Life Hacks/Rich's sexuality

From All The Fallen Stories
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This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Rich is your typical socially awkward high-intelligence nerd, and this was the state of things while he was in high school as well. As such, when he got together with his girlfriend Inga and she seemed quite sexually open to him, he felt that sex was just something you do with your girlfriend and thought nothing of it. When she turned up pregnant, he decided to do the right thing and marry her. It didn't bother him much while he was focussed on school and raising Brittany that they didn't have any sex for a long time, but when they got back to it he wanted to have as many children as he could. Inga does not know this, but he actually began sabotaging his condoms when he had sex with her.

Rich did not have a high sex drive at first, but since meeting Shauna who he had an affair with his sex drive has been increasing due to how much she puts out for him. Sex drive aside though, Rich has always had a VERY high reproductive drive and always has the desire to father more children. In addition to this, due to his memories of both Inga and Shauna when he first met both of them, Rich has begun to become something of an Ephibophile, and has begun to feel a slight stirring toward Charity which he stead-fastly resists. This resistance is made easier by the fact that Charity has a rather confrontational personality and he knows that there is no way she would allow anything of the sort.

Sexual Knowledge

Has the typical level of sexual knowledge for an adult.

General recommended approaches

Rich's sexuality is most certainly straight, but his sex drive is quite high. As such, so long as you and Rich are opposite genders, due to his Ephibophilia, he will have a hard time resisting despite knowing that it's wrong. If Xander were to become Lexi, due to the fact that 'Lexi' enjoys learning computer stuff from him and is frequently in contact, his hands are likely to wander a bit. Should Lexi become accepting of this sort of un-fatherly inappropriate contact, things could go down-hill very fast. Rich knows this sort of thing is wrong, especially with his daughter, so he is likely to restrain himself to touching. However, the max-stats modified Lexi especially can easily provoke him into more.

General overview (How Rich will be likely to react if have sex with him)


Sex with Rich

Other relevant quirks

Breakdown of specific sex acts

For the nitty gritty stuff that wasn't worth mentioning above. Lots of repetition of the same points, you probably won't be surprised by much or see a lot you couldn't guess from the above content, but there might be a little new content relevant in strange off-beat situations.

(Too much content without enough purpose, content is linked below.)