Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/End/PJs/Bunny/No Panties

From All The Fallen Stories
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Return the clothes to the sexy bunny

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“I’m fine, Sir.” she replied in her usual submissive tone, the bunny ears of her pajamas gently flopping above her head. You took a moment to admire the 14-year-old girl’s body, her soft curves fully on display under the tight pajamas.

The day before you had seen quite a bit more of her, when she wet herself and you had to make her change the pajamas. Still, Perl’s fault had been a very small one, so you couldn’t justify doing more with her. Well, at least you could see her change once more, even if you knew you would end frustrated by the end of it.

“Here you go, Sir,” told you Perl, handing you a piece of paper, “signed by my father as well as Mr. Williamson.” you absently took the note, not really caring if it was signed or not, usually by the time you gave the notes you had already done what you wanted.

“Thank you,” you then remembered how proud she had been when she first entered your office, “how did you father reacted to your punishment?”

Perl stiffed a little, but soon gave a perfect response: “He was very disappointed, I had to promise to fix my ways. He decided to hold my allowance until I prove I deserve it once more, and I agree it’s a proper response.”

“Good,” you said, still more interested in the way her budding breasts moved when she gestured. It was clear Perl knew how to give a speech, “what about your mom?”

“She… she was out most of the day.” she quickly added.

“So you didn’t tell her?”

“You… you said I only needed a signature… Sir.” you found it weird that she confided more on her father than mother, especially since part of her punishment was…

“So, did your dad helped you when you used the bathroom?”

This did make Perl’s cheeks bright red, as she lowered her eyes, “Y… yes, Sir, he did.”

“Did he tell you anything about it?”

“He… he said I… I looked cute… but nothing else! I was very careful not to damage my… my purity… anymore, Sir.”

“What about at school, you didn’t came to me to supervise,” you added, a little jealous of whoever had the job of watching as Perl used the bathroom, “who did it?”

“I… I asked Mrs. Carmichael, since we were at practice already and…”

“Cheerleading practice?” you asked, remembering that indeed the teacher had mentioned that yesterday.

“Yes, Sir.”

“How was it?” you asked, reminding yourself you had to take some time to watch that. You weren’t sure if Pearl would be sexier in that skin tight bunny suit or in her normal cheerleading outfit.

“Well, a few of the girl tried to make fun of me… but Mrs. Carmichael told them off. I explained to them it was a punishment, and that I deserved it, and I think they understood, even if they still looked at me weird,” as she recalled she quickly recovered her composure, “in the end I had to do it, since Liliana was sick today and I’m her deputy.”

You smiled, remembering why Liliana was sick today. She had suffered quite a big punishment the day before, one that would probably force her out of the cheerleading troupe once her belly started growing. You were still amazed the headmaster would go that far on his own daughter, but you weren’t complaining.

“… pretty embarrassing, especially when the boys started practice and I could see them looking at me, but I understand that was part of the punishment, so I forced myself to keep going. I think the experience helped me see how my mistakes have far-reaching consequences, and will be a good reminder to behave in the future, Sir.” finished Perl, a chaste smile on her face that hid any signs of pride over a well executed act.

“Good, I guess all that’s left is getting you back in your uniform,” you said, standing up and opening your cabinet and retrieving the neatly folded uniform Pearl had removed the day before, “so please take out the pajamas,” you added.

Apparently Perl had been expecting that, as she just nodded and started getting the zipper down without protest. This time, though, she didn’t make any effort to hide her body as the tight suit slowly came out. Last time she had turned around, giving you a nice view of her butt while she tried to cover herself.

Now she just stood there as she fought with the zipper, getting it pass her breasts and down, giving you a nice view at her navel and then her bra-covered breasts as he tried to pull her arms out of the suit. Her boobs where the only part of her you had yet to see, and once more you had to fight the impulse to just walk there and cup them, you could guess her orbs would fit nicely in your hands.

Two big surprises unfolded when Perl finally pulled down the legs of the pajamas, the first was a piece of toilet paper that dropped from between her legs when the crotch of the garment finally gave it space. Ever since she entered your office you had payed special attention to her crotch, knowing she wasn’t wearing panties underneath, and remembering how you had almost gave her an orgasm when you clean her. Being white, the fabric of the pajamas would easily reflect any moist, and now you understood how the girl had managed to hide anything.

Perl was quick in retrieving the piece of paper from the floor and look at you with some concern. You just pointed to your trash basket, where the girl quickly disposed of it.

The second surprise came as she stood, naked except for her white bra, with the bunny pajamas in hand, and you saw that her mons were now completely devoid of any hear, while yesterday her small tuff of hair was trimmed, today is was completely absent, somehow giving her chaste slit an even more appealing look.

“You shaved completely?”

“You said I should, so… last night in the shower… I did, Sir.” she replied even as her legs closed tightly, trying to hide her privates from your eyes.

“Your father saw?”

“What? No! I mean… no, Sir, he was only there when I… pee, I showered on my own, Sir.”

“That’s fine, you should tell the rest of the troupe to follow your example.” you said, receiving the bunny pajamas and regrettably handing her her folded uniform and shoes. You had a feeling that as good student as Perl was, this would be the last time you would see her like this.

“I will, Sir.” she quickly replied as the grabbed her clothes and quickly started unfolding them and covering herself.

You couldn’t help but to take the bunny suit to your face and inhale, but apparently Perl was really an overachiever, for all you could smell was the fabric softener. Apparently Perl had gone as far as to wash the suit after her cheerleading practice before donning it again.

“Excuse me, Sir?” she then called, already looking like a normal and sexy student in her skirt, blazer and socks, “it… it seems my panties are missing.”

Of course her panties wouldn’t be with the rest of her clothes, you had used them to relieve yourself the day before, and they were waiting for her in your drawer, along some other panties that had helped you. You had completely forgotten about it, and looking at Perl, nobody would guess she wore nothing underneath.

What to do