Daycare manager/"Exposure" details

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Please note, these stats are divided into 18 levels. The 1st 16 levels go from 1 to 80, and go up by 1 level for every 5 points. The last 2 levels are from 81-100, and go through 10 point brackets. These levels are the ones that are being "exceeded" when talking about using "trust" in order to exceed their comfort zone. Their current level of trust represents the level category they are currently in.

Also note that these detailed breakdowns for the 3 core stats are the areas where I am the least satisfied currently, and as such feedback is greatly appreciated and these stats are GREATLY subject to change.

  • Lv 1. 1-5
    • Casual exposure: Is hardly even comfortable exposing their body to others in things like the pool changing room. Even for boys for whom it is socially acceptable, they will not even want to take their shirt off in public. If they are at a swimming pool, they will want to wear a long shirt over their swimsuit.
    • Exposure of others: In terms of exposure to others, they are not even comfortable with the idea of seeing a baby's genitals while their diaper is being changed.
  • Lv. 2 6-10
    • Casual exposure: Will feel comfortable with removing shirt in a setting where they feel secure even if others are around (Have 10+ trust with all parties involved.) This is the minimum to feel comfortable with the idea of actually wearing just their swimsuit to swim. However, they will feel very embarrassed to wear their swimsuit outside of the pool. (Note: Pubescent girls or girls near puberty will not remove their shirts in public without a swimsuit top.)
    • Exposure of others: Will still feel embarrassed seeing a baby of the opposite gender changed, but will at least be able to accept it if the baby is of the same gender as them.
  • Lv. 3 11-15
    • Casual exposure: Same as above, feeling capable of removing their shirt with others around. At this level, they don't need to be secure with everyone around and can show their bare chest in front of total strangers in settings outside of places like a swimming pool so long as it is a setting where others may be doing the same. (Does not count for pubescent girls or girls near puberty and have been trained out of this behavior.)
    • Exposure of others: Will be able to see the genitals of a baby of the opposite gender while they are being changed, and is comfortable with the idea of someone else (of the same gender) stripping completely naked in a setting such as a pool changing room.
    • Sensual exposure: Will allow a trusted adult to remove their shirt if they believe it is for the purpose of helping them change, and will not be bothered by having a hand reached up under their shirt while they are wearing it for actions allowed by the "touch" or "love" stats. In the case of touching a girl's breasts under their clothes though (assuming the appropriate other stat is high enough,) they will only allow this action in private whereas the touching of non-erogenous areas will be allowed in public.
  • Lv. 4 16-20
    • Casual exposure: Will feel comfortable with the idea of being naked for a limited period of time in an acceptable area like the changing room at a pool.
    • Exposure of others:
    • Sensual exposure: Will allow a trusted adult to remove their pants, stripping them to their underwear, if they believe it is for the purpose of helping them change or some other such legitimate reason.

Lv. 5 21-25

    • Casual exposure:
    • Exposure of others:
    • Sensual exposure: Will allow a trusted adult of the same gender to remove their underwear in a setting where such a thing would be felt to be legitimate, such as helping them to use the bathroom or helping them to change if their underwear became wet (whether it's urine or water, such as jumping in water with clothes on.) Will also feel comfortable using the toilet with this same-gender adult in the bathroom with them and able to see them.

Lv. 6 26-30

    • Casual exposure
    • Exposure of others
    • Sensual exposure: Will allow all the same removal of underwear actions and be comfortable using the toilet with a trusted adult as mentioned in the previous level, but be comfortable doing it with an adult of the opposite gender.

Lv. 7 31-35

Will feel comfortable seeing the genitals of a child member of the same gender. In controlled or appropriate setting (such as the bathroom)

Will feel comfortable seeing the genitals of an adult of 40+ trust of the same gender in a controlled or appropriate setting (such as the bathroom)

Lv. 8 36-40

Will feel comfortable seeing the genitals of a child member of opposite gender in a controlled or appropriate setting (such as the bathroom)

Will feel comfortable seeing genitals of an adult of 40+ trust of the opposite gender in a controlled or appropriate setting (such as the bathroom)

Lv. 9 41-45

Will feel comfortable seeing genitals of other child or adult in a non-appropriate setting with a trust of 40+

Will feel comfortable seeing genitals of an adult in a controlled setting with a 20-40 trust

Lv. 10 46-50

Will feel comfortable revealing own genitals in a non-appropriate setting front of a child, or an adult who has a 40+ trust relationship.

Will feel comfortable seeing genitals in a non-appropriate setting with a 20-40 trust.

Will feel comfortable seeing genitals of an adult in a controlled setting with 10+ trust.

Lv. 11 51-55

1 step down each category from 46-50, special conditions needed for revealing of genitals at below 10 trust.

Lv. 12 56-60

2 steps down each category from 46-50, special conditions needed for revealing of genitals at below 10 trust.

Lv. 13 61-65

Will not feel embarrassed watching someone else performing sex acts in front of them that they would approve of being done on themselves. (will feel mildly embarrassed but not complain if it is a sex act they wouldn't approve of so long as the people they are watching both seem Ok with it.)

Lv. 14 66-70

Will accept sex acts they would approve of being seen by a 3rd party they know and trust. (counts only for sex acts they would approve of via other stats)

Lv. 15 71-75

Will accept a situation where they are forced into public nudity, revealing themselves to strangers.

Lv. 16 76-80

Will accept having sex acts performed on them in a public setting in front of strangers. (counts only for sex acts they would approve of via other stats)

Lv. 17 81-90

Will find public nudity to be exciting.

Lv. 18 91+

Will find sex acts performed in public to be exciting. (counts only for sex acts they would approve of via other stats) This stat can be further raised beyond 91 until it reaches 100 by performing sex acts that push their comfort zone in public.
