A World of Cubby Sex/Male cub/Lion/Bull

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Sitting at across from the limo door is a bull, she smiled at you warmly, but a look in her eye said all too much, she was a collector, looking for unique cubs, probably a trainer, this happened to you once since you were kicked out of home. Her horns where sharp, nad her body, built, as if she was meant to tear through bodies like paper, "so, you know whats up, why don't you get undressed" hesitantly but only with the promise of food, you strip, she leans forward, examining you, "oh, Neoteny? you wont grow in looks past eight, what a catch" she undresses ready to take the physical, most Bull women have dicks, just like the men, its due to the testosterone because of their kind, this trainer was no exception, her shaft was big, but you got the sense that it was modified...