Life Hacks/Beth/Privacy/All of the above, plus include "sexual non-compete" on the whole town

From All The Fallen Stories
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Now come to think of it, you had an absurd amount more points when you came in here. You had around 2,500 when you bought the privacy zone cheat. Now, it seems you got around 9000 more since then. There is only one thing that you’ve done since then, and that’s have sex with Beth. All 9000 of those points must have been in some way obtained from the stuff you’ve done with Beth since entering this room. Although, you are really not certain what earned you more points, having sex, getting her pregnant, or possibly even the fact that you took her virginity or the fact that the sex was incestuous. Whatever it may be, it seems like a very good way to get more points would be to have sex with and impregnate the rest of your sisters, maybe even knock up every member of your family. You’re pretty sure mom won’t be mad at you for having sex with Beth if you even get her pregnant again, giving yourself a younger sibling in addition to all the nieces and nephews that will be born.

Recalling the types of cheats available, you manage to think up a plan that can actually use the fact that your cum is still dripping from Beth’s pussy as a way to possibly get with Angel and Brittany. First off, you decide to add the “exposure pass,” as well as the “shared” upgrade to allow Beth to run around and maybe show off the massive load you just dumped inside her. And now, while you may have made it Ok for you to have sex with your sister, even a sister Angel or Roni’s age, there’s still the possibility it might be considered unacceptable because you’ve already done it with Beth. As such, you add the “bigomy pass” in order to take care of that.

“What are you doing?” You suddenly hear Beth interrupting you. You turn back and see her staring at you with a strange expression.

“Uhh… what? I’m cleaning off my legs,” you tell her, strongly suspecting that’s not what she was talking about. Sure enough, her gaze stays rather serious. “What?” you ask.

“What is that weird thing you’re doing with your hand?” She asks, waving her finger around in imitation of your motions. She still has a little bit of an edge to her voice, apparently she’s still upset about you getting her pregnant. That’s understandable, but apparently it’s not enough to have her not speak to you, or maybe that’s because she’s still refusing to believe she’s actually pregnant, or if she does then it hasn’t really sunk in.

At any rate, there is the issue present that you have been caught red-handed manipulating the hack. Clearly she can’t see the screen you’re manipulating, otherwise she would have said something about it. However, even without seeing the screen, it should certainly look quite weird to her for you to be waving your finger around like that.

“Uhh… nothing, I was just doing this because it helps me think,” you say, giving the screen a flick, scrolling it all the way to the privacy cheat you bought before and deactivating it. Now that it’s considered fine for you to have sex with Beth and you’ve even got the exposure cheat on top of that, you shouldn’t really need this one anymore. “Anyway,” you say, turning to Beth now that you’ve done this in demonstration of your earlier statement, “What’s wrong with mom and Brittany finding out about this? I think they might be happy to hear that we had sex with each other.” Time to give these cheats a test.

“Mmm…” Beth grunts. “Yeah, but Mom always gets real mad at Charity saying she’s going to get herself pregnant. You said you got me pregnant, I don’t think Mom will like that.”

“Huhh… you’re right about that.” Now that she mentions it, that is a real concern, and you really didn’t see any “pass” cheats for impregnating someone. “Just give me a minute.” You begin scrolling through the list again, but really what you just said to Beth is just an excuse to allow you to manipulate the screen in front of her again. You actually already know exactly what you’re going to do and are scrolling straight to it at high speed, and you also know exactly what your response to her will be as well. However, until you make these changes, you’re going to have to keep quiet.

You quickly activate the “major forgiving” cheat for the entire family. It’s a costly 1500 points just to activate it on a reduced scale of only your family, but you’ve definitely got the points to spare. Not to mention, you’ve already got Beth mad at you for getting her pregnant in a manner that really could be considered rape depending on how Beth interprets the events, you are certain more than just your mom and Brittany would get mad if you tried to knock up the whole family. In fact, you could even include your dad’s side in this, possibly even your dad himself if you were to sex-change him like Bastian. Your dad and Shauna would definitely be mad if you knocked up Raine and even little 2 year old Kizzie, which COULD be possible with this hack, so this forgiving cheat is definitely a good investment.

