Daycare manager/Elf license

From All The Fallen Stories
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Elves are a long lived and slow to mature race. They grow quickly in their early years compared to later on. Up until the age of 18, they mature at a rate that is as fast as 1/2 that of a human, being equivalent in physical appearance to a human 9 year old at that age. This is the very fastest growth period of an elf's life, and slows considerably after that. An elf typically enters puberty around age 40, at which point they physically appear equivalent to a human 12-13 year old. After this point, they age at around 1/10 the rate of a human, being considered a full adult at around the age of 100.

It is not only a matter of elven growth rate being low, fertility among the elves is also very low and is something that has traditionally kept their growth rate in check with their long lives. However, as the world started expanding and communication between the races began to become more common, the elves began to become more conscious of how low their fertility rate was compared to other races. It was to the rate that it was common to see only 1 elven child per 100 elven adults. As such, other races easily began to outbreed elves to a great extent as the standard of living improved world wide. In order to compensate for this, the elves who are strong with magic invented an entire new school of magic that specialized in raising fertility, otherwise known as reproductive magic.

Despite reproductive magic raising the elven rate of fertility as high as 1 elf child per 6 elven adults, the elf tradition of every single elf having an exceedingly high value for every elf child has not faded. While there is a saying among human societies that children are our most precious resource, while human actions may suggest this is not taken very seriously, for elves this concept is felt in their very blood and is written into their genes. Harm being done to one elf child can easily earn you the ire of an entire elven nation that is not even that particular elf child's country of origin.

While an elf child's rate of mental maturity is about equivalent to their physical age, their longer life-span means they have more time to learn information. So, while they may act exactly as mature as they look, they will know more in the way of book knowledge than their peers of other races. The concept of sex among the elves is traditionally seldom discussed with elf children younger than the age of 40, and due to the fact that harming a child in any way is such a completely unthinkable thing in elven society they often do not see the need to teach their children even about the need to be aware of those who would take advantage of them in that way. However, some elven parents who have decided to raise their children together with other races have learned the need for this kind of education being taught earlier than it would have to be in an all-elven society.

For human caretakers in charge of elven children, you may wish to consult with the parents about the level of defensive sexual education the child has been given. It may be possible that the elven parents are not used to the best methods for instructing their children in this kind of thing, and so the offer should be made that you can teach their child to be aware of those who may wish to sexually molest them. In cases where you suspect an elven child has become the victim of some form of sexual abuse, it should be handled with the utmost care as elves find harm done to children to be particularly offensive even more so than humans. At the same time, there are several unscrupulous people who find elven girls to be ideal victims for them to target, so this is another matter you should be especially aware of when taking care of elven children.
