School dazed/Schools/girls

From All The Fallen Stories
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“I think that the Sakata Landmark University and Technical-School would be best. “Lindsey stated “It’s the school’s policy to automatically accept the children of faculty without the entrance exams. It’s considered one of the best schools in the country and the girls could really use the experience.”

Markus nodded “I think you’re right. I would feel more comfortable at the boy’s school, but, the girls could really use the education opportunities offered at the school.”

Markus sent in his acceptance letter the next day, and two months latter the day before school started, he found himself standing in front of the Head Mistresses desk. Yamani Sakata, the beautiful wife of the Education Minister. She had long blond hair, beautiful green eyes. She wore a tight, revealing black business suit, that exposed a nice amount of cleavage and a bit of her black lacey bra, and a tight and very short black mini skirt. He was a bit shocked and even a little tongue tied by her attire, it was definitely not something he expected to see on the Headmistress of a respected girls school.

She rose from her seat as he entered her office, smiled and extended her hand in greeting. “Mr. Nakamura, I’m so glad to finally meet you. It is quite an honor to have a teacher of your quality and caliber at our school.

“Thank you ma’am” He replied as he took her hand in his, giving it a gentle, yet firm shake before bringing it to his lips and then releasing it.

“Oh, please call me Yamani. I don’t really like formality with my teachers. I find it to be distracting from the real priority, the education of our students.”

“As you wish, ma’am, I mean Yamani.”

The both took a seat as Yamani began her intro speech.

“I’m sure you are wondering more about our school and what your responsibilities her will be?”

“I thought I would be teaching students.”

“Yes, that and more. Let me get to the meat of the situation.” Yamani Replied

“Okay, you have my attention.”

“Good, this school, and its brother school, are part of an experimental program one that is very important to my husband and me. As a matter of fact, it is probably his highest priority.” She said as she rose from her seat and walked around the front of the desk. “This year we will have our first graduating class, and it is of the upmost importance that they graduate with high marks and prepared to meet the world head on. If they fail, we fail.” Markus nodded and tried his best not to stare at the very fine and very long legs of his superior.

Yamani sat against the side of the desk, spread her legs slightly, revealing a bit of the lacy panties she wore underneath her suit. “And this brings me to you. You have been selected for a very important role here at the school. You will be in charge of the new graduating class. Their former teacher proved to be too inept at her job and had to be let go. Sadly, a large number of her students were lost with her, this we believe was also due to her incompetence.”

Markus nodded, as his eyes were drawn to the slight glimpse of lace between her legs. Wow, that is quite a responsibility, to higher a new teacher for this important of a job, they must be desperate. “I’m honored Yamani, this is a great responsibility and I won’t let you down.”

Yamani adjusted her position on the edge of the desk, causing her skirt to rise higher and reveal more of her panties. “I’m sure you won’t. But my husband and I have come up with a bit of an incentive to ensure your maximum effort.”


“Sadly, the roster for the graduating class is too small, to justify a real test. Your predecessor did a real disservice to this school and we will be forced to ask some of the suspended students back this year. Your job is to not only ensure that the current students graduate with the highest marks, but also find out who among those who were suspended can be brought back and saved from the failure they currently are.”

“How many students are we talking about?” Marcus asked.

“Well currently your class has fifteen students. But the graduating class needs to be at least fifty.”

“Wow, that is quite an expectation? Just how bad are the other students?”

“There were 85 students suspended last year, I’m sure you can find 35 that can be saved and brought up to par from them. The more students you can bring back and graduate with high marks, the more you will be rewarded.”

“You said something about an incentive plan, for me to succeed?”

Yamani smiled at this question, moving once more pushing her skirt all the way up her legs, fully exposing her panties to Markus. “The first time I saw you, on the podium next to my husband, I was struck by just how handsome you really were. I must say you are much better looking in person.”

“Um, thanks, I guess.”

Yamani, rose form the desk, pushing down and straightening her skirt. “If you have any problems, it does not matter what kind of problems, come see me and the school will smooth things over. Between me and My husband we can straighten out pretty much anything.”

“Um, problems. What kind of problems are you expecting?”

“Look, you are our, no, MY greatest hope for this school to succeed. So, part of your incentive, part of MY incentive, is complete autonomy.” She replied as she passed in front of her desk, looking a little nervous. “As long as your students are getting good marks, and the students you bring back this year are improving, you can do whatever you want and I will protect you.”

“Whatever I want?”

“As long as your students have high marks, you can make any mistake without consequences.” He replied as she turned to look at Markus, her face turning red. She then leaned in close her lips inches from Markus’s and whispered. “To clarify, if you think it is a good idea to come to school tomorrow naked, then do it. I will deal with the reproductions, and smooth things over.”

Markus was not sure what to say as Yamani leaned even closer to whisper in his ear. “If one of our scholarship students catches your eye, then enjoy her. If she finds herself in a family way, they are year-round students, so we can take care of that as well, and the school will gain a new student when it is all said and done.”

Yamani leaned back to look Markus in the eyes, her lips once more inches from his, he could feel her breath on his face. A light sent of strawberry filled his nose. “Are you saying….”

“As I said, feel free to do what you want, just make sure the girls marks are kept high, and there will be no negative consequences.”

“So, when you as scholarship girls…?”

Yamani stepped back from Markus and leaned against the desk once more. “The scholarship girls come from poor families, who feel lucky to have their daughters attend such a fine institution, not only that but having her live here, gives them on less mouth to feed. Also, quite a few of the younger girls are here because an older sister was already accepted, if the older sister has to leave the school the younger ones have to leave as well. You can identify these students in their profile. It will indicate whether they are a scholarship student or not.”

“Are you telling me I can molest any of the scholarship students? You can’t be serious?” Markus asked, his face turning red, and his cock growing hard at the thought.

“As an educator and a parent, myself, I hope you would not, however should you choose to, then we will protect you.”

Why the hell would she tell me this, does she really think I’m that kind of pervert? “And the non-Scholarship students?”

Yamani fidgeted a bit, her finger coming to her lips. “They all have strong and influential parents, if you mess with them, we might not be able to protect you as well. If you chose to do so, please be careful and make sure you do so with their consent.”

“Consent? So, the Scholarship girls, I don’t need consent?”

“As I said we will protect you with them, no matter what you do, as long as the graduating class has high marks. If your actions cause too much difficulty for a girl in one of the lower grades or cause her performance to fall below the acceptable standards, we can always remove her form the school.”

Marcus nods. “What about faculty.”

Yamani stares a Markus for a second, a blush creeping up her neck to her cheeks. “Anyone on the school grounds except for the Non-Scholarship girls. If they are the school grounds then we will fix anything that might come up.”