A thought suddenly occurs to you after buying this cheat. If you get so many points for fucking your sisters, what about other girls in town? Also, once again the question of how valuable their virginities are springs into your mind. At any rate, as you are thinking this, you become possessive over them and activate the “sexual non-compete” cheat scaled to the entire town. With this, nobody in the entire town will be having sex at all.

Now then, one last step. Angel is in the middle of her period right now, that means she can’t get pregnant even if you do have sex with her. However, you recall something from when you were looking over the fertility section. At max, 200, fertility a girl’s period is shortened to only 3 hours, and she ovulates her next egg immediate. In Angel’s case, she started bleeding while she was asleep. It’s quite possible it’s already been 3 hours, and if it hasn’t then getting your semen inside her will be enough for her to get knocked up the moment she ovulates her next egg. With these wicked intentions, you back out of the cheats menu and quickly set her fertility to max. Also, since max fertility means 100% certain of implantation as well, setting Beth’s fertility to max as well will make her as good as pregnant as well.

It is only after you repeat this process for every one of your sisters that you close out the menu. Since Roni is at an age where it’s questionable whether or not she will get her first egg from the fertility maxing by itself, you also switch on the “precocious puberty” trait for her. And if Roni’s too young, then Kizzie is DEFINITELY too young, so you switch this trait on for her as well.

With that finished, you close out the window and look over to Beth. “I don’t think it will be a problem,” you say to her, in reference to Brittany and your mom finding out, “I bet Brittany would like to hear that we had sex. You don’t have to tell her about being pregnant, they might not like that, but I think she would like it if you went and showed her my stuff coming out of your privates!”

“Really!?” She responds, none of the edge of anger present in her voice at this point.

“Yes, really.” You say, tossing your underwear you just used to wipe off your cum into the hamper as you place your hand on the back of Beth’s shoulder. “Common, let’s go show her.” Now that you’ve discovered how profitable having sex with your sisters is, you have every reason to try and get Angel knocked up as fast as you can now, and the fastest way you can think of to get Angel interested in sex is to see that you’ve already had sex with Beth.

The large glob of your semen that had fallen onto the back of Beth’s skirt falls straight off due to gravity and lands on her bed, directing her attention down in time to discover that more of your stuff was leaking from her vagina. She seems distressed for a moment, but as she rushes to keep up with your previous urging to come along with you she simply sticks a hand down between her legs in order to contain it.

As you open the door to your room and guide Beth out into the hallway, you notice Brittany walking up the stairs holding a towel. Now come to think of it, yesterday was laundry day and there were no towels in the bathroom since nobody had gotten around to bringing them back up yet. When Brittany notices you, she gives you a warm smile a “hey!” for greeting before her face darkens a bit while she gets a pretty good eye-full of your exposed genitals from below.

Your heart gives a flutter for a moment as you wonder whether or not the exposure pass cheat is working properly when suddenly Brittany reveals the source of her concern, “Xander, are you Ok?” She says, “You’re bleeding.” She gives a slight gesture between your legs, causing you to look down and see that, indeed, you still have a few smeared remnants of Beth’s virgin blood on the base of your dick.

“What!?” You respond, “Oh, that’s not mine. I told Beth about Angel and her period and so she wanted to try having sex.”

“Really!?” Brittany looks genuinely shocked at that explanation, but she looks over to Beth holding her crotch and you are pretty sure she can see the evidence to this claim all over the insides of her thighs. “Well… is that Ok!? Brittany asks. “She could get pregnant!”

“Uhh… well…” you respond. “Beth still hasn’t had her period yet, so it should be fine.”

Brittany’s face softens at this. From what you can tell, it seems like the cheats are working. Suddenly though, from back in your room, you hear the sound of your cell phone ringing.

What will you do?

[[Category:Life Hacks|Beth/Privacy/All of the above, plus include "sexual non-compete" on the whole town