Life Hacks/Beth/Privacy/Not going to break it yet, examine it a bit more while you have the chance

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“Well, let’s just see what I can find out with your hymen still there before we do anything to try and remove it,” you say, pushing your index finger into her entrance.

“Ahh!” Beth lets out a startled moaning sound as your finger enters the start of her vagina. You begin tracing your finger tip around the membrane of her hymen. You find yourself teasing Beth, taking advantage of your improved sense of touch in order to take in all the details of the sensation of touching her hymen while using such a minimum amount of pressure that you are just barely tickling it. Meanwhile, you are also taking full advantage of your enhanced skills in pleasuring a girl with your finger in order to stir the walls of her vagina at just the right speed. “Oh wow! That…” Beth gasps, “that feels weird! It tickles!” She says in a complaining voice, but she does not tell you to stop or try to push your hands away. While her face does look somewhat uncomfortable, she simply grabs two huge fist-fulls of the blanket beneath her as she tenses up in order to deal with the strange new sensations you are giving her.

Appreciating the response you are getting, you decide to stop holding her labia with your free hand and instead you venture up toward where her clit is still hidden beneath the fold of skin at the top of her slit. You gently coax it out, and as soon as the small bundle of nerves pokes up above the retreated prepurse Beth’s entire body tenses like she’s been hurt and she takes in a sharp breath.

“Whaa… what’s that!? What did you…” Beth looks down at where your finger is touching with almost a look of panic on her face.

“What? This is where you said Charity used to touch you, right?” It’s said that a girl’s clit is the equivalent of a guy’s penis. In fact, in the early fetal stage it’s the part that turns into the penis if the fetus gets a heavy enough dose of testosterone. As such, you wanted to see if whatever system determined Beth’s new memories would accept this logic since she seemed to remember Charity touching her penis when she was still Bastian.

“MM… yeah, but it didn’t feel like this!” Beth replied with tears starting to come out of her eyes.

“Well,” you respond, “that’s probably because it got more sensitive since you’re older. Your sensitivity seems to be doing pretty good, I’m going to see if you can have an orgasm. That means I’m going to keep giving you these feelings in your privates until you feel like your whole body starts shaking. A lot of girls think it feels really good, and if you can have an orgasm that means that you should be close to where you should have your first period.”

Beth doesn’t exactly seem to agree to what you just said you were going to do, and her face was starting to look really scared. However, after your explanation she seemed to calm down a little. At this point, she was just watching you and what your hands were doing in her privates attentively.

“Mmmm…” Beth lets out a whimper as she puts on a rather uncomfortable face as though she’s really holding something in while you resume gently teasing her clit and her in-tact hymen. Even though you have never had sexual contact with a girl who has lost her virginity, your artificially enhanced skills flood your brain with knowledge about the differences and gives you all sorts of thoughts on how to substitute the fact that you can’t reach her G-spot for ways to use the sensitivity of her hymen in order to stimulate her.

“It’s Ok,” you say to her as you continue to pleasure her. “Do you feel like your arms, legs, and stomach all want to shake around really bad?” Beth seems to put in quite a bit of effort to steady her face before nodding in response to your question. “That’s Ok, that’s good.” You say to her. “That’s your orgasm trying to happen. You don’t have to fight it. It’s a good thing if it starts happening.” Somehow, you are acting on a piece of information. For some girls, especially younger girls who have little or no sexual experience, the biggest thing that keeps them from having an orgasm is that they need to feel a sense that they have permission to let it happen. This hang-up can be compensated for among older virgin girls in their 20s by them having masturbated, watched porn, or heard about sex, but for someone like Beth who is 12 years old and has a poor knowledge about sex and almost zero knowledge about orgasms you can tell this, along with her fear at the new sensations, are a very large obstacle to her reaching her climax. As such, it’s best that you give her the permission she needs as soon as possible before she starts beating herself up as she desperately tries to hold it in.

It takes a few seconds for your words to fully sink in, but as you continue to gently tease her genital region, slowly circling her hymen with the fingers of one hand while you circle her clit with the other, she starts to make more stifled moans through her clinched teeth and you find that Beth’s legs start to spring up a lot more. Beth’s hands release the blanket she had been holding and thrust down to grab the top of her skirt she had been holding for you before, and she quickly pulls hard on it. “MMMMM!” She groans, tilting her head back a little. It wasn’t a full-scale spine-rocking orgasm, but you are pretty sure she just came. You can tell though that she is still able to take a lot more.

What do you do from here?

Do something while she's distracted by the pleasure