Life Hacks/Beth/Privacy/Console her, and mention Angel's period

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Hey there short-stuff,” you say, walking up behind your newly transformed 12-year-old little sister and grabbing her into a hug, but rather than just hugging you decide to see how she will react if you allow your hands to roam over her chest during the hug and grope her budding little breasts a little.

-Hisss!- Beth lets out a sharp hiss, “Wow! That feels weird!” She says, grabbing your arm and shuddering a bit, stopping you from moving your hand over her budding pubescent flesh which, you note, is not protected by a training bra. In fact, your altered memories indicate that she doesn’t own a single training bra yet, nobody has taken her bra shopping. (You can easily see Brittany fixing that by the end of the week though.)

“What’s wrong?” You ask. You know perfectly well what’s wrong, but you want to hear in her words how she’s interpreting this.

“Uhh…” she looks down and blushes furiously as she seems to push herself backward, pushing herself more heavily into your body as though she’s trying to disappear into your arms. “It.. uhh… it, uhh, felt a little funny when you… uhh… touched my, uhh…” And at those words, she grabs your hand in both of hers and presses it firmly into her right barely-present breast.

“You mean here?” You ask, kneading her budding barely-pubescent flesh, causing her to stiffen up and let out another hiss as she tries to press herself even harder into your body.

“Yeah!” She responds, this time with a slight giggle as she begins to curl her shoulders inward as though she’s being tickled. You decide you don’t want to over-stimulate her with this too fast though and you quickly release her now that you’ve got the reaction you want. She takes a few staggering steps away from you with a slight smile as she turns her curious attention toward her freshly molested breasts, bringing both of her own hands up to her chest as she gently manipulates them through her clothes.

You wonder for a moment if, with her sudden transformation into a girl, she has no memory of having her breasts stimulated as they began to grow. If she were born a girl, the increased sensitivity of her breasts is the first thing she would have noticed. However, since she was a boy up until literally 2 minutes ago, this may be the first time for her that her breasts have ever been stimulated which would make it an even bigger surprise for her.

Her legs begin to tremble a little, and you decide to go over and ease her over toward her bed, which it seems actually hasn’t changed a bit since she was a boy for some reason, and sit down together with her on top of it. “Anyway,” you say, “sorry about Brittany chasing you off there. Angel just had her first period, so we were having to deal with that.”

“What’s a… period?” She asks, looking up at you as though you just said a completely foreign word to her. This is even enough to stop her self-stimulation of her breasts for a bit.

“Well, you know how babies are made right?” You ask her.

“Yeahhhh…” She responds with a confused look. “It’s when a boy puts his penis inside a girl’s vagina!” She responds confidently about it as a text-book fact without the slightest bit of shame.

“No, what I mean is what happens inside the body,” and you decide not to waist this opportunity to touch her body again, rubbing your hand over Beth’s pelvis right over where her developing uterus should be, causing her to scrunch her body inward a bit before looking up at you again.

“Uhh…” she responds, blushing and looking up at you for a second before looking away.

“Common, you learned this in your health class, didn’t you?” You ask her.

“Uhh… YEAH! Umm… the baby starts growing in the uterus.” She says, now seeming to have a rather suspicious look on her face, forcing you to wonder if she may be thinking something weird like Angel being pregnant or something.

“Well, yeah, but before that the man’s sperm has to reach the girl’s eggs,” you tell her.

“Oh yeeeah!” She responds with an expression that says she had heard that but completely forgot about it.

“Well, when a girl has her period,” you say, still moving your hand over Beth’s pelvic area, “it means that her eggs have started moving inside her and so now she’s able to have a baby. Before you have your period, even if a boy puts his penis inside you, you still won’t have a baby.”

“Ohhh!” Beth responds, blushing furiously as she looks down at your hand on her lower pelvis, just above her skirt and over her legs with a strange expression on her face. “How do you know if you’ve had your period?” She looks up at you, “Have I had my period yet?”

“Uhh… no, you haven’t,” you say to her, “You’d know if you had your period, it’s impossible not to. Your period is when your body tries to have a baby but fails because a boy didn’t put his penis inside you, so it takes all the stuff that was supposed to be to make the baby and it comes out of your vagina as blood.”

“EEEEW!” Beth responds, “THAT’S DISGUSTING! Blood comes out of your vagina!?” She makes a weird face at you, “No way!” She suddenly declares.

“Well, that’s what happens.” You tell her.

“Nuh-uhhh! There’s no way I can have blood come out of my vagina!”

“I’m telling you the truth,” you say, “if you don’t believe me, look it up on my computer.”

She looks at you strangely for a moment, and then looks over to the door, and then over to where the bathroom would be if she had X-ray vision and could see through the walls, all with a difficult expression on her face. After a moment, she gets up with a careful glance your way before going over to your computer. After a little bit of silence as she looks it up, and when you get up to follow her you see she’s got a list of weird results about getting a period after pregnancy due to some strange search terms she used. You help her with her search terms a little and bring her to, which you figure should probably be the best source.

“Yeah! It says your period is when you’re ready to be able to make a baby!” She responds, smiling back at you at having read off exactly what you just said to her. Did she really not trust you? Well, that hurts a little. She begins scrolling down as she reads the article. With your enhanced abilities, you have already read everything on the screen the very second it was displayed, but since Beth does not have your superhuman abilities, you have to wait for her to read along on the part that talks about ‘what is your period,’ which also describes exactly what you just told her.

“Wow! It’s true!” She responds. “So… so… that means blood’s going to come outta my vagina when I’m ready to have a baby? Wait! Why’s Angel having her period already when I haven’t had mine yet!?”

Well, if she had just read a little further down she would see the part that says girls usually get their period between 12 and 14, meaning Angel is really early, but it seems she hasn’t read that far yet.

What will you do?