The Tribulations of Kari

From All The Fallen Stories
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Kari was awakened in the middle of the night by a familiar pressure in her bladder. Sliding out of bed and getting to her feet, Kari stumbled around in the dark trying to find the door. After emptying her bladder, Kari went to return to her room, but paused when she heard a strange sound coming from her dad’s office. God, did he leave the computer on again? Kari slowly opened up the door to be met with a bright red light. This seemed very familiar to her as she approached the monitor, a bright red pentagon surrounded by symbols flashed on the screen. Was it from a game, and if so, what kind of game was it?

Kari jostled the mouse experimentally, but as soon as she moved the mouse, she suddenly felt herself get pulled forward into the monitor, causing her to scream in shock. As she was pulled through to the Digital World, Kari could feel her eyelids get heavy.

“N-no!” she mumbled, shaking her head trying to stay awake. “I… I can’t stay awake…”

* * *

When Kari reawakened, was tied up naked in a wooden throne, and a ball-gag was stuffed in her mouth. Her ankles were tied to a metal bar, and her arms were tied at the biceps and wrists to the arms on the throne.

“Oh, good. You’re awake now.” A voice said from the darkness. Kari looked up to see a pale figure enter her field of view. Her eyes widened when she recognized the leather-clad woman; it was LadyDevimon!

“Surprised to see me?” she asked, a clawed hand cupping Kari’s cheek. “My how you’ve grown since I last saw you. You look so beautiful now.”

Kari tried to respond, but nothing coherent made it past the ball-gag.

“Uh uh uh! There won’t be any talking right now. ” Ladydevimon removed her leather clothes to reveal her pale but undeniably sexy body. Her large breasts jiggled as she leaned towards Kari. “I’ve watched you, Kari. I’ve seen how you’ve played with your little boy toy TK. Such a horny little slut, you should have been a different Digidestined.” Her hands felt up the 11-year old’s budding breasts, her claws dragging along the skin and making Kari shiver. There was nowhere for her to move, no matter how hard she thrashed.

“Now now. You’ll be let go once I know I can trust you. But first, I want to know what your cute little body can do.” LadyDevimon stood up and grabbed an egg-shaped object from the table next to the chair and pressed it gently against Kari’s pussy lips. Kari shivered and wriggled about, feeling the object slowly get pushed past her labia and into her body. She could feel it occupying space inside of her, which in her current situation, felt a little uncomfortable. LadyDevimon sat back and crossed one leg over the other. In her hand was a small black dial.

“Now show me what your little body can do!” She twirled the dial around, causing the egg inside Kari to vibrate wildly. Kari gasped and gritted her teeth as she tried to endure the overwhelming sensations. She threw her head back and let out a hard cry of frustration, and thrashed about in the binds. What was happening? She had played with vibrators many times in the past. Why was she so powerless against this one?!

“Heh heh heh. What’s the matter, Kari?” LadyDevimon asked. “Is it too much for you? But I haven’t even dialed it up to 50% yet.” Kari shivered and twitched on the chair, moaning through the ball-gag.

“Don’t cum too soon! I want to be able to have fun with you afterwards!” LadyDevimon sat back, spread her legs apart, and pressed her fingers against her pale pussy lips. She moaned softly and gently twirled a sharp fingernail around her clitoris, which heightened the pleasure. Kari watched her as she futilely attempted to resist the pleasure from the vibrator dancing between her legs. Her screams and moans were clearer now as she could not hold the tide back any longer. She arched her back and her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she came hard. Her legs stiffened and her toes curled as she rode the pleasure wave.

“Mmmnn! N-no! Please turn it off!” Kari protested. However, due to the ball-gag still occupying her mouth, all that came through were Kenny-esque mumbles.

“Mmhmm… you don’t want to be tied up any longer, do you?” LadyDevimon asked, crawling up next to Kari. “It’s just as well. I want to continue to play with your little body.” She unshackled Kari’s arms and legs from the chair and quickly grabbed the girl’s wrists in one hand before she could even think about making a run for it.

