Life Hacks/Inga's sexuality

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This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Inga was born to a polygamous household with a large number of brothers and sisters, and on top of it her father was a highly successful individual who was easily able to support his large family. This caused her to feel that it would not be difficult to have a family and a career so long as she found an intelligent husband, but at the same time she was also poorly educated on the subject of birth control. As such, when she decided to become the girlfriend of Rich Cole, the top of his class and someone who was very into computers, she was rather loose about the idea of having sex with him and she had not used protection at all.

She became pregnant with the twins, Charity and Xander, soon after she got out of college, and after that she started keeping up a rigorous regeim of birth control in order for her to have her career which she had discovered having children really was keeping her back from. Despite this, she kept getting pregnant and even the condoms did not work. Inga soon came to the discovery that birth control was completely useless for her, and so she decided to get her tubes tied which resulted in the breakup of her marriage which was already on the rocks between her not putting out and Rich's affair.

After such a life, Inga is now rather sexually frustrated, but she usually puts that sexual frustration into pushing harder at her work. She is known both at work and at home for being a serious hard-ass. This is also partially due to her sexual frustration. This, along with the fear of her past mistakes being repeated with her children, caused her to really become very harsh with Charity when she discovered she was sexually experimenting with her younger siblings. She has poor knowledge of parenting or what is typical for children, so she did not react well to this.

Sexual Knowledge

After having so many issues with her birth control failing, Inga decided to thoroughly study the subject of human reproduction as well as birth control. She has a level of knowledge on the subject that is almost at the level of a pre-med student.

General recommended approaches

Between her sexual frustrations and wanting to keep her kids safe, Inga has a fairly good likelihood of having Xander have sex with her should he be discovered engaging in any form of sexual activity with one of his sisters, or even a girl outside the family, with the excuse that since her tubes are tied she cannot get pregnant anymore. A few factors that may increase the chances of her taking this route are if Xander has increased his skills using the life-hack module (thus increasing her assessment of how far Xander can go in his carreer,) and if he, as Lexi, has had any sexual relations with Rich.

If Lexi were to have sex with Rich and this was discovered, Inga's reaction would most certainly be to cut off all visitation rights for Rich. Along with this though, any sexual behaviors Lexi/Xander exhibit from that point forward will be blamed on Rich in Inga's mind, and if Lexi reverts herself back to being Xander then Inga will figure that since Xander is male, she can make herself a safe target for his sexual behaviors.

Even if approached by Xander directly, Inga would not consider it completely off the table to have sex with her son. While he wears his hair quite differently, a lot of Xander's mannerisms remind her a lot of Rich when he was a teenager, and this brings Inga back to her highschool days as well which gives her a slight weakness to her son. She does not actively desire sex from Xander, but it would be easy to trigger such a mind-set in her.

General overview (How Inga will be likely to react if you have sex with her)


Sex with Bastian

Other relevant quirks

Breakdown of specific sex acts

For the nitty gritty stuff that wasn't worth mentioning above. Lots of repetition of the same points, you probably won't be surprised by much or see a lot you couldn't guess from the above content, but there might be a little new content relevant in strange off-beat situations.

(Too much content without enough purpose, content is linked below.)