May You be Free/Male

From All The Fallen Stories
< May You be Free
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Blood is spread across the floor. A crude design smeared in it, and you find yourself in the center of the crude design, a circle with markings and erratic lines. Your eyes squeezed shut as you recite the words you memorized. You feel like an idiot for doing this but it's worth a shot.

As you chant, you can't help but focus on the stickiness of the blood that clings to your balls, as you sit cross legged on the floor, your balls hanging down into the thick blood. Finally you say the last word and open your eyes. And to no ones surprise, everything was the same. You sigh, disappointed, and begin to stand up, feeling the blood cling to your body, as it's thickened and become a hard red glue.

As you rise, you feel the air go frigid and your balls retract. You look up and the entire room of your apartment as gone dark and gloomy, and before you stands and tall, menacing figure, with a grin so sharp it could could steel, and eyes so sick, life almost flees from your body to escape.

"Hello faithful servant." It's wide smile greets, cold and disingenuous. "You summon, I respond. Make your request, and know there's a cost."

You let out a sigh. You know all this already. You've considered it, you weighed it, and you've decided your soul is worth pure freedom in life. "Yeah, yeah. Take my soul and give me absolute freedom to do possible things without the restrictions of law and society. Let me wreak my havoc and take my soul."

The dark figure stops smiling and weighs what you've said in its mind. "You've got a--"

You interrupt, "Wait... could I always get all this mess from the dead sheep and such cleaned up?"

The creatures laughs, "You've got a deal." It holds out its gross hand. You grin and grasp it. As you do you feel every fiber of you're being disconnect and reconnect, painfully.

You awaken in your bed, still naked but at least clean, and peer around the room. Now signs of hellish demons or sheep remains. A success or just a peculiarly specific dream based on real life goals? One way to find out.

You get out of bed and stretch, now how will you start your day?

Go outside and rape the first woman you see

Go outside and rape the first man you see

Go outside and rape the first person you see

Go to town

Go to work