“You’re not going anywhere!” she insisted, pulling Kari off the chair and onto the ground. The vibrator still oscillated inside Kari’s body. “You have to pleasure me now!” LadyDevimon spread both their legs open and pressed their wet pussies together. Kari cried out through the ball gag as LadyDevimon spared no mercy for her. She was very rough with handling Kari. Their bodies pressed and grinded together and were slowly building up heat between them. LadyDevimon could feel the vibrations through Kari’s pussy, urging her to press harder against the 11-year old’s body. Her free hand twirled the dial around, changing the intensity of the vibrator. Kari yelped and gasped, arching her back and rocking her hips back and forth. She unwittingly succumbed to the pleasure and thrust herself forward into LadyDevimon’s hips. She drooled through the ball gag; she couldn’t hold herself back any longer.

“Yes! Just like that!” LadyDevimon moaned. “Cum as hard as you can! Give into the pleasure!”

Kari felt herself get pulled on top of LadyDevimon as she came for a second time. The demonic Digimon held her close as the two writhed in pleasure. Kari’s face pressed into LadyDevimon’s breasts, but she wasn’t entirely aware of it as the energy drained from her body. LadyDevimon sat up and turned the vibrator off and pulled it out of Kari. It was dripping with clear pussy juice. She licked it clean of the sweet nectar and placed it at their side.

“Your body and pussy are so soft and warm.” She said smoothly, standing up and walked into the darkness of her lair. She returned a minute later with a large, slightly clear pink double dildo in hand. It was a good 17 inches long, nearly 4 inches in girth, and very flexible along the whole length. “I want to feel your body embracing mine. It’s time you get to feel what it’s like for your little boy toy to ram his shaft into you!”

Kari sat up and gazed at the dildo in LadyDevimon’s hand, and her eyes widened in horror.

“Wh- that thing’s huge!” she tried to scream, and then repeated it clearly after removing the ball gag with her free hands. “It will tear me apart!”

“Now now, don’t get all worked up.” The succubus cooed, descending upon Kari. Kari tried to back away, but she didn’t have much control over her legs as she was still exhausted from her session earlier.

“Calm down, it won’t tear through you.” LadyDevimon reassured. “Your little pussy will easily be able to take a cock this big. I’ve seen you and Pegasusmon go at it before. My my, what would TK think if he saw that?” she laughed evilly and dropped down to her knees. Holding Kari in place, she pressed the head of the dildo against her pink slit. Kari clenched her teeth as she braced for the large penetration. She opened her mouth in shock as she felt the dildo enter her body, spreading her pussy lips wide open and hitting the back of her cervix. It slid in smoothly for her pussy was richly coated in a fine layer of girl cum.

“Mmhmm… you handled it well, little Digidestined.” LadyDevimon cooed. “But this isn’t enough for what I have in store for you.” She applied more pressure to the shaft, pressing it up against Kari’s womb. The little girl twitched and screamed as she felt it forcefully gain entrance to her womb. LadyDevimon didn’t stop until she noticed a bulge in Kari’s stomach, and then she adjusted the shaft until it was comfortably settled in the Digidestined’s body. Kari shivered and gazed down at her body in a combination of wonder and horror. It felt like she was impaled on the damn thing, yet just by looking at it, she could tell not even half of it was inside her! The remaining length protruded from her as if she was sporting her own dick!

“Do you like it?” LadyDevimon asked, pulling Kari close to her body and wrapping an arm across her chest. “How wonderful it must feel for such a thing to fill up every inch of your pussy! It must feel unbelievable!” a hand reached down and grasped the end of the dildo, gently massaging the head and rolling a finger over the tip. Kari shivered, feeling the reverberations down the shaft and into her body.

“Nghh! Please stop it!” she begged, her legs twitching as she felt the sensations go deep into her body; deeper than anything else ever had. However, she didn’t want to receive this sensation from LadyDevimon.

“Not yet! You still have to do one more thing!” LadyDevimon crawled away from Kari, rolled over onto her back, and spread her legs wide open. “Come over here and fuck me hard with your new cock!”

