Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/A time out/Finish time-out

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According to the "correct" way to make a time-out effective, it works best if you talk to the child again after the time-out is over. So, that's what you are going to do.

"Ok Hannah, that's enough, come here." Hannah slowly stands up from the stool with a meek posture and drags her feet across the floor a little as she shuffles over to you. You look down at her and feel somewhat glad she's not being defiant or anything of the sort, although that's really not something you would expect from Hannah in the first place. Rather, it's hard to get mad at her if she's so meek like this.

"So, Hannah, did you think about why you got into trouble?" You ask her.

"Yeah." She responds in a voice that's almost too soft to hear over the noise that the kids back in the play area are making. You heard it well enough though and decide not to push the issue.

"Well then, I don't want you doing anything like that again. If you do, you'll be coming right back in here, and your punishment might be worse next time." Hannah gives a bit of a squeak and a nod at this. "Alright, I think that's enough for now." You continue. "Get out and go play." With that, you send Hannah off to go back to her toys in the play area.

(Obedience +5 (maximum 60), Trust +5)