Daycare manager/Lunch/Cook something nice
You would rather be serving the kids a healthy and tasty meal, not something out of a can. So, you decide to put your cooking skills to work and make something good, (selected the sleeping pill option)and you add a little something extra (to ___'s portion) in order to make it easier to sleep come nap time. As soon as it's ready, you call (1 kid) ___ (2+ kids)the kids over to eat.
Overal, (they/he/she) seem(s) to enjoy the meal. You can see (a lot of smiling faces/an approving smile on his/her face) (selected sleeping pill option)and they don't even seem to notice any taste from the sleep meds you added in / and ___ eats down his/her portion without seeming to notice the sleeping meds mixed in. (drugged kid was 7+)Soon they will be dozing off to sleep, guess they'll be taking a nap like the younger kids. (drugged kid was 6 or younger)Just in time for nap time too, he/she will really be sleeping soundly.
(All non-traumatized children at the meal, happiness +5)