Daycare manager/Orc license

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Orcs are a race that has only just barely managed to qualify as civilized, and is an exceedingly promiscuous race. There are several humanoid races who are more promiscuous than the orcs, such as goblins, but these more promiscuous races are all at a level where they are unable to join civilized society. Only orcs just barely make the cut. As a highly promiscuous race, orcs have a fairly war-like tendency and are known to be aggressive.

Orcs physically mature very quickly at a rate of about 3X that of a human, hitting puberty at around age 4 at which point the orc child will be grown to a point that about matches a human 12-13 year old. Despite largely joining civilized society, orcish culture still considers a 4 year old orc to be an adult. Orcs who have children entered into a human school may support their children up until as long as age 8.

Orc culture has no concept of an age of concent, and only just barely has a concept of rape to the extent that they are aware members of other races will attack them if they rape a member of that race. This loose concept of rape does not protect members of their own race though. As such, it is common in an orc culture for children to have been raped to a point where it's simply accepted as normal to the point that they don't complain by the time they reach the age of 2 (equivalent to a human 6 year old.) It is, however, possible for an orc child to still be a virgin if they live outside of orc society as there is some concept of incest among orc society and it's something of a 50/50 chance for them to have been molested by a family member. Due to this, even if sexual molestation is found among orc children, it is often overlooked except in cases where other forms of abuse are also involved.

Half-orcs It is not uncommon to hear about human-orc hybrids. In older times, this was the most common cross-breeding with orcs among the conservative races as mostly this was accomplished via orc men raping conservative-humanoid women. Among the conservative humanoids, only elves and humans are built in a way to accept an orc man's penis, and elven fertility is low enough that the raped elf woman normally would not conceive. Nowadays however, as orcs have become more civilized and elves have invented reproductive magic, it has become possible for orcs to make children with elves as well, although the likelihood of an elf taking part in this is still quite low.

In the case of an orc hybrid, the cultural values they grow up with are greatly influenced by the non-orc parent. As for their rate of maturation, it is normally a little slower than half the difference between the orc maturation rate and the maturation rate of the non-orc parent's race. For the most common human-orc hybrid, it has been recorded that the children mature at a rate of 2X the normal growth speed. While this means that a human-orc child grows at the same maturation rate as an anthro-beast, human-orc children have been known to be more intelligent than anthro-beasts. Those who can see the value in this have thus posed that human-orc hybrids, if they were more common, could become the same thing to humans as humans are to the elves.

(consequently, the rare orc-elf hybrids mature at around the same rate as a human until reaching age 10, and then slow to a rate of 1/3 the maturation rate of a human reaching adulthood at age 30. Orc-elf hybrids are posited to be a race that can easily replace humans as the dominant race on the planet if they were more common.)
