Life Hacks/Beth/Privacy/Stick your dick in her and knock her up

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You could feel a craving in your back teeth as your primal instincts took over your body and caused you to reach down to undo your pants while Beth was still writhing about in the afterglow of her intense orgasm. A thick line of sticky pre-cum attaches the bottom of your penis to the soaked fabric of your boxers as you push your pants and underwear down to the floor and step out of them.

You can feel it. You know she’s fertile and you know you will be getting your little sister pregnant if you do this. Rather than your conscience getting to you and holding you back, this actually tickles your incest and impregnation fetish. You are about to really do it! You’re going to have sex with your little sister, and she’s going to have your baby! You’ve already managed to state a long sore-spot on your psyche by getting the chance to “play doctor” with one of your very willing little sisters. You are going to want a lot more of it in the future in order to really make up for the wrong you feel was done to you by denying you this experience in the past, but more than that right now you want to get your sister pregnant!

You know it’s wrong, you know this is going to have some long-term effects that are pretty hard to get around, and your mom will most definitely be furious. Before you got this life hack, there’s no way you’d be this reckless. Now though, you feel you will somehow be able to use the hack in order to make it work out, so with your final hindrance, the fear of punishment, out of the way you have nothing to hold you back.

Beth lets out a complaining moan as you move the hand that is lightly rubbing her pussy out of the way and roll her over onto her back, but then this is followed up by another rather happy sounding moan as she feels you dragging the head of your penis through her slit. She stares up at you with a weak smile as her writhing hands venture all over her abdominal area as though trying to feel some kind of physical sensation. You find her entrance with the glans of your circumcised 4 inch member, well lubricated from the head to the root with pre-cum as though you’d already lubed up using some KX. Her, having just been so thoroughly stimulated, also has a very slick hole ready for penetration. With you both already well lubed from your body’s own juices, you slide right in without the slightest bit of resistance and are at her virgin membrane in seconds. You had enjoyed looking at and feeling this up for the past several minutes, but now in order to realize your dream of having vaginal intercourse with one of your sisters it was time for this to go.

“Ow!” Beth grunts as you rip away her virginity, burying yourself to the root in a single smooth motion. She looks up at you for a moment as though conflicted, but she quickly puts on a smile as your eyes meet and she reaches up toward you with both her hands in the posture of asking for a hug. This is far from unexpected considering her brain is likely flooded with oxytocin, AKA the “cuddling hormone,” right now, so more than continued sexual stimulation her body is probably absolutely craving the light stimulation of having another person’s body close to hers. Since this goes well with your intention of pressing your hips together until you fill her uterus full of baby-making sperm, you quite willingly oblige.

You reach down and lift Beth up into your powerful upgraded arms, resulting in her immediately wrapping her arms and legs around you as she lets out a sigh of contentment, not even minding your penis sticking up into her pussy. With her held securely in your arms, you climb up onto her bed and shift yourself around until you are laying length-wise with her as you lower yourself with her on top of the covers.

Beth gives a sigh of contentment as she nuzzles her face deep into your shoulder, and you take this opportunity to begin slowly stirring your 3rd thumb inside her, bringing out a soft moan from her. Suddenly, as though realizing something, Beth’s hand begins blindly reaching over her thigh as she contorts her body and lifts her leg higher on your hip in order to reach under herself without having to go through the area where your pelvises are tightly pressed together. You can feel her hands brush over your balls, and then a moment later they press against the area of her entrance, tracing the underside of your dick where it vanishes inside of her.

Beth directs a shocked look in your direction as she has now become fully aware of what you are doing, silently staring at you, but you only return a smile to her as you begin to unbutton her men’s button-down dress shirt starting from the bottom. Beth has a conflicted expression on her face the entire time this is going on, neither expressing acceptance or discontent, only confusion and signs of a mental battle going on inside her head as you work your way up from the bottom, and then finally as you reach the top you loosen the tie that she wears so that you can open her collar. You leave the tie on though, loosely hanging around her neck. Somehow, something about this is just sexier.

You begin lightly playing with Beth’s now exposed breasts with one hand as you cradle her back with the other. Meanwhile, you begin lightly thrusting inside her as you bring your head forward toward hers. Beth’s eyes snap open wide as she feels the renewed sensations assaulting her body, and she locks eyes with you again, her lips slightly parting in a slack-jawed expression that is just too delicious to pass up. It takes a little bit of doing due to your size difference, but you manage to contort your neck and spine in such a way as to allow your lips to meet hers, giving up on stimulating her breasts as now both arms are wrapped around her back, the hand that was previously cradling her has worked its way up through the back of the collar to her shirt and is now cradling her head. Beth pulls back from your kiss in surprise, but as you come forward and kiss her again she seems to accept it this time, although she does still look quite distressed.

After you separate, she seems to be blushing and smiling from the experience. She looks up at you like a puppy dog, not even seeming to mind anymore as you are lightly fucking your penis in and out of her. She seems to suddenly decide to accept that now and cuddles up to you again, embracing you in a tight hug, but her concern over your penis inside her doesn’t seem to go away completely as she soon lifts up her head to look over her shoulder down at where your two bodies meet, her face full of curiosity as she watches the gentle motions of your hips grinding against her and shifting your 4 inch penis inside her around half an inch with every motion. She looks back up into your eyes again as though trying to ask if you’re really going to do this, but she does not voice any form of complaint and simply looks back down once again.

It seems as though your 4 inches were the perfect length for her 12 year old pussy. With every thrust in and out, you can feel your glans grinding against her cervix. After getting excited at dealing with Angel’s period and touching her earlier on top of having held yourself back for so long as you lightly teased and played with Beth’s fresh and very fertile pussy as you got her ready for this, you are already on edge. The evidence of how close you are to filling her ovulating reproductive tract full of your exceedingly potent seed is all over the inside of your underwear right now, a thick film of pre-cum that is large enough that one would normally think you had jizzed in your pants. You suddenly get a bad premonition of what’s about to happen when you finally let loose inside her, but it’s too late to go back now. You might have been able to take precautions if you had thought of it earlier, but now you are just going to have to let what happens happen.

