Life Hacks/Charity-preg/rp-sld, "roses" (sensory-)/perfect/non-compete (town)/Danica/Have her pull up her shirt and check for internal injuries

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For now, you are just concerned with making sure Billy is not severely injured. The window that you opened for the hack is a little annoying as it is still in your vision, but something tells you it could still be useful as you already have ideas to fix Billy’s physical condition in case he… she actually is injured. God, her boyish disguise is perfect! Although now that you are paying attention you can tell by smell from your enhanced senses as you can smell the scent of the mucous membrane of her vagina from here, before you started paying attention and while you were still outside and a lot of other scents were throwing you off you were unable to tell at all.

That being said, it means you are about to feel up the chest of a girl, not a boy, so you can feel your hands shaking a little more. But, no, it’s not for anything perverted. You are quite genuinely trying to help her. “Ok, Billy,” you address her. “I’m going to need you to pull your shirt up so that I can see if he hurt you bad enough to need a doctor.”

Billy lets out a whimpering and miserable sounding whiny moan in response to this, making a motion to comply but then ultimately allowing her arms to go limp as she stares off to the side. Rather than fight with her, you simply let out a sigh and then reach your hands into the front and back of the lower part of her sweat shirt which she seems to be wearing without an under-shirt. Fortunately, this makes it rather easy to reach under and begin gently pressing on her abdomen.

“MMmmm… that tickles…” Billy complains, shifting uncomfortably and trying to get away from the hand that is on her front around her belly button. You decide not to comment and get the examination over with as quickly and efficiently as possible as you gently press into her abdomen in several places in order to check for internal bleeding into the abdominal cavity. You are looking for abnormal firmness, which would indicate a higher than normal internal pressure due to increased fluids in the space around the organs. Fortunately, you are not feeling anything of the sort. However, you DO get a giggle from Billy that quickly turns into a pained wince. “Stoooop…” she complains, trying to reach for your hands in order to shove them away.

With your strength, she is unable to even budge your hands, but she does manage to interfere with your ability to precisely sense what’s going on inside her. Fortunately, you’ve already learned most of what can be determined from touch. All that’s left will require verbal feedback from her. “Alright, I’m gonna need you to tell me if this hurts, Ok Billy?” You go on, not even bothering to slow down or stop what you are doing in response to Billy’s complaints. You shift your hands so that they are both wrapped around Billy’s sides, completely wrapping around her lower ribs. You take your thumbs, and then you gently begin pressing them into the space beneath her right and left ribs off to the side of her body, lightly applying pressure to her liver and her spleen beneath these locations. “Does this hurt bad like when you were laughing just now?” You ask.

You can tell that she doesn’t seem to like it a lot since she has already complained but you are going on anyway, but she seems to calm down because of your calm but authoritative tone that is not the least bit interested in her complaints as she stops resisting you and instead shakes her head in the negative with a sniffle as you look into her still glistening eyes.

“Alright, how about here?” You say, placing your thumbs on her lower ribs, third from the bottom. The lowest two are called floating ribs, not attached to the sternum, so they will not serve your purpose at all. You gently press on these lowest attached ribs, moving them a little inside her body.

“Mmmm… a little.” She groans.

“I see, and here?” You take a hand off her side and instead press on her solar-plexus, getting a pained expression, but no real reaction. “Alright,” you say, already having some suspicions as to the nature of her condition. “One more,” with these words, you lightly press on the lower part of her sternum, and at the same time, you move your other hand to her lower back, almost caressing her butt.

“Ah!” She suddenly tries to jerk back away from you, but your hand that is on her extreme lower back manages to restrain her. You already knew that this would probably be her reaction, but while you knew it would hurt you are more interested in exactly how much and what kind of damage she got, which requires you to feel a little more in this most damaged area. You eventually manage to find her Xiphoid process, the lowest part of the sternum, and you are relieved to discover it is still firmly attached although it seems to cause a very painful expression on Billy’s face as you press on it.

“Ok, I’m done,” you say, releasing your hands and allowing her to break away. She eyes you somewhat suspiciously after she has retreated back only half a foot, but then quickly begins avoiding eye-contact again. At any rate, from what you have discovered, there is no internal bleeding, and the largest injuries are to the costal cartilage and the Xiphoid process which seem to be bruised. A bruised bone and cartilage, that’s not exactly a severe injury so far as how much it threatens your life, but it will take several months or even years before it stops hurting. Well, she IS young and still growing, her body is still giving plenty of nutrients to those areas, so the healing process ought to be shorter for her. However, you estimate she will be in pain for at least 6 months at this rate.

What will you do?