Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Home/Bathroom/1st/Privacy/Pee/Comfortable

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"Alright, I'll just turn around here while you do your business." You tell her, turning your back from where the toilet is. You can still sorta sense Hannah's general actions, and it seems she is slow to start and is just standing still for a while. Despite you turning away, she's probably not too pleased you are here while she's using the toilet. She doesn't say anything though, and eventually, you see the movement of her shadow bending down as she pulls down her panties and flips up her skirt in order to sit on the toilet.

(Horniness < 4)

You can hear the cute sounds of Hannah's pee trickling into the water below, and in short order she seems to be finished.

(Horniness 4+)

You can feel your dick begin to rise as you are aware of the fact that a little girl with her panties off is sitting on the toilet behind you, and as the sound of her urine stream hitting the water begins you feel chills rising up your spine. (Horniness = 10) With these sexy thoughts running through your head, you feel almost as though you are about to jiz in your pants.

Make Hannah take care of your problem (Abusiveness 20+)