Life Hacks/rp-sld, "roses" (sensory-)/Get A combination "sexual non-compete" for the entire town, Goldilox and Perfect Fit Cock

From All The Fallen Stories
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Let’s see, you have around 8200 points left, that’s plenty to have fun with. After considering your options for a while, you realize you have plenty of points to buy the sexual non-compete cheat for the entire town. It would cost 3200, and it would make it so that lifies in town simply wouldn’t have sex with one another. In other words, you would have them all to yourself, every single girl in town.

You feel a burst of excitement as you buy this cheat, and then you begin to consider what to do with the remaining 5000 points. It shouldn’t be that hard, round 3 zero numbers like that actually seem to appear quite frequently on this list of cheats. As you look through, you see a cheat that you simply must have, and 5000 is almost exactly the amount you would need to get both this and its prerequisite. “perfect fit cock.” With this, you could even have sex with a newborn and your cock would be exactly the right size, then follow it up by screwing the newborn’s mother who just gave birth to it and you will expand to fit her incredibly loose vagina. In both cases, you will get optimum pleasure from each vagina.

You can’t help but envision having a bunch of little toddlers naked from the waste down, lined up for you to have your way with their little kiddie pussies as you buy this cheat. In particular, your little half-sister Kizzie pops into your head. Your dad would kill you under normal circumstances for messing with your half-sister, but with the new list of cheats you got you could do it easy, and besides that the kid loves you.

You remind yourself that Kizzie is not the target you have in mind right now. And besides that, you really should catch up with Roni and Charity. They seemed pretty mad when they left, which you guess you can understand. You had just literally raped Charity and then you violated Roni as well. You still can’t believe you so blatantly did all that. You have to see if that “forgiving” cheat worked out the way you hope.

You pan over to your relationships menu and check it before closing out. You can see that Charity’s “enemy” stat seems to still be present, although it seems to have actually dropped since you accidentally fooled with her “love” score. It’s back down to about the levels before you fooled around with her stats. The thing that’s really changed though is that her dominance score has turned submissive, and it looks like she’s afraid of you now. You recall from your now perfectly edetic memory from when you made Roni fertile that this is about the same as it was when you looked out the corner of your eye at that time, so it does not seem like the “forgiving” cheat has actually changed anything. Well, you probably shouldn’t have expected it to, the write-up actually specifically says it won’t. Well, that’s going to mean you will have to work to win back your trust, these cheats will just prevent it from getting worse. Ironically enough, you are planning to do the exact opposite of trying to win her trust back by raping her in the stands of Roni’s game. Although, with the “rape fantasyland” cheat you wonder if it actually might help paradoxically enough.

You close out of the menu and jog toward the park to catch up with Roni and Charity. “Hey!” You call to them, causing Charity to visibly cringe and stop as she turns to face you.

“Uhh… hey.” She responds with a weak, seemingly forced smile. You walk ahead of them a little and Charity seems to fall into a bit of a slow pace to match you. There is an awkward silence for a bit, but then Charity eventually seems to decide to speak up. “X… Xander, umm… what’s with you today? I mean, doing stuff like… like that.”

How do you respond?