Life Hacks/Hallomod(gp-pre/pres-inf-im-cr'pay)/Marcy/Now it's Marcy's turn to get knocked up by you

From All The Fallen Stories
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Revision as of 02:42, 4 June 2018 by TodNaturlich (talk | contribs) (It's the least he can do to make it up to her.)
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A rather strange thought occurs to you. March actually seemed to be a little turned on when you fucked his sisters, and even when he cleaned them he seemed to get turned on by it. However, now that he’s a girl, “Marcy” seems to be somewhat hurt by this. If everything else is staying the same, you can only think of one reason why the gender change would make her suddenly not like you having sex with her sisters.

“M..Marcy..” You have to get used to that name. “Do you want me to do it with you now?”

“What!?” She looks up stunned, “N..No! I mean… weren’t we going to wait!?”

‘Weren’t we going to wait?’ That pretty much confirms it. She views you as having “that” kind of relationship. In that case, you having sex with all her sisters without touching her is DEFINITELY going to bother her, so you are just going to have to push through her resistance.

“I don’t think we need to wait.” You counter with a smile, walking smoothly up to her and shoving your hands up under her skirt, immediately finding the waist-band to her panties. Marcy gives a yipe as you drag her undergarment down to her mid thigh and knock her over backward onto the bed as you pull her underwear the rest of the way down her legs.

As you crawl up over her, you do something you have always wanted to do… ever since the fake new memories of March being a girl up until now were planted in your head. So, in other words, something you have always wanted to do in your fake memories. You bring your face to hers, quickly finding her lips, and press your mouth to hers.

Marcy looks back at you stunned after the kiss. It was a closed-mouth kiss, but a kiss none the less. Your first kiss, and hers as well. She blushes deeply as she looks back at you. “That’s something I didn’t do with Jan or August.” You tell her with a triumphant grin, causing her to look off in wonder. She is quickly brought back to reality though as you shift your attention downward and begin pressing your still naked penis against her opening.

“Mmm…” Marcy gives a distressed whimper, looking down between your bodies as you penetrate her.

“Did you just KISS her!?” August, who is still sitting naked beside the two of you on the bed, responds with shock. “Does this mean! Like! You’re boyfriend and girlfriend!?”

“Uh-huh,” you respond with full confidence to August’s question, and in doing so you unilaterally solidify the change in the nature of your relationship with your best friend Marcy. Your heart feels elated at this, and you’re still feeling a little bit of vertigo due to the clash between the false memories being interpreted as this hack having finally given you the confidence to finally take the plunge and make your relationship with Marcy real and the true memories that she has actually been a guy up until a short time ago and you had just used the hack to change her gender. You even look back fondly at the false new version of the memory of ejaculating on her pussy, apparently fortunately before it might have been dangerous, and wish you had gotten a chance to go all the way with her then.

You shrug off this conflict of memories and decide to simply embrace the new false memories. After all, it does make it easier for you to have sex with her without worrying about it being gay, and your heart is absolutely soaring at the idea of her being your official girlfriend. Having heard your declaration that you are in “that” kind of relationship now, she stares back up at you with confused glistening eyes as you continue to slowly rock your hips in and out of her in a gentle motion. You give her a gentle smile and lower yourself down to plant another soft kiss on her lips, which she numbly accepts.

“Is that alright with you?” You ask.

“Y.. yeah.” She ascents to being your girlfriend in the middle of you fucking her. Or rather, it’s a little more like you’re raping her. She still doesn’t quite look all that happy about what your hips are doing with her down below. That said, a devious idea comes to your head to move this more in your direction.

“Hey, when’s the last time you’ve had your period?” You ask gently into her ear, already knowing what the answer is going to be.

“I… uhh…” She responds. “I… I haven’t.” She seems rather embarrassed. “I.. I’ve never had my first period yet.” She says it almost in a whisper. Indeed, it would normally be very strange for a 14 year old girl with a developed chest like her to have not had her period yet. You know the reason for this though. She’s actually been a guy up until now, so she couldn’t possibly have started having periods yet. Now that she is a girl though, and with her fertility set to max, she ought to be ovulating her first egg right this minute.

“Well then, it shouldn’t be a problem if I do it inside, right?” You make that statement, knowing that, indeed, if you were to ejaculate inside of her right now you should not have a problem at all with having your sperm find her first egg. Exactly the opposite meaning of what you were implying.

“Umm.. o.. Ok.” She responds. "Uhh.. but.. what if it still.." Her eyes start darting around as she seems to be desperately searching for a way to fight through her submissiveness to somehow tell you "No."

“What are you talking about!?” August asks, cutting off Marcy's ability to process her objection any further.

“I’m talking about putting my semen inside of Marcy’s vagina.” You answer the encouragable tom-boy’s question, fondly recalling the system message that had informed you she’s already carrying your fertilized egg inside of her right now.

“Oh!” She responds, and then turns her excited eyes toward her big sister. “Has he put his semen inside your vagina before?” She asks, causing Marcy to react with a slight start before shaking her head. This seems to make August get excited. “It feels really cool!” She says. “It gets all warm inside! And it feels almost like you hafta’ pee and it makes your whole body feel really good!”

Marcy smiles briefly at this, but then her expression darkens a bit, likely having been reminded of the fact that you had done it with August first before her with this gushing attitude from her still completely naked little sister going on about how good it feels to have you cum inside her.

What will you do?