Offline/Let Nicole earn her panties back from Emma

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You watch as Nicole plants an elbow above Emma's head in the ticklish grass that surrounds you and pushes the green overgrowth away with her forearm. Hovering above your sister, your cousin continues what she started at the cabin; a slow, bubbling boil of a kiss that gets steamier the longer they go at it. You want to guess that their slow focused actions are mostly due to their mutual inexperience, but somehow even your little sister seems to have more experience at this than you do. You gently reposition Nicole's hair from one side of her face to the other so that it stays out of their way and gives you a better view.

It's so freaky watching your little sister make out with someone up close. It's not just that deep down 'ew it's your sister' kinda gross, but also a 'this is really wrong' kinda gross. Watching your baby sis smack lips with an older girl is as surreal as it is wrong, and the brotherly side of you kind of wants to protect your stupid innocent sister. Of course another part of you wants to goad her on and embarrass her, but it's a close call as to which would win if you let each half duke it out. Just seeing her with anyone else you're sure you would end it with one of those two outbursts. But for some twisted reason watching Emma do this with Nicole, her cousin, your newfound crush, is so incredibly hot and you don't dare do anything to interrupt them.

Emma's cheeks are rosy and flush, her arms outstretched and loosely held behind Nicky's back. Nicole has her free hand resting at the base of Emma's neck, like she's definitely the one in charge. That hand eventually moves down your sister's body and tries to wiggle it's way into your sister's shorts. It's a bad angle and the shorts are small, so after some fumbling Nicole postures up and tries again, barely squeezing her fingers past the tight waist of the shorts. Emma squirms and giggles, their kiss finally broken.

"Just give it already..." Nicole curses your sister's clothing.

Emma continues to squirm. "No, we should keep going!"

Nicole ignores your sis and pulls back to sit on Emma's legs. She goes for Emma's button but your sibling fights back, grabbing at Nicole's hands.

"We're not done! We're not done!" she exclaims.

"Hold her down!" orders Nicole.

You scramble up and grab your sister's arms, pinning them over her head. She can still writhe around beneath Nicole, but she lays back helplessly, her squirming mostly playful. Your cousin pops the button on the shorts and sticks her hand inside your sister's panties, who starts giggling and bucking with a hand rounding her pelvis. Nicole feels around but all she gets from Emma are more giggles. Frustration mounting, Nicky grabs the shorts and rips them down Emma's legs followed shortly by a pair of orange panties. Emma stops squirming now, her bottoms around her ankles and bald pussy on display.

Nicole reaches around Emma's crotch, under Emma's butt, then inspects the orange panties and shorts. "Where is it?" Nicole asks, frustration creeping into her voice. She lifts your sister's blue tank top to her nipples and feels up her sides, your sister's lithe grade school body on full display.

"I hid it," admits Emma quietly.

"What?! Where?"

Emma smiles. "Beside that cabin."

Nicole, realising she was just duped into chasing and kissing your sister, stands up and strips the panties and shorts from Emma's feet. Emma just laughs and starts squirming again. You continue to restrain your sis as ordered, openly staring at the cute little slit between her legs. Nicole walks away, taking Emma's bottoms to the cabin.

"If you took mine then I'm taking yours."

You and your sis watch as your cousin stomps off, not into the cabin, but around it. Nicole steps through the tall grass around the side of the building then throws Emma's clothes into the air. They separate in the air, but the two articles land squarely on top of the steep little roof well out of reach.

Emma scrambles up off the ground - you were barely holding her really - and runs up to the cabin stretching her shirt down to cover her crotch.

"Nicole! Get them down!"

You're not sure if she could if she wanted to. It's not like you have a ladder here. But Nicole just shakes her head. "No way. This is what you get."

"It is kinda fair," you note with amusement while walking up to the girls, trying to backup your cousin.

"Oh, and guess what?" Nicole continues, taunting your sister. "I took your panties! So now you have to kiss me!"

Emma sighs a big, "Fine,' and steps closer, willing to continue with the game. She grabs Nicole's shoulders to help lift her up on her tiptoes, Nicole hardly helping, to plant a short kiss square on her older cousin's lips.

"Will you get them now?"

"Nope. Not until you get me my panties."

"That's not fair! You said y-"

"It's totally fair! I had to run around camp like this!" Nicole turns and lifts her dress flashing you and your sister and showcasing the playful mindset she's now in. You're positive she would never do that normally.

"But you have all sorts of things you can wear now," Emma whines, gesturing at the clothing littered forest. "Can you please get my shorts down?"

"No way! That's not fair at all!" Nicole plants her hands on her hips which presses her dress tight enough to her body for you to just make out both her belly button and pussy with the scattered rays of light coming through the canopy. "What's fair would be making you do what I had to. But it should be even worse than that, making me kiss you..." she grumbles, trailing off.

"How about she has to wear your dress?" you suggest.

