Life Hacks/Hallomod(tod-pre)/Expose yourself "in apology" for exposing her

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Well, sorry again about making you lose your underwear,” you tell her.

“It’s fine,” she says again, and then immediately adds “oh my God, why am I…” under her breath afterward, to which your brain automatically fills in the blank with “[letting him do this to me?]” after which you hear another line from her that’s inaudible below the normal human ability to hear in the form of “I shouldn’t be…[letting him do this.]” After this, she begins lightly hyperventilating with the like “I sh…” “[I shouldn’t let him / I should stop him?]” breathed out on occasion every once in a while.

“Well I should still do something to make up for it,” you tell her, releasing her hand she’s using to support herself, thus requiring you to more obviously follow her stabilizing ass in order to continue lightly teasing her labia with your fingers. You then shove down the front of your pants, allowing your pithily 4 inch manhood to spring out as you drop your underwear to the ground and step out of them.

“Oh my God!” Summer recoils, standing upright and thus denying the fingers in the back any further access to her pussy.

“There,” you say, raising up your hand on her rear to cup the small of her back as your free hand moves to caress her inner thigh. With a slight bit of maneuvering, Summer immediately parts her legs and allows this invading hand to get down between her legs where it picks up right where the other hand left off. “There,” you repeat, “now we’re even.”

“Xander, are you touching Summer in her private place?” Octo asks in a bemused tone, getting a giggle from July in response.

“Oh my God!” Summer repeats again, causing the children’s reaction to be instantly swept aside. “This… this is really happening… Oh my!”

“Are you Ok?” You ask her, behaving completely oblivious to the obvious stuff you are quite blatantly doing to her.

“Yeah!” She says with an almost-jump and a squeak as her voice cracks slightly as she says it. “I… I’m fine.” She says, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and stepping closer to you, even leaning her head against your shoulder as she melts into the embrace and begins to sink her pussy more firmly onto your fingers. “Y… you want to… to have s.. sex with me.” She says as a half-statement half-question.

She may have been caught off guard by all this stuff you were doing coming on so fast, but she’s certainly no-one’s fool. You are unable to say a single word in contradiction, and when you don’t respond she takes your silence as full 100% confirmation. “Oh.. oh my God!” She swears again. “D… does it have to be with them watching? Uh… we can use mom and dad’s bed!”

Have sex with Summer?

Do something else