Life Hacks/(Inf/Lox/No-comp/Fem/Weird+instant/Age-inf)-(Preg)/(Wells House/Danica-Everybody-Ellie)/Restart time with this

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 16:54, 22 October 2018 by Telgar (talk | contribs)
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Now then... that should do it. You get yourself back in the mood to the best of your memory, looking at your little 8-year-old sister frozen in time as she is up on the balls of her feet in the middle of an excited mini-hop as she is literally demanding that you have sex with her as though having sex and knocking her up is no different from playing her favorite board game. You feel your cock give a jump at the idea, and you are eager and ready to fully satisfy her as you press the button to start time again while walking into the bathroom.

You find a way to casually swing your hand through the "close window" box in order to get rid of the life controller as you slip past an eager little sister and sit on the toilet. The very moment you sit down, Roni is immediately hopping up on your lap, sliding her but in the same way as Ellie was on the chair before. You notice that your penis has shrunk down to 1.5 inches again as Roni begins to try putting it into herself with no hands, the same way as Ellie did. However, in her excitement, she is a lot more clumsy about it and rather than it rubbing through her butt crack and sliding into her pussy, she's rubbing it all over her butt cheeks and it's poking into her labia as she squirms around. After a little bit of this, she manages to sit on your dick in the correct general area of her entrance, but your dick is sideways at this point and she's sitting directly on top of it.

"How does it go inside?" Roni asks, lifting herself up at the same time as you see Ellie awkwardly tromping and waddling in with her hands still attempting to keep every last drip of your stuff from falling to the floor.

"Here, lift up." You tell your sister as Ellie turns her distracted eyes to watch what you and Roni are doing. Roni, also distracted by Ellie's entrance, does as you say. You reach between the two of you and grab your now instantly lengthened 4 inch penis and point it up at your kid sister's entrance. "Ok, now sit down." On your command, Roni impales her pussy on your cock, nestling the glans fully into her entrance. Once you have removed your hand, she incautiously just sits the rest of the way down and sends you balls-deep inside of herself with a single push. You feel the reminants of her even more previously stretched hymen finished off in the process. You imagine that while Roni may not have had a penis inside her before, she has likely had Charity's and her own fingers up in there on enough occasions she only just barely had a hymen left.

"Alright, it's in." You tell her as Siobhan slowly pokes her head in.

"Eeehiii!" Roni makes a proud self-satisfied sound as she turns her head and grins at you.

"Alright, now start moving yourself up and down in order to get the white stuff to come out." Roni lets out a resolved "Umph" style sound and immediately spreads her legs and puts her hands on your thighs to begin bouncing up and down the way Ellie did. Actually, unlike Ellie's slow and unsure bouncing on your cock, Roni's bouncing is rather energetic, and with every bounce she drives herself back down on your penis like she's trying to hammer a nail. If you didn't know your cock would adjust its size to prevent it, you would be honestly concerned about her puncturing a hole in her own cervix with your penis.

You know exactly what Roni's after. Rather than seeing this as her trying to get sexual pleasure from this experience, she just wants to get the white stuff as fast as possible. She must have thought it looked fun when she saw Ellie making you squirt inside her, and now she just wants to do the same. In fact, with how competitive she is, she will probably start to feel frustrated if she can't get you to shoot off at least as fast as you did with Ellie. To your end, you try to help her out with this as much as possible. You are very glad right now for your infinite semen cheat, otherwise you would definitely be too spent by now for this. However, with a bottomless supply of cum always eager to get out, all you have to do is picture the idea of your precious little sister with a baby growing in her belly and that's enough to set you over the edge.

"Mmm... Aunt Siobhan, can you get me a towel?" Ellie turns to ask when Siobhan, apparently too enthralled by the sight of what you and Roni are doing, is failing to do anything to help her get herself cleaned up.

"Oh, yes." Siobhan says and pulls a hand-towel off the towel holder next to the sink and hands it to her 5 year old niece. The little kid, likely just finishing up preschool, eagerly takes the towel with one hand and immediately drops it on the floor between her legs. She removes her hands from her pussy which drips a huge string of white that she had just been holding inside herself down onto the hand-towel, and then she immediately kneels down over the towel, leaking your semen on the floor in the middle of the bathroom. At the exact same time as this is going on, you begin giving your own 2nd-grader kid sister exactly what she's after, a belly full of sperm of her own.

"Ohhh!" You groan and spread your legs as you take Roni by the thighs and stop her bouncing in order to force out your baby-goo right next to the entrance to her 8-year-old uterus. As one girl leaks your cum into a towel, the other has her uterus overflow with fresh cum actively blasting into her womb, the excess being forced out under such pressure it splashes against the water in the toilet like pee spraying out. After a few spurts, this repeated sound of back-spray is joined by a pitter-patter of drips falling off your balls into the toilet as well. "Ohhh... yeah." You sigh out in euphoria as you hug your little sister from behind as you continue to enjoy the sensation of putting your baby inside her. Roni just looks up for a minute, but her attention is quickly captured again by the special of the white stuff coming out of her pussy.

You let out a final gasping groan as your climax comes to an end. Roni seems to sense that you are done and begins squirming eagerly, throwing off your hands and then springing out of your lap. A flood of semen immediately flows out of her and onto the floor between her legs. She tries to look guilty about this as she looks at Ellie and then Siobhan, but you know your sister well enough to realize she's actually pretty amused about it. "Umm... uh-oh, it went on the floor." She finally says as she turns around to face you. She turns around and looks at you with her legs standing slightly apart and then looks down at herself as your stuff is still just gushing out of her and a few gobs still big enough to form large drops and fall to the floor as the rest of it runs over her labia by surface tension and flows down her left leg.

Now then...

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 5 inches - cut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Physical: 200
Mental: 200
Social: 200
Appearance: 200
Health: 100%
Energy: 60%
Focus: 16%
Stress: 80%
Arousal: 100%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: Lifie Mod
Nerdy clothes, smartwatch, pocket protector
Other Items
Life Controller Duck, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
Infinite semen, no refractory period,Goldilocks cock,Pain and complication free pregnancy and delivery,Female children only,Instant approval,Weird World,Age Pass Infinite.
Page Tally:
WIP points
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything.
Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max Fertility
  • Dismissable count X1

Ellen "Ellie" Wells
Acquaintance 5 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max fertility

Siobhan O'Connell
Acquaintance 16 years old

Notes: Max Fertility

Patricia "Trish" Wells
Acquaintance 33 years old


  • Max fertility
  • Pregnant with your child

Danica Wells
Acquaintance 8 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max fertility
  • Pregnant with your child

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old

Notes: '

Loki (Player)
Benefactor ???? years old

Notes: '