"No, that's too good for her. Besides, I play fair. Sometimes..." she clarifies, glancing at your trunks. "Since I'm such a good sport I'll keep my dress on." She grabs the sides and twirls it around her waist, kicking her legs a little. Pretty apparent she doesn't want to get changed now. "But Emma, you need something else. Give me your shirt."

"You're not going to throw it on the roof, are you?"

"Does it matter?" asks Nicole. "You won't be wearing it."

Emma thinks for a second, looks around to confirm that she's still in the middle of the woods, then pulls her shirt off. For once in her life she seems embarrassed, very aware of her complete and utter nudity in the warm summer sun, even cowering a little to try to hide herself. She warily passes her top over and Nicole promptly wads it up and throws it too up onto the roof with the rest of Emma's outfit.

Your sister shouts and whines, "Hey! You promised!"

"No, I said it wouldn't matter." She smiles naughtily then bites her finger. "But it was too fun to not do it after you mentioned it."

Nicole orders your sister not to move then wanders through the clothing strewn around the cabin. Emma performs a quiet little dance by herself, watching with subdued frustration with her hands tucked between her legs, a scattered selection of gender-appropriate clothing just out of reach. It's a lot of fun watching your sister squirm with embarrassment, so you antagonize her a little.

"Are you cold sis? You should probably do some jumping jacks. Maybe some cartwheels."

"Justice! Quit!" Emma shoots back with a saucy smile.

A short game of dress-up ensues. Nicole pulls a few sparse articles, mostly just underwear, for Emma to try on. A neon bra and pantie combo look surprisingly good on her. The cup of the bra is very small, but since your sister is totally flat chested it manages to look very out of place. And yet strangely enticing. Your cousin teases your sis by telling her that she has to pick between them, bra or panties, then takes both away when your sister starts to complain.

After a bit of playing around, Nicole makes the final call. Emma is given an undershirt, a simple thin white tank top. That's it. Being that it's Nicole's it is a little large on the younger Emma. That size difference does afford her a bit more length and ensures all of her naughty bits get covered (barely) but it also means it is a hair loose on her, the normally form fitting item unable to hug Emma's slight frame the same way it would Nicole's. Which isn't to say that it's baggy, but rather that the cut of the top isn't entirely appropriate. The shoulder straps drop lower than she needs them to exposing more of her underarm and chest than normal. The openness allows for a lot of shifting forward and back on Emma's shoulders, which affects the angle of the bottom hem of the light top. At the very least it would seem pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that this is not her shirt.

Emma is mostly okay with the selection since her body is covered but now she's a lot more worried about getting caught than Nicole, your cousin taking on your sister's normally flighty and carefree attitude after playing dressup.

"What if someone notices? What do I say?" asks Emma, picking at the straps supporting her plunging neckline.

"You can't say anything," Nicole quickly scolds. Not the most helpful advice.

"Duh. I don't want to get in trouble. So what should I say if mom sees I'm not wearing my clothes?" she clarifies, glancing to you.

You jump in with a suggestion. "Just say you got dirty. You fell in some mud and Nicole gave you something to wear."

You chat some more about contingencies and the girls share a silent moment of understanding. Both of their attitudes change a little, Nicole's softening and Emma's bubbling. It's really weird that they both kinda want this, that they're both so open to pushing boundaries. At least they're on the same page now. If only it wasn't a page from the 'let's do some risky shit and try not to get caught' playbook. But apparently they both have a little bit of thrill-seeker in them. It must run in the family.

You bring up the rear as you all walk back down the trail, Nicole taking the lead. Your sister from the back is almost passable. Lots of girls wear long shirts over their shorts so she's not that out of place. If only the top was a little smaller to fit her better. Then again, it's almost too tight around her scant hips as it is, shaping itself to the contours of her bare butt while she walks. It's just the wrong kind of top to attempt to hide a pair of shorts under and there's no hiding the lack of ruffled or layered clothing, or even pantie line, with the smooth grip this shirt has of her backside. You just hope no one else decides to stare at your sister's ass the way you are right now.

"Okay, so where is it?" Nicole asks again as you come out of the treeline, Emma keeping her exact hiding place secret as insurance.

"It's beside the cabin," she replies.

"Like, underneath something?"

Emma shakes her head. "No, beside the cabin."

"You just left my panties on the ground!?" Nicole quietly exclaims before speedily walking away.

You try to watch anyone nearby for signs of suspicion as the three of you move across the open camp, but you arrive a few moments later without any fanfare. Emma crouches down and riffles through the thick grass next to the wooden structure.

"Well?" asks Nicole.

Emma steps to one side, widening her search. "I think I put it here..."

"Seriously? You lost my panties?"

"I dunno..."

"Well where else could you ha-"

"Emma!" You all turn to watch your cousin Asha run up to Emma. She's dripping wet and wearing a spunky bikini that is eye catching even for someone who doesn't have sex on the brain. With all of you suddenly staring, her smile disappears and she comes to a stop, looking back at you all blankly. "Oh, um, whatcha doin?"