“Mmmm…” you let out a light grunt, hugging your forehead into Beth’s upper arm as you push yourself all the way inside her. You allow Beth to continue staring down over her shoulder, figuring she’s going to want to keep watching as she feels the sensation of your semen spreading inside her. You feel the first strong blast of your cum ripping through your dick, and you feel Beth jump as it fires out against the door to her uterus, and you actually hear a slight squelching sound as you feel a spray of thick warm liquid forced out of the mouth of Beth’s vagina around your dick under great pressure, coating your balls and slightly bent thigh with the viscous fluid. This repeats several more times, but Beth seems to get under control a little after the surprise of the first time.

This is amazing! Normally a girl is not supposed to be able to feel a man’s cum shooting inside her, only the sensation of warmth as the fluid conducts your body heat into the inside of her body. However, yours is shooting out with such extreme volume and pressure that she can actually feel the sensation of having it blast against her cervix. You are forced to wonder, just how far would it fly if you were not buried inside Beth’s vagina right now. You would estimate that just the splash of the excess fluid that can’t be contained inside her, spraying out of her entrance around the plug of your dick, would be going a good 2-3 feet if your upper thigh was not in the way.

There’s no doubt about it, this is from you maxing out your fertility stat. You have already fired a good 5 shots into her in the time it took you to observe all of this, and it’s still not stopping. Normally, 5-6 shots would be the absolute upper limit for you, and only the first 2 or 3 would have any significant volume. In fact, you would guess that only that first shot inside her probably had 3 times as much semen in it as your entire ejaculation from before you modded yourself with the hack. And what’s more, it’s not stopping. Not only does the 7th and 8th shot seem to be every bit as big as the first, it just seems to keep going.

“Ohhh!” You groan as your amazing and incredibly satisfying climax continues as you manage to enjoy the mental image of your thick and hot semen penetrating Beth’s cervix as it rushes up to meet her egg and fertilize it, thus impregnating your little sister with the baby you two have created with the first egg she ever ovulated. With ejaculations so strong that they rocket out of Beth’s opening under pressure, you know that this kind of pressure has to be forcing your sperm through her cervix with every bit the same kind of kick. Normally, the sperm have to find their way through the cervix after being ejaculated into the vagina. However, in your case, you may have even filled the cavity of the inside of her uterus to capacity already with your thick semen, and it’s likely already making its way into her fallopian tubes. Having confirmed she is definitely ovulating already, there is absolutely no way Beth is not getting pregnant after this.

Finally, somewhere around the 10th to 12th shot it begins to start settling down, but there are still another good 3-5 less powerful “calming down” shots. You look up toward Beth who has a face that is a mask of utter amazement and fascination as she looks down toward your thighs. As you look down yourself, you manage to take in the sight of the absolute carnage that your dick had wrought. Just from the splash that came spraying out from the place where you and Beth were joined, your lower thighs look like somewhere around 5 guys gave you bukake, and that’s not even getting into the bed which is now completely soaked with a thick white lumpy gell all over it. Actually, the liquid has not spread as far as you thought it would, it seems like your cum was so thick it was almost more sperm cells than seminal fluid and the lumpy clumped together cells seem to be retaining the moisture of the fluid quite well. You are not sure you even want to imagine your pubic hair which you also felt getting some spray around the top of Beth’s vagina, and you can feel on your upper thighs that definitely a lot of gel-like thick semen has dripped down from where it was caught by your balls in a quantity that likely equals the same amount all over again that you can see on your thighs.

“Did we just have SEX!?” Beth asks in a childish half-yell using the exact same tone she might have used if she was talking about someone else. Since you are not doing anything to restrain her, Beth gently pulls away from you, causing your dick to slide out of her, followed by a large flood of more thick and goopy jiz. Beth immediately reaches out a hand for it and looks at it. “Is this… SEMEN? Why’s it so… goopy?”

In a flash of realization, you recall that Bastian has been having wet dreams since around half a year ago. Since Beth seemed to have rather clear memories of Charity playing with “her” penis back when she was Bastian, maybe Beth also remembers those wet dreams and what Bastian’s semen was like when that happened.

“Uhh… that’s because I’m older, so my semen has more sperm cells in it,” you tell her as she seems fascinated by your cum that has leaked out of her and is all over the bed. However, while her hands seem to be innocently playing with the white jiz that’s as thick as hair gel, her face shows that she seems to be deep in thought about something.

“Uhh… Xander?” She asks worriedly. “It’s true that I can’t get pregnant if I haven’t had my period yet, right?”

Great, now you definitely feel a weight of guilt for what you just did. While she seemed to accept you playing with her well enough, she definitely sounds worried about getting pregnant. What’s more, there is no maybe here, you are just about 100% sure that you just impregnated her just now.

Admit that you just got her pregnant

Try to hide the fact she's probably pregnant for a while

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 4 inches - cut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Physical: 200
Mental: 200
Social: 200
Appearance: 200
Health: 100%
Energy: 67%
Focus: 42%
Stress: 70%
Arousal: 74%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: Lifie Mod
Nerdy cloths, smartwatch, pocket protector
Other Items
Life Controller Duck, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
  • Privacy zone (your room)
Page Tally:
WIP points
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything
Bethany "Beth" Cole
Sister 12 years old

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old=

Notes: Dismissable X4

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old

Notes: '

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old

Notes: '

Loki (Player:Loki)
Benefactor ???? years old

Notes: '