

"Oh!? Well, I happen to have a good history with him, I could help facilitate that meeting for you. Why don't you sit with us?" Wow, that's a rather uncomfortable offer. But, it comes from your boss, how would it look if you refused?

"Umm... Ok, sure!" you wind up agreeing. "That would be quite helpful, I appreciate it." As he lead you over to where him and his family were sitting, you noticed him take Liliana, wrapping his arm around her side, and you caught him grabbing her in what most might consider a fatherly way, but knowing that he's having regular sex with the girl it takes on a bit of a new context as his hand wraps around her mid-section and gently caresses her belly as they walk. Liliana, for her part, her face falls as she walks along-side her father obediently. As you approach the intimidating sight of the woman who must be Miss Grandville, she gives a somewhat inscrutable look over the sight of her husband and her daughter. It is a hard, stony look like a noble would give to someone who requested something from them in their audience chamber. You were certain she was hiding her disapproval for her husband's actions, but just like how Mr. Grandville's actions could be dismissed as fatherly if you didn't know the context, her actions also could easily be explained away for anyone who didn't know the story.

Mr. Grandville took a seat next to his wife, leaving his daughter Liliana to his other side. You, of course, wound up having to sit next to Liliana who kept directing uncomfortable glances toward you the entire service.

The service itself took its normal stuffy form as you recalled it from when you were a kid. It started with the hymns, then came the call-and-response portion of the service where the Deacon leading the service would say some phrase, and then the entire congregation as one would give the expected response to that phrase. Everyone here had memorized the appropriate responses to the phrases he would say since they were kids, giving the entire thing a rather brain-washed and stale feeling to it. You were continuously uncomfortable through the duration of the service, you were beginning to regret it and just being here was giving you flashbacks to your childhood having to sit through service at this same church. However, when the actual sermon finally began, the content the Deacon was talking about snapped you right out of your revire. How could it not have? He was taking about a subject that pertained very much to you in the past couple weeks. In fact, a specific event during your first week.

"It has come to my attention," the Deacon said to the whole congregation, "that several of our flock's young people were made subject to a rather harsh punishment that has stirred up this town. And not just any young people, but two of them being the daughters of some major fixtures in our community. Now, some of you may have mixed feelings about the new disciplinary program, but I am here to assure you that the director of this program is doing God's own work. As harsh as this punishment may seem to some of you, it was the right thing for the children and for the town.

"Now, to those of you who are unaware, 4 of our young people were caught, it seems, together in a storage room performing all manner of debaucherous behaviors, giving themselves over to drink and to drugs and pleasures of the carnal flesh with one another. Knowing this, you should realize that the punishment they were given for the girls to be made to bear children and the boys to take responsibility for the children that result is only what is right. This punishment was well decided, however, today I want to talk about a deeper problem. What is it that leads to our children behaving in such shocking ways as this? In the holy book, we are told that we must avoid even the appearance of impropriety. That is, that any time we are in a situation a sin of the flesh could have been committed, it is to be regarded as though the parties involved actually are guilty and that indeed they did commit a sin of the flesh with one another whether it actually happened or not.

"Too many of our young people today are far too comfortable, being alone with a member of the opposite sex. This has been a problem in our town for a long time. The book is rather clear that the sexes are to remain separate, except under the most chaste of courtship as assured under the supervision of their parents. Appart from this, they are not to associate with one another, and especially not to be alone with one another. If these edicts were followed appropriately, we would have never seen an incident like what so unsettled the town a week ago. The sickness that has gripped this town runs far deeper than any of us know. In order to root it out, examples will have to be made! These four young people will not be the end of it I am certain, several more of our daughters will have to be made to be with child as a result of their transgressions before this disease can finally be removed from the minds of these young people, they must be shown the consequences of their actions, to be shown why it is that these rules stand as they do!"

He keeps going on and on like this. You have a little trouble following the sort of language he is using and exactly what it is he means, but one thing is quite clear. The thing that he is going on and on about is the program, and he seems to think quite highly of it. As well as this, he is saying that you are going to wind up getting a lot of little girls pregnant, and that is also a good thing. Well, he doesn't really call out you specifically all that much, but knowing how it all works you know that in effect what he is saying up there is that everyone should accept that you are going to have sex with their daughters and knock them up. You notice as you look around that Liliana seems to be about the only person under 16 in the room, meaning she is the only one hearing this right now who this actually pertains to directly aside from you. You suppose the rest are in Sunday school, but you have to wonder why it is that Mr. Grandville pulled his daughter out to the service for adults. Could it be that he knew what this sermon was going to be about and wanted his daughter to hear it?

You started out the service feeling out of place, but now after all of that you feel a little more like the weight of the world has been simultaneously lifted off your shoulders in that there is no condemnation for your actions, but at the same time placed on your shoulders in that you are being charged with a rather large and absurd task, and you can't help but sit there a little stunned. You hardly even realize it when the service ends and Mr. Grandville nudges you to get up.

"Ok, you wanted me to take you to talk with the Deacon?"