Kari shook her head and slowly backed away, gasping and moaning as she felt the dildo rub against the ground. What was going on? There was something strange about the way her body was reacting to the dildo inside her. Whatever was happening down there, however, would have to wait. LadyDevimon foolishly let Kari go! This was her chance to escape!

“Go fuck yourself!” she shouted in a bit of an ironic twist of wording, and made a break for it in the opposite direction. LadyDevimon looked up and held out her hand.

“Oh no, you don’t!” she shouted. Dark tentacles sprouted from the ground in a burst of black mist and grabbed Kari by her arms and legs. LadyDevimon growled and approached Kari, dragging her sharp claws across the little girl’s body.

“You know you can’t escape, and you will still resist?” she asked. Kari gulped fearfully and slowly nodded her head. LadyDevimon growled and then grinned darkly.

“Fine, then, but you will understand when you return that you’ll wish you obeyed me.” She vanished in a cloud of smoke, and Kari felt herself suddenly falling into a black abyss. She opened her mouth to scream, but it was inaudible. Soon, her consciousness descended into the darkness as well.

* * *

“Kari, are you going to be asleep all day?” Yuuko’s voice called out suddenly. Kari was startled awake when she heard the sharp knocking on the door, but kept her head down to prevent herself from banging her head on the top bunk her brother slept in. As she moved under the covers, she realized that she was naked! Kari fumbled around the sheets when she came to this realization; so last night really DID happen?! Kari felt between her legs and gasped when she felt something hard and long between her legs. She quickly ripped the sheets off her body to see the clear pink dildo between her legs, still embedded in her pussy. There was no way she wanted to do anything LadyDevimon ordered her to, so she grabbed the dildo to pull it out. The instant she attempted to pull, she was met with a powerful surge of pleasure through her body followed by pain, causing her to buckle forward.

“UGHHH! What is this?!” she hissed, holding her stomach until the pain died down. She rolled over and gently grasped the head of the dildo. The resulting pleasure was so intense Kari’s eyes rolled in the back of her head and her legs trembled. For a moment, her hormones took control, and she stoked the shaft vigorously, crying out as pleasure rushed through her body like a tidal wave. Before she crossed the point of no return, Kari came back to her senses and let go of the shaft.

“Wha- how is this possible?!” she exclaimed, holding her hands away from the dildo. It was at this point she realized that she was receiving direct pleasure from the dildo, not from her own body!

“I can’t go around like this!” Kari protested, gingerly climbing out of bed. She walked over to the door leading to the living room and slowly peeked outside to make sure the coast is clear. “Mom better not see me like this. I don’t need this in the morning…”

She quickly slipped through the door and closed it behind her before hurrying to make it to the bathroom to take her shower.

“Have a fun night last night, Kari?” Yuuko asked, appearing from the kitchen behind Kari. Her daughter jumped in shock and turned so she could face her mom, but not enough to reveal the pink cock between her legs.

“Uhhh! Good morning, mom!” Kari chirped enthusiastically. It was probably not a good idea to try and argue with her mom; it would only make her suspicious. “How did you know I had sex last night?”

“I heard you sneaking into your dad’s office last night to bring someone in from the Digital World, and there’s little reason why you would be coming out here completely naked.” Yuuko observed, folding her arms on the counter and gazing at her daughter smugly. Kari moved to the other side of the counter so Yuuko couldn’t see the dildo.

Yuuko and Kari openly shared their relationship between each other. 4 years ago, they were involved in an intense night of passion along with Kari’s boyfriend TK’s mother Nancy. Since then, Kari always came to her mom for sexual advice, and some days, when the boys weren’t home, they would spend a good deal of time making love under the covers together. In this aspect, Kari knew how her mom would react to the dildo. She wouldn’t know of the mysterious effect it had on Kari, but no doubt she would force her to fuck her until the late afternoon. She just didn’t want to deal with that right now!

“So who was it?” Yuuko asked, smirking. “Gatomon?”

“Uhh, no, it was Yolei.” Kari answered.

“Oohh! I like her. She’s such a great lesbian!”

Kari’s face was burning up. She really wanted to pass by to get to the bathroom, but she wouldn’t be able to get past her mom without her noticing the dildo. To hell with it; she was going to take her chance now. Kari made a direct path to the bathroom, keeping her back to Yuuko so she can’t see the dildo. She closed the door behind her and took a sigh of relief. Good, her mom didn’t notice, or maybe she didn’t think much of the dildo between her legs.

After a half hour of washing her young body, Kari returned to her bedroom, where she removed the towel wrapped around her body as she sat down on her bed. She spread her legs apart and gazed at the dildo between her legs. She carefully held the dildo in her hands, shivering as she resisted the pleasure it caused. Kari could feel the dildo inside her, as well as her own touch on the exposed end. It was very sensitive, but she was able to handle it to some extent. As she held it, the limp rubber suddenly began to erect and stiffen, much to her amazement and horror. What was she supposed to do now?!

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Yuuko said as she suddenly entered the room. “Today, I-“

“AAAHHH!!!” Kari screamed in shock and covered herself with her towel quickly. “MOM, can’t you knock?!” she immediately cupped her hands over her mouth once she realized what she had said. Yuuko was immediately upon her, pulling away the towel to reveal her pseudo cock.

“Oh, and what have we here?” she asked, stroking the dildo. Kari gasped and shivered heavily.

“Uhhhh! Mooooom!” she cried out, thrusting her hips up into her mother’s hand. “NOOO! Let go of it!”

“Hmm, I don’t think so.” Yuuko pinned Kari down and continued to stroke the dildo. “You’re responding way too sensitively to this thing.” Next thing Kari knew, her mom suddenly giggled and stood up, unbuttoning her shirt.

“You’re making me so hot.” She said, throwing her shirt aside, followed by her pants. “It looks so nice and big inside of you. I want to be connected, too!” Yuuko grabbed the other end of the shaft and guided it to her own cunt as she sat down in Kari’s lap.

“Uuuhhhh!” she moaned, shivering as she felt her pussy lips spread open. “How do you bear having this thing inside you? It’s so thick!” Kari tried to answer, but she was currently frozen in shock when she felt the dildo being squeezed by Yuuko’s pussy lips. She could actually FEEL with the dildo! It turned her on greatly, and she became overwhelmed with an uncontrollable urge.

“M-mom…” she panted, feeling her face burning up. “Let me fuck you.”

Yuuko nodded and rolled off Kari’s lap so she lay on the bed. She spread her legs apart so Kari could have free access to her pussy. Kari stood up and stroked the shaft as if it were her own cock, and then descended upon her mother. The shaft slid in with little resistance, and both girls moaned softly. Kari wrapped her arms around her mother and shivered as she felt the pleasure shoot up the shaft into her body. Just having it inside her mother felt unbelievable! With her heart pounding in her chest, Kari pulled her hips back and then thrust them down onto her mom. Yuuko moaned loudly, but her expression was nothing compared to Kari’s. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she trembled in a mute scream. Words could not describe the sensation she felt. Almost immediately, she felt like she was about to cum, but as much as she tried to let herself loose, it wouldn’t erupt. Desperate, she thrust her hips back and forth faster, hoping to soon feel that sweet release.

“Oooohhh! Keep going, Kari! I’m so close!” Yuuko moaned, clenching the bed sheets underneath her.

“Nyuuhhh! So am I! AUUUHHH!!!” Kari and Yuuko cried out together as they came at the same time. Kari’s spasms caused her to thrust repeatedly into her mom’s pussy. It felt like something was leaving the tip of the dildo, as if it was being pushed out of her! Kari pulled out and watched as her fake cock throbbed violently with each sudden surge before slowly going limp. She collapsed on the bed, exhausted.

Yuuko sat up, giggling to herself as she leaned over and kissed her daughter on the lips.

“Thank you, Kari. That felt wonderful!” she said before gathering her clothes together. She left the room without another word, leaving Kari there to recover. She was still immobilized in the wake of her orgasm. She didn’t like the dildo inside her, no matter how good it felt. She knew there was no way she’d be able to function normally with this thing inside her. She needed to find LadyDevimon again!