Emma shrugs. "Nothing."

"Oh..." She looks at you and Nicole but doesn't care to ask further. "You should come swimming already!" The invitation is mostly directed at Emma.

"Yeah, but I told you I didn't bring my swimsuit."

"It's okay! Auntie Grace says it doesn't matter, and..." Asha glances suspiciously at the two older kids flanking her. "It's okay. I'll tell you after. But you're totally allowed! So you're coming, right?"

Emma looks over at you as if asking permission to leave, then just shrugs and replies, "Maybe later."

Asha shouts, "Fine! I'll get you wet eventually!" as she runs back toward the river.

"So where are my panties again?" Nicole asks calmly, the interruption giving her time to think more clearly.

"I... It was right here, I swear. But maybe... maybe someone took it?"

"Do you really need them, Nicole?" you ask.

"Yeah, they're mine! And they're my favorite pair! I bought them while on vacation last year."

Who buys underwear on vacation? "Okay, well maybe someone took them to get washed? We should check the clotheslines a-"

"Wait..." Nicole pauses in thought. "Auntie Grace... didn't she say her swimsuit went missing?"

You have a tinge of guilt hit you despite being innocent. With her undoing and outright removing pieces of her suit more than once while sunbathing, the thought of getting Grace all the way naked had sparked your imagination at one point but you would never go hunting in her cabin or anything to steal her stuff. Maybe if it was an easy grab... but it wasn't you. "Yeah, but... you think they're related?"

"Probably. I know two little pervs who sat behind us at dinner that might think it was funny."

"But would they steal it and keep it? Or just ditch it somewhere? Maybe they want to see us look for it."

"I dunno, but I'm gonna go find them," Nicole announces, walking away with a determined look. "You guys keep searching just in case."

You watch as Nicole snakes her way between unmanned chairs around the firepit scanning the grounds for her targets. She's soon knocking on doors and peering through windows while you and Emma spread out. Emma checks the opposite side of this cabin while you move closer to the treeline to search along its edge. Not a minute later Emma starts squealing and races past you shouting, "Asha! Don't!"

Your mutual cousin has a huge smile on her face while chasing after your sister carrying a sloshing pail of water. You're too amused by the prospect of your sister getting doused to intervene. Emma's bare butt comes into view as she races across the camp. It looks like she's pulling down on the front of her shirt to try to stay covered but that's also pulling the straps forward on her shoulders and lifting the back high enough for her butt to pop out, her small flexing glutes shimmying the thin article up and over them with ease.

Asha just laughs at her scrambling bare assed cousin. Someone yells "Get her!" while someone else comments "Take it to the river." Emma is staying just barely out of range, weaving in and around the cabins. But when she turns a corner she slams into Nicole and the two of them spin around. Catching each other before they fall, they both come to a stop a half second before a couple gallons of water are thrown at them.

A few cheers and laughs come from onlookers. The wet girls step away from each other, both with looks of horror on their faces. Nicole doesn't appear to have been hit too bad, but Emma is totally drenched. Her thin white top was instantly saturated and now clings to her body. It has become distinctly less opaque wherever it touches her, perfectly designed for a wet t-shirt contest. Chest, nipples, stomach, belly button, her entire torso, every detail is plainly visible. The shirt hangs away from her crotch just enough to obscure her pussy, but her pelvis and hips show the same fleshy colour as the rest of the shirt making it very clear that no other clothing is underneath it. Of course having most of her butt still hanging out the back should be enough proof for most people that she lacks any sort of bottoms.

"Told you I'd get you wet!" Asha giggles giddily. "Now come swim with me!"

Asha grabs Emma's hand to lead her away, your sister's bare butt clenched tight behind her. A few people chuckle awkwardly, not willing to discipline or question whatever it is that they're witnessing. It's a good thing your parents aren't present, at least for Emma's sake, although they'll certainly hear about this from someone later.

Your exposed sister is already blushing a deep red as she's pulled away, probably helped along by her mad dash around the camp. That leaves Nicole alone in her splashed dress standing confused and conflicted. She doesn't look so confident now that her naughty partner in crime is leaving. Nicole's outfit hasn't been ruined though. It's mostly just one side of Nicole's dress that got wet. Its level of transparency hasn't really changed either, probably because it's designed to get wet, but the dress is now clinging to parts of her body. It forms itself around one of her boobs, her tiny titty now very recognizable, its somewhat conical shape readily apparent. You try not to stare, but boobs do tend to catch your eye. You've been caught far too many times looking at or down a classmate's shirt, so you try not to let Nicole notice as you walk towards her.

Suggest you follow Emma to the river

Ask Nicole what she wants to do Request --Notsooldpervert (talk) 20:35, 31 August 2018 (CEST)