Life Hacks/Yng-Lexi/Act ashamed and afraid he's going to get you in trouble

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You let out a gasp and quickly cease your masturbatory activity and cover your “sensitive region” with both your hands. You feel the urge to string him along, wanting him to take the lead here, playing the game of the weak and innocent little girl in order to excuse yourself of responsibility for your sexual behavior. You put on a fearful expression, not even having to try very hard as you tap into and draw out that primal fear of being eyed-up sexually by a boy who could be forceful with you as you put your acting skills to use. You quickly use one hand to grab your pants and pull them up to just barely cover over your front with you stretching them up to your pelvis with one hand while the other is still inside covering yourself, but you do not raise your hips in order to fix them properly.

“Ahh!” Bastian makes a panicked noise as his plan, or lack there of, seems to not be going at all how he had hoped. “Uhh! No! Show me too!” He blurts out, blatantly making a grab for the front of your pants. You certainly have the ability to resist him if you wanted to, still having your physical stats maxed out, but you allow him to rip them out of your hands as he starts to pull your pants back down. Several thoughts go through your head, including how much of an idiot your little… or rather, now he is your older brother is, being so forceful like this. However, you suppose his experience with Charity before must have been similar to this, so he probably learned from her that it was Ok to just do things like this with a girl, a family member in particular.

“Mmmm!” You let out a distressed sounding groan as you reach for the pants he’s pulling away from you and then quickly return it to covering your puffy labia with both hands. “Bastian! What are you doing!?” You demand, looking up at him seriously and then averting your gaze.

“It’s Ok!” He says, looking up at you. “Charity used to do this with me and everyone else before. We just can’t let mom find out about it.” He says, putting on what looks like it’s supposed to be a re-assuring smile. However, for some reason, a sudden chill runs down your spine. You’re not quite sure what it is, but something’s gnawing at your subconscious that something just went horribly wrong, and it doesn’t have anything to do with Bastian. “Here, move your hands, let me see your privates!” He says. A bolt of fear runs through you at those words and you feel a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, and everything comes together. Those were exactly the wrong words for him to have used. He’s in big shit now and the only thing you can do to avoid being in the same situation is to resist him.

You hear footsteps approaching from outside the door and every muscle in your body tightens as you know what’s coming next. It’s too late now to pull Bastian’s tail out of the fire now. Just a second after you have that thought, the door to your bedroom bursts open and you see the completely enraged face of your former twin sister with her died pink hair reminding you more in this moment of a fire as she glares across the room, taking in the image of you with your pants around your knees as you cover yourself up with both your hands and your brother on top of you with a hand around one of your wrists trying to pull it of to expose your sensitive area underneath.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?” She demands, reaching out like a demon to grab poor Bastian by the wrist of the hand that’s holding onto yours, ripping him off you.

“Ow ow ow!” Bastian’s face warps into a face of fear and betrayal as he realizes how thoroughly not on his side Charity is on this issue. He doesn’t even have time to be shocked as he is dragged across the room to the door.

“GET OUTA HERE YOU LITTLE PERVERT!” She throws him through the door and then follows him out, barring the way back in as she begins to rip into him. “What the HELL do you think you’re doing!?”

“But.. but..” You hear him stammering. You can’t see him anymore since there is a wall and Charity’s body blocking your view, but it’s quite clear that absolutely nothing in this situation is lining up the way Bastian was probably expecting it to go and he hasn’t even begun to catch up with the situation.

“You DON’T treat girls like that!” Charity yells at him.

“But.. but that’s what YOU did before!” He counters, the wounding on his heart at the sheer betrayal he’s feeling is quite obvious in his words.

“Yeah, I was stupid!” She counters, pressing on with her attack, but you can hear her tone subtly soften at being reminded she did something very similar to Bastian. “Yeah,” she says, “it was wrong when I did it, and that means it’s wrong for you to do it too!” She lets out a sigh. “Oh my God, why the HELL did mom put you two in the same room together?” She says, throwing her arms up and walking back into the room and slamming the door shut, making sure to lock the door this time in order to keep Bastian out.

“Are you Ok?” Charity asks, directing her gaze back at you. By this point, you have sat up and are hanging your legs off the side of the bed. You still haven’t done anything to pull your pants up, but the change in your position has you significantly less exposed now.

A lot of complicated feelings are running through your head. Mostly, you’re feeling guilty about getting Bastian in trouble, but you are also fairly shocked at how large a change seems to have come over Charity in regards to her attitude toward you due to your gender change. Also, you still getting used to this whole life-hack thing and the power it has to completely uproot your previous life is playing a huge role as well in addition to how everything since that Loki appeared in your room until now has just been going so fast and not even leaving you a moment to adjust to all the crazy changes that have happened since then. In all of this, you can’t even process this new sudden shift from playing coy and seducing your little brother to now having your formerly twin sister who you had a sour relationship with up until now playing the white knight for you and seeming to be genuinely worried about you. With all of this, all you can bring yourself to do is just nod your head.

Charity lets out a sigh and walks over to sit next to you on the bed, seemingly ignoring the fact that your pants are around your knees as she tries to go for an awkward half-hug but instead just places a hand on your back and rubs it up and down for a bit. In the meantime, your heart is thundering in your chest as you attempt to figure out where you should make things go from here.

What will you do?