Life Hacks/rp-sld, "roses" (sensory-)/perfect/non-compete (town)/Go use the duck to make them fertile

From All The Fallen Stories
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An idea suddenly occurs to you. This girl you just raped is probably too young to get pregnant, but something primal inside of you just demands and craves the girl you just had sex with to have your child. You saw something about precocious puberty in the traits menu, maybe you can turn on puberty for her?

You quietly slip away from your sobbing rape victim and the girls who seem quite fascinated with her cum-soaked hole and you successfully manage to sneak over to where you left your pants. Feeling a little mischivious, you snag Courtney’s thin stretchy pants, socks, and underwear and hide them in the sleeve of your jacket. You can’t really do much with her shoes in this manner, so you just place them around the back of the tree under an over-hang in the roots where they will be hard to find. While you do think it’s fun to hide your rape victim’s clothes, the real objective in this action is to disguise your real objective which is the duck hidden in your large cargo-pants pocket, which you stealthily squeeze as you are folding your clothes over in order to place them back on top of your shoes.

You look back and notice you are getting glances from the girls, aside from Courtney who’s still balling her eyes out on the ground as she holds her defiled genital area. It seems they heard the sound of the duck squeaking, however they do not seem to question it much as they quickly loose interest and have their attention returned to the sight of your rape victim covered in your cum.

Well, looks like that all worked out just fine, now you have the menu in front of you and all the girls’ eyes focused on something else. You quickly begin to navigate through the menus, but… how do you select someone other than yourself? As you are pondering this, Courtney seems to suddenly get tired of just laying on the ground and crying and, in a burst of movement, she rolls over and springs up, launching herself toward her crouched-down older sister.

“Wow, no!” Elizabeth says, holding her hands out on her little sister’s shoulders to hold her back, “you’ll get that stuff all over me.”

“Lizie he… he… he peed ‘n me priiiiii-vaaaats!” She quickly gives up hugging her cold-seeming older sister for comfort and, instead, just stands in front of her crying even more loudly now. Meanwhile, you make a gesture toward the defiled 9-10 year old and a yellow glow starts radiating from her on your vision. Well, looks like it worked. Quickly working your way through the menu, you switch on precocious puberty and, while you are at it, you figure you might as well boost her fertility to max. There, now her chances of being pregnant from her rape just now are almost guaranteed.

You quickly repeat this process with the hispanic girl, and then you figure while you are at it you will also boost Charity’s and Elizabeth’s fertility as well, both of them having already hit puberty. Just as you are finishing up going through Elizabeth’s menu, you suddenly hear a voice from the top of the ravine.

“Hey what’s going on?” Judging by the high but clear child’s voice, you judge it just by sound alone to be a boy somewhere around the same age as the two younger girls you have in front of you. Looking up, you see that he’s not alone and he is quickly joined by a couple of friends around the same age.

“Oh, it’s some girl crying.” His friend says dismissively. They seem to be a little curious as to exactly what’s going on, you don’t know whether or not they will leave on their own, but you feel you could quite easily persuade them in either direction by yelling up to them.

Call up to them

Don't call up to them

Keep